I just leave this here..
I just leave this here
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you smell that? Smells like burning fossils
What is a demisexual? And is there even a difference between transgender and transsexual?
they're all faggots, all of them.
one is pretending to be a girl and the other has chopped off their dick
can I identify as a sherman tank?
The fuck is "Allies" and "Twospirit"?
according to the mandatory (((sexuality))) class I had to take, sexuality is who you want to go to bed with and gender is who you want to be in bed.
There there little frog, don't be so sad.
plz, someone nuke the GTA
>up to half of people aren't straight
>half of people are women
this surprisingly checks out
>mandatory (((sexuality))) class
fucking lmfao
such is life in clapistan even when you're trying to get a STEM degree
>And is there even a difference between transgender and transsexual?
It's connected with sex-change operations I think. One of these is pre-op, the other is post-op but I don't really know which one. I guess transsexual means you're post-op.
They forgot pedo-loving
I've heard that people who are doing philosophy degrees get those classes but what does that have to do with engineering. This is some next level brainwashing.
"half the public secretly identifies as LGBT to some extent"
>What a vague, bullshit statement.
can I join the club too?
They dont forget
ya know the sad/stupid part about is well the school probably spent 2-5k on this so they can keep/get more funding
srsly thats how these retards make a living
I think you'll find the correct term is "hebe sexual" so please be careful next time with your pedophobe posts
Well done.
Fucking leafs.
We should troll them into adding BDSM to this since they added the P for polyamory
Best way to destroy and ridicule these people is to keep piling on inane bullshit for them to do
I'm literally laughing pre loud
Also bonus if someone can fit WTF or BBQ in somewhere
(Pic with bright eyes in both Q's)
Someone plz do 10000 hours in ms paint plz
Can I buy another vowel please
The repeating letters in the acronym, may God forgive me for uttering this word, "triggers me". >What does the G stand for?
>Which one?
>The first one
>Are you implying gay is more important than genderqueer you fucking bigot?
>Space is limited
Not for text, it seems.
I have no autism machine for this.
it's a joke right ?
oh is it weird i am not being googled with the captcha?
Demisexuals are characterized by a lack of sexual attraction toward any person unless they become deeply emotionally or romantically connected with a specific person
I find the idea insulting, like everyone else doesn't care about the emotional connection to the people they are attracted to.
I think 2 spirit is probably a native american with schizophrenia. And Allies means P-51s and sheeeeit.
The fuck is this shit
Thats a big Sherman
sounds gay
We are tolerant, liberal and capitalists.
Just send musta a nice email
>dear Musta, inslef identify as a furry leopard mark Ii. My pronounces are tank, tankers and tanked.
You get the idea
oh shit I guess I'm a demisexual then, can I claim gibs from the government for being a minority?
If I light off my ammo rack, will you die?
Looking at the thumbnail I read it as "Indecisiveness training". Thought someone was meming.
Regret opening the image now
No but you can study and not be harassed - provided your teacher has followed the training.
I also don't get this grouping of sexual identities. Should it not be simpler: heterosexual and non-heterosexual. Otherwise we should expand heterosexuality to include anal-lists, interracials, chokers, blond lover, brunette lovers, etc.
fucking useless then, if I get harassed then I'll just smack 'em gobbins anyways
This is like an onion article or shitty boomer on facebook joke come to life.
Two spirit is indians who had the spirit of man and woman on the inside. Basically they're fags and sissy bois.
>still no Pedosexual
When will we get our time bros...
>Leviticus 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
Time to research if I can tell the LGTBQA club at work to fuck off for infringing on my religious beliefs. They're always having parades and meeting and giving us candy and gay notepads.
What is this training you and the Americans are talking about? Is it mandatory now to get jobs in Anglo countries?
Would you fuck moldy locks ?
You can't, unless you are a muzzie.
Most large companies provide mandatory diversity and ethics training but it's not government subsided.
Jesus, I wanted to move to Canada, but you are scaring the shit out of me. I could understand ethics training but what does knowing all those acronyms have to do with the job? This is some Orwellian shit.
>Leviticus 19:28 “You must not put tattoo marking upon yourselves.”
If God didn't want gays, why did He create them?
Stay in Ireland then
They are born that way just as much as murders are born murderers.
for you.
You give me the the hebe jebes
>Lesbian - homosexual
>Gay - homosexual
>Genderqueer - ??
>Bisexual - homosexual
>Demisexual - ??
>Transgender - homosexual
>transsexual - homosexual
>Twospirit - ??
>Intersex - Intersex people still have a biological sex
>Queer - ??
>Questioning - literally ???
>Asexual - ??
>Allies - anyone pathetic enough to support this
>Pansexual -???
>Polyamorous - ??
wow so nice of them to invite speakers from k-pax
sound like a homosexual
Say wha..?
I like your post. This kind of fantasy is unsustainable, it will die one way or another.
I’m not surprised at all. What IS interesting is that the post-modern lunatics calling themselves “genderqueer” have moved their initial to 3rd place, surpassing bisexuals and even the trannys.
This is how it's pronounced:
isn't the word "queer" considered an insult or at least offensive in anglospeaking countries?
>wayne state university
pic preemptively related for after you look that up
Allies are normal people who think going along with these gender ideas makes the cool a sshows hoe open and accepting they are. Also, isn´t two- spirit some term for Native American shamans or something?
Cadillac of the Sky
also cheked and kek'd
Do you like my car?
checks out > x
Is this really for the rest of their lives though? I figured they'd stop as soon as the operation healed completely.
The hair thing is really nasty though, I'm wondering why they didn't find a way to stop hair follicles from growing, surely no doctor you approve of that if it increases the risks of infection?
Literally just looks like someone stuttering to me.
I went to UCSD in so Cali as a microbio major. We had a class called -*dimensions of culture* it was a white bashing minority fest. Every teacher was some kind of mulatto and the ta's were usually self hating white cunts.
Total brainwash. We would grade each others essays to give ideas and I would just stare at the quality of work these niggers and spics would churn out and it was absolute garbage. Assuming they had even done their assignment.
Wrote several essays on Italians and Irish taking their turns getting hate along with every other new asshole because new people are and will always be seen as a threat to the established structure... Jesus they hated hearing that...
Why couldn't I just be a good goy and write about mlk surely my grades would have been better if I just drank the koolaid
>space is limited
Reserve a seat and don't go.
Think of it like religious denominations but for sexual identity, basically anything goes and theirs a title for each different variable sets. If there isn't all you have to do is make a name for it. The ability to alter their sexual identity is the god of this religion because its the only thing they live/express themselves by. It's the only thing that brings them happiness and comfort is to share communion with this deity that represents their preferred version of sexual liberation.
Unfortunately, with all religions their comes a level of insanity and cult fanaticism. Enemies of the cult are considered outsiders to their religion and equal to a demon. Normalcy is the only thing that challenges the happiness they perceive in their religious experience. It just so happens that the right does a great job of being that threat.
These people need help and someone to care about them on a familial level as they are not able to find sanity on their own terms or the toxic ideologues they surround themselves with daily. So thus, their insanity will continue until their actions reach a point of death through intention such as suicide or self harm generated diseases or killed off by an external threat that has deems their personal safety more important.
>Why couldn't I just be a good goy and write about mlk surely my grades would have been better if I just drank the koolaid
You wouldn't need to, could've just faked it, though it is a learning experience I suppose.