Eric Clanton is suffering moderate ass pain from what Sup Forums did to him. Apparently he is facing prison time. I wonder what his cellblock name will be.
The Bikelock Bitch Is Butthurt
Other urls found in this thread:
I guarantee he's a fag
archive of it
pretty funny read
Eric "The Cock Cleric" Clanton
Kek confirm's faggot's butthurt
Professor Prolapse
Miss Erica, girlfriend.....
Miss Erica, girlfriend.....
gotta love it, they think that because they convince eachother that they can dismiss the case as online ravings of a Trekkie-UFO-chasing group, the court will do the same....their fannies will be on fire when they see the similar work done by certified personnel with documented sources and no websites involved.....any mention of Sup Forums will be disallowed by the judge....
>RIP Comrade
In my grandfather's day they would have beat this idiot within a whisker. Kinda strange since they were all union men
he is going to radicalize his fellow prisoners to be antifa
>Charlottesville Police Officer Tells All
Federal Judge Glen Conrad responsible for the death of Heather Heyer and the bloodshed in Charlottesville.
>Gregg Jarrett on Fed Judge Glen Conrad (skip to 54:30min)
Money is behind the protests, not activism. ANTIFA is a paid actors organization.
>Craigslist Ad for "$25 an hour protesters", for guess where...
>Why Was This 'Crowd Hire' Company Recruiting $25 An Hour 'Political Activists' In Charlotte Last Week?
Too bad the iww cant just throw a bunch of money at the court system. Hell, don't IWW own the court and police unions?
Need to add the iww being the organizers of both sides in Charlottesville. Bribedthe police chief and used the police union to force compliance from virginia police.
Even eric clanton belongs to iww and the teachers union. Guess they cant help out or they get pulled into the investigatuon as well.
Its all connected to the hardline communist iww.
I read the whole statement. Not once did he say he didn't do it. Hmm... Maybe start there if you want sympathy, Eric?
>t can't be a crime if it's reported by a nazi
> When I was interviewed at the police station detective Hong had the nerve to say to me, “the internet did the work for us.”
Oh baby
>My case threatens to set a new standard in which right wing extremists can select targets for repression and have police enthusiastically and forcefully pursue them.
Hey burger! Stop stealing our jobs
Funny how he still can't come out and claim he's innocent. Literally just ad homming his accusers
I don't think he's ever denied doing it. Supposedly he called the college to discuss what happened the day after the riot, and worded himself similarly.
I've heard more evidence was found in the raid. Is this confirmed?
Who said prolapse?! I LIKE PROLAPSE!
Awww poor wittle ewic
I hope a homo NS rapes him in the showers, like in that scene from "American History X"
Having a homo NS muscle-stud cumming in his ass whilst blowing a kiss down his ear will be the ultimate humliation.
Kek'd hard. Same as when someone commented that his post-prison anus will be "gaping like a clown's packet".
Guarantee he won't be so tolerant after spending some time in prison
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure the retard still had the bike lock
>When I was interviewed at the police station detective Hong had the nerve to say to me, “the internet did the work for us.”
You're not wrong. He did have it.
It'll be a great opportunity to experience a semi-anarchic society, I mean it won't be the full anarchy that he dreams of, they still have guards, but it's a step in the right direction for him no doubt.
He will have years and years to think about things and calm down.
>the internet did the work for us.
we did it reddit!
doesnt once actually say he didnt do it, just tries to smear the source
punching a nazi is no crime, surely that will get him off
don't you understand you RAYCIS BIGOT!
>we BPD nao
So what is he bitching about? He didn't like the way he got caught? Or that he doesn't think assault should be illegal? I'm confused...?
A leaf appears
>The Aryan Brotherhood, Mexican, and Black gangs are going to respond positively to his ideologies and virtue signaling!
>Surely his overwhelming intellect with subdue their rage!
>Now who wants to fuck this dog with me?
