How can whites ever compete?
How can whites ever compete?
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By having better cases
And not stealing the parts.
Cool clock ahmed
'building' a computer is like putting lego pieces together
Is 600 whatever a lot of money in bongland? How high spec could it be? Can it run Windows 3.1?
How is this even news?
More impressive than clock boy.
Like $700-800 depending value of pound at the time
600 anglo money is like 750$
but clock boy caused more butthurt
am white and about to start learning on my own, any good places to start (other than a for dummies book)
I think it's impressive because I think all forms of tools including screwdrivers are banned there so somehow he put it together with watermelon knowhow and fruit drank spirit.
This is like the news congratulating me for taking a shit in the morning.
This 5 year old Girl can do it.
That cable management though
I remember my first Lego set too.i didn't make the news though
Black kid clips together high tech parts designed by whites.
Kek, this is only news 'cause he is a nigger. When a white boy does it no one gives a shit 'cause they do it all the time. For a nigger it's like winning a Nobel prize.
It's a mid/low end pc
Just look up a parts list, buy it and put it together. No instructions needed, the part won't fit if it's in the wrong place. Literally can't mess it up.
But can it play Crisis on Max settings?
Oh wow he bought parts individually and put them together. Shit I bought a flat packed chest of drawers and set it up myself. Am I carpenter naow?
Sup Forums guided and then just buy compatible parts and use YouTube if you need help. Only parts that must really be compatible are the motherboard, RAM, and CPU. Look for combo deals including all 3 on newegg. Your Motherboard must have the same socket type as your CPU so it fits. Your DIMM slots must support the type of RAM you plan to buy (DDR4, most likely). ATX motherboards are the size of the one in OP. Micro-ATX are slightly more compact. Mini ITX are the smallest, and can be used to build console sized PCs, but you should expect some more difficulty if you go this route. Smaller parts are harder to work with and more expensive. Good luck and have fun, it's a very relaxing hobby for the most part.
dont have a lot of money and i'd be scared of breaking parts if I placed them wrong, but I have a friend who knows quite a bit. I'll see what i can dig up; thanks dude.
So he basically took information that was already discovered and used it to build a computer out parts he bought.
Wow because nobody else could have done that.
We waz kangs