how can anyone here actually support trump? has anyone actually heard him speak? fucking chimps are more articulate and intelligent than him, and we all make fun of them.
How can anyone here actually support trump? has anyone actually heard him speak...
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Neck yourself, moron. Trump didn't get almost 4 billion dollars by being retarded.
No, he was just less likely to start a world war.
>inb4 complete ignorance of Clinton's time as secretary of state
>implying you need to be smart to earn money with money
>implying he didn't have smarter people help him
>implying he actually has 4 billion dollars
>implying that justifies continuing support for someone so stupid
>fun flag and not actual flag: check
>stupid opinion: check
>worthless thread: check
just go back to tumblr already nigger
>hurr i dont actually have a response to anything you said
nice commentary you got there
Nice try on the put-downs there champ but Mr Trump is fairly secure in his qualifications. Also he doesn't let his husband fuck other women so he can earn 200 million from a war. Hillary a shit.
why are you still talking about hillary as if that justifies continuing support for someone who is actually retarded. what are his qualifications for running a country, he had a business?
you understand that running a country and running a business are entirely different things, or are you also retarded?
He was the most qualified person in the running for the job. You're just shitty some limp wristed jew-in-the-butt didn't come along and give all your internet friends a free iphone and healthcare.
One word. Immigration.
>He was the most qualified person in the running for the job
fucking how?
well, each individual state is it's own sorta democracy ya see now champ, then ALL the states put in their votes, but wait! it's not exactly proportional to population density BECAUSE farmers are more important than dirty city people.
After that trump becomes president and lesbians hug and cry - but hey they do that whoever gets elected
which means he's the most qualified?
are you high?
you're high.
Trump is the most qualified because he won, which means that he knew the game and won it. One way he knew the game was the massive discontent with the middle class and middle America and he was also able to give middle America id pol instead of laughing at them like every other gop/dem fuckwits do.
>trump is the most qualified because he won, which means that he knew the game and won it
this is retarded thinking. if you gave americans the choice to decide who should get the next nobel prize in chemisty, it wouldn't go to the person who actually deserves it. i'm not arguing for the end of democracy, only that your reasoning is hardly reasoned.
Sage and report slide garbage
>What is a republic?
>What is representative democracy?
What are you? Fucking 12? Start a new thread on the topic and put your intro as:
'I believe with my retarded level of IQ that presidencies should be decided like the nobel prize in chemistry because I am really smart. The end.'
Sage you pathetic ass
if that's really all you got out of what i said it seems you're the retarded one. but sure keep arguing points im not making and it'll turn out fine, because i totally said that, it's not like you have shit reading comprehension or anything.
Why should I take your retarded thread serious?
You don't even have the stones to post with your actual geo flag. Like all the pussys that have been flocking here drooling like mongoloids because they can post shit b8 due to recent events, you cowards all hide behind fun flags. Because you don't believe in anything and everything is a joke to you.
>b-b-but muh straw man
You're a dumb nigger end of story
What is truly retarded is equating a Nobel prize in chemistry with a political election result.
What is also retarded is left's inability to comprehend that they made Trumps victory a reality.
>What is truly retarded is equating a Nobel prize in chemistry with a political election result.
because this is what i did, again, you guys need to learn to read better, you'll never graduate high school at this rate.
>chimps are more articulate
Yeah just like the one we had as president before trump. If if if if if okie dokie
Why is this OP still posting? KYS already.
You have to be completly retarded to not admit Obama had better speeches than Trump
Is this a brave antifag who tripped and fell into our whole? What a complete fucken retard honestly to come and start shit on our turf. GET OFF MAH BOARD
What did Trump do exactly? And what was the alternative? Hillary? Not sure where you're going with this are you trying to say george bush was articulate Trumps not a great speaker off the cuff but at least he's not a giant vagina like Obama or our PM princess silly socks also kys with your meme flag
don't you have a cat to set on fire?
stay mad, faggot
>Obama had better speeches than Trump
not only were his tel-a-prompts stale, the ideas weren't even good
did you see the latest press conference? trump comes up with the best speeches right on the spot
could you honestly do the same?
Yes, I support Trump.
Did you learn how to read, samefag?
I wake up every morning praising God, & KeK.
Trump is socially retarded and he is still more economically sound than any DNC candidate.
Leftist economics barely even exist. Social security is fine, so what if it's gonna defualt? Just extend the retirement age to 70 for newer generations only! This is a perfectly sane approach. Let's lower our gdp per capita by inviting immigrants...
They try to claim immigrants are gonna increase the gdp, and by mining fucking what? We had to cut tens of thousands of oil jobs do to over production. Are they gonna just shit out magical diversity tacos as exports? Everything they can do in skilled labor can be done by somebody else. Any inch you get in gdp from them being here has massive baggage and isn't close to being worth it.
You're right. Low-iq humans shouldn't be allowed to vote, let alone run for office.
>how can anyone here actually support trump?
IQ level on this board is near flat earther level at this point.
This. Hillary was telegraphing war with Russia the whole campaign. Also, since the U.S. created ISIS, I wanted to end it and Trump was the only way to bypass deep state. But Trump is an incompetent buffoon who doesn't know the first thing about being a Statesman, nor how to handle the psyops, nor does he council wisdom from Above.