DOUBLE confirm confirmation of Kek's will
this is the future he chose. sad
Kek, spam that email. I'm going to make a few burner email accounts to see if they get butthurt enough to reply back
hard to deny you didn't do it when you have the fucking weapon and when the internet forensic work unequivocally condemns him
I turned off the nukes
>When I was interviewed at the police station detective Hong had the nerve to say to me, “the internet did the work for us.”
Detective Hong seems like a nice shitposter
I was held in MKultra and had the atomic code.
I am part human, part annunaki.
oh dear. how did he forget to turn comments off?
Be proud, Sup Forums
Be proud.
weird, he didnt mention his brilliant activism where he sneak-attacks with his bikelock people sitting down peacefully and smashes it hard on their skulls
Well done.
Thee nukes were the MAD project which kept the world separated in fear. They don't exist.
It's all just Hocus Pocus.
The atomic code is 666
>dumb fucker got /po/'d
>“the internet did the work for us.”
Is Detective Hong /ourguy/?
We should make him a card
you know what to do Sup Forums
Fucking A
>Professor Prolapse
Splendid alliteration!
As much as I'd like to take all the credit, it couldn't have been done without the assistance of my fellow MAGApedes, some of which are black. Thank you, based black MAGApedes.
based hong
Could we crowd fund his "room mate" to help make sure little eric has a pleasant stay?
no break on the Sup Forums train
>racist police
If you dont have dark skin in 2017 your a racist.
whatever he did doesnt matter when the people who outed him are those horrible, terrible bad hombres on those hateful websites
that's the gist of his rant
doubles says he necks himself before going inside
thx i hadnt noticed that
aw, poor eric. let me guess, it was someone else's fault, right?
there's a simple solution to problems like this; don't want to go to jail? don't do illegal things.
as well as antifa literature IIRC
based black man
Who'd have thunk reversed sleeping patterns & cripplingly over-active pattern recognition skills would save western civilisation?
Imagine being a commie & carrying an all seeing eye wearing a swastika armband in your head for free.
All the time. top kek.
if the internet is shit then you must acquit
oh yeah, also his clothing he used at the protests:)
total amateurism
but if youre a fan then gas him senpai
I had a dream last night where I made Soros sleep with the fishes, also I traveled through time and shit
It's a good sign kek willing
That's a diatribe and a half.
I hope he's going to jail on the flimsiest of evidence. How ironic would that be.
>we literal internet detectives now
Sgt Hans, throw the book at him.
>at gun point
fucking police man..
Red Shitter
Will he become in prison, dare I say, /ourgirl/ Erika?
gonna need some source on the driver being a hillary supporter
We're a veritable chaotic unorganised intelligence agency rivaling the alphabet soups minus the funding, all we need is a Bruce Wayne and we're set. I have a feeling in the distant future we will be held up as standard for all future intelligence agencies because of chaotic nature, our transparancey because any citizen can join in, the anti-thesis of secret societies that corrupted mankind like those kike jesuits
Maybe if "ANTIFA" was actually a manifestation of working class resistance and not a weekend of activity of 20-something yuppie
He will have lots of amusing bantz to relate when he leaves prison: "Bitch, i's got a big black key, and it's gwine in YO lock, muddafucka"
We need to start painting him as a snitch now.
Go fly your white flag faggot
We SS now.
Nah... He will become a bitch to niggers in prison like all white antifas end up since they don't have anyone to protect them. Only race matters in prison, 'political affiliation' is not a thing.
LOL at trying to explain to some 65 IQ illiterate dindu that "I am fighting against the heteronormative white supremacist Christian patriarchical regime that is oppressing p POCs and LGBTQs through capitalism and micro-aggressions".
He will radicalize them while looking over his shoulder and holding eye contact.
He continues the glorious legacy of Donny the Punk.
>we shut down drug den flop houses
>we coordinated artillery strikes on ISIS
>we put a communist in prison
>all for the sake of entertainment
Think about that
>I wonder what his cellblock name will be.
Pincushion Clanton