You will all bow before the Christian God and accept the law of Christ into your heart.
You will all bow before the Christian God and accept the law of Christ into your heart
No I won't
>implying they haven't done this before birth
you really don't understand how the HOLY SPIRIT works, do you?
everybody has it.
that's the covenant.
welcome to humanity a.d.
where the sacrifice and resurrection happened already.
however, they won't all bow.
the birds must be gorged with their flesh.
>vatican religion
Reminder: the catholic church was infiltrated by luciferians, freemasons, commies ect. throughout the 1100-2000's..
Reminder: traditional Catholics have the faith, Rome has the church, but not the faith.
Traditional Catholicism condemned modernist Rome and pope Francis is not pope, benedict is.
Also christ teaches both good and evil will be within his church, because of man's freewill to choose to do something good or evil, there are popes, bishops, priests ect.. in hell because of evil choices.
>old religions are forever gone
this truly makes me sad.
traditional Catholicism will never fall
Empire of Japan still exists you know.
catholicism is gay as fuck
you don't even worship one god
you worship shittone of "saints" which were sacred because they raped little children
also your fetish for mary the whore LOL
>old religions are forever gone
Old religion was Zoroastrianism.
Christianity/Islam/Judaism are all literally Fan Fiction.
Greek Philosophy was the height of the western world.
Pic related happened every time some nation went full on religion.
I meant OP's pic.
I meant pre-Christian/Islam ones.
>because they raped little children
They were sainted because they did stuff that was valuable to the church. Getting sainthood is the same as getting a medal in the army.
and they probably raped little children because cucktolicism doesn't promote having a familty lol
Amen brother. God will see it through that everything is alright in the end.
>which were sacred because they raped little children
Are protestants welcome here?
rate pope thread?
I'm not even Catholic.
I hope you respect the Pope.
We accept God into our hearts, not in false temples or false prophets like the Pope.
The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man,
>false prophets like the Pope
>He thinks that catholicism will prevail always and always
Vatican cannot help itself from intruding in the politics of nations with catholic majority and THAT is a recipe for disaster, as seldom can the church muster enough discipline to abstain from choice when political rift cracks deeper and deeper into populace.
Choice will be remembered and usually becomes the basis for secularisation of society itself, regardless of what stance government may have.
Confess Christ is lord
Believe the gospel
Follow God's commandments
That last one is going to trap a lot of people. Pray those who have done poorly in this can do better and escape God's judgment.
Only really evil ppl don't respect da pope.
I actually find it remarkable that the haven't heard of any mass catholic exodus from this.
this post
fake news, lies, false beliefs, false information, not true.
>deus vult flag
you kiketolics have a strange fetish for mary and worship shittone of saints
He really is the last Pope, I thought that lining bolt that hit the Vatican was just a coincidence but God was communicating and warning back then when he got put into the position.
stay unsaved cucktholic
>captcha "Ruata ANGLICAN
The Vatican was always satanic, it's just now brave enough to show its true face.
A 1000 years of uninterrupted Vatican influence in politics have led to this, always remember that.
Today's Vatican church is a farce run by a communist antipope. Go fuck yourself apostate.
Why would anyone worship something that they can't and won't ever see? It's fucking nonsense. Same goes for Islam and the Jew cultists.
Aw you cheeky cunt!
That's a funny looking Rabbi