TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>US Trade Rep Lighthizer opening stmt @NAFTA renegotiation 8/16/17
>State Dept Press Brief to Foreign Press (Heather) 8/16/17
>VP Pence @Adv Prosperity&Econ Growth Conf in Chile 8/16/17
>VP Pence/Chile Pres Bachelet press conf 8/16/17
>VA Sec Shulkin Press Brief on HR3218 8/16/17
>SoS T-Rex meets w/Canada FM 8/16/17
>AG Sessions Sanctuary City Event @Miami 8/16/17
>DoD Press Brief from Baghdad 8/16/17
>USDA Sec Perdue Back To Our Roots tour 8/16/17
>VP Pence/Pres Macri Argentina Press Brief 8/15/17
>Pres Trump Infrastructure & Destroy The Media presser 8/15/17
Trump Playlist
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
Trump 2020
fuck donald trmp and fuck white people
Guise, I live in a relatively small town (40K) in a blue state so don't have a good sense of the "word on the street." All I know is that much less people follow the news than the media seems to think.
What is the real effect of this Charlottesville thing on Trump?
What did Bannon mean by that?
Kek, what the hell kind of bastard gun is that? Some sort of California abomination?
On its way to being forgotten because its not hurting Trump.
Why is Drudge such a cuck?
t. CNN
>doesn't happen
>CNN reports
Haha, Trump didn't cause WWIII, real winner is China
Do your part, shoot a jap
1st for slytherin
Just got back, what did I miss?
That dude looks like he's being forced to speak at gunpoint.
>he's here
neck yourself, paki
>would you like to come on and discuss internation affairs
>Uh ok
I assume hes pissed his time was pissed away like that.
The only thing it does was that it served to allow for dems to take tremendous political action in the form of mass protest and statue removal in addition to the massive media campaigns.
This affected the political sphere in that way but the private sphere took the cue to make their own attacks. They banned several sites and places where the filth congregated so now we have yet another influx for refugees and immigrants to the site.
It has a massive impact on the ability of DNC to control the narrative, DNC to conduct campaigns with new justification, and the private sector to crack down on "hateful content". It is causing infighting and general chaos.
Come on now, why would she need a gun when she can hack a drone?
Would you fuck her?
Socialist agitators caused a massive DNC crackdown and media campaign by working as their patsies. the situation will only get worse as socialists plan more events that would cause greater and greater media attention and democrat control of the agenda and topics of discussion.
Better yet, for context
I guess... this is it...
Looks like a 80s pedo mass shooter
explain this meme fellow moor
If you have something for home defense just get a pistol shotgun, kek. I guess it is meant to be easier for women and children to shoot but I wouldn't trust my life to 9mm for a crazy crackhead breaking into my home.
There's only one person that doesn't and it brakes Joe's tiny, rotten heart.
> What is the real effect of this Charlottesville thing on Trump?
Same effect as Judge La Raza or Khan family.
When will we interfere and stop our greatest allies child be murdered. The Syrians are just mocking us now!
I notice how Drudge sources from the washington post these days at a much higher frequency than the past.
Either he hired liberal interns or he truly became a cuck.
Any man who uses this effeminate terminology is a disgrace to his genitals.
Maybe a better way to phrase the question is how much has this reached "normies?" For example, if you're a college student, is this something everyone is talking about? Did professors "apologize" or bring it up for discussion?
I guess it's playing non-stop in airports and whatnot, but even considering I'm a biased Trump supporter, I thought his press conference made rational balanced sense. Isn't the left kind of overplaying the "loss of the moral highground" and "unfit for office" stuff?
Bannon lurking instead of paying attention to Trump. We all been there.
> fellow moor
>the Virgin Joe and the Chad George...
That car user is talking about is reflected on the window and Bannon is shitposting on his phone in the oval office.
Idk. The fangs are cute I guess. She looks and sounds borderline-retarded though.
Trump irrevocably BTFO and on his way to impeachment for real for the 87th time.
What does she plan on doing? Throwing it at him?
that's jame gumb in his woman suit
Fuckin Kekistani flags on my local morning news, this timeline is incredible.
Nonwhites will never be the majority, Trump wants to increase European/Anglo immigration via the Raise act. Plus if we make sure a tax plan that benefits white families happens not to mention ending birthright citizenship and deport all illegals using a 1 million man ICE team as well as Importing White South Africans and Zimbabweans. America could become around 80% white at the most in a couple generations. Spics are only growing because of immigration along with Asians. If arrivals from the third world were to be cut they would shrink drastically. States above 75% white would also have their white percentages increase because of it. The Mestizo/Hispanic Birth Rate is already declining the only reason it's still growing is because of immigration. Cutting third world migration along with other key things listed here will make their population in this country collapse.
Got a summerjob and literally everyone there thinks Trump is a lunatic.
Funny how the average American is so much more dumb than the average European.
Its more significant because the patsies are planning more events and issues. In addition this resulted in material action from the CEO nonsense and hate content banning.
It reached normies deeply. They don't know anything about these groups other than what they hear from the media who tell them that there were racists and anti-racist people, and some racists killed anti-racists.
On college campuses near me the left-wing organizations were calling to arms and organizing online. They are starting new media and public campaigns "against racists".
Trump played the situation well but the whole thing is a trap. There is no good way to deal with all the garbage going on because having it happen at all means that something so pointless dominated the topics of discussion here and in government for weeks. It is time wasted that only servers as a casus belli for left wing groups to crack down and launch campaigns that affect normie voting and information access.
>Got a summerjob
poorfag detected
suck a cock
Finally being paid to post here huh. Do you browse social media looking for citizens to be arrested for hate crimes as well?
These baits are weak, toothpaste.
Isn't there another alt-right rally planned, this time for Berkley? Will the left actually be stupid enough to cause a replay of the Milo event?
He got three (you)s in 16 seconds. He did a great job baiting.
Im in uni and I don't really needed the money, bit more is better I guess.
You retards generalize everything huh
Nah, not that bad, he has the facts on his side, the fucking ACLU roughly agrees with him.
The judge thing was unnecessary on his part and he messed up the messaging so most people have no idea about La Raza. The Khan thing was just the DNC machine on full blast, nothing he did really mattered.
Honestly this is closest to the pussy episode, a gigantic moral outrage that'll dissipate when something else comes along. People are just feigning outrage for the sake of feigning outrage.
However the wrinkle is those were all isolated events. In this case, it's very unlikely Spencer is going away. That's a genuine problem down the road if the GOPe Congress still can't get anything done.
Hes an old friend, always have to catch up with my favourite shape shifter.
Yes, that is what I am saying. They have some ten or so events planned to continue to cause issues and advertise their shit for money. Lefties aren't the issue because they cause damage to their own cause by doing the things they do just like the terms and stormniggers do when they hold the events that they do. Both are counterproductive.
he should be shot for that facial hair
Not posting the most redpilled woman on JewTube
> In uni
> Not needing money
Kill yourself.
qt, would marry.
>Bannon interview
>Says real conflict is with China on economy
>Says his strategy is to make Dems play on identity politics
Everything is proceeding as planned.
Every Dutchman online thinks their country is the pinnacle of human civilization or some shit.
Isn't literally half your country under sea level, the ocean pushed back by dikes for the sake of letting in more Moroccans and Surinamese? If climate change is real, you'll feel pretty stupid being flooded for the sake of living with Ahmed.
based on the statement, the mayor of Phoenix is a Dem right?
i refuse to believe Joe
If china goes down the future issue will the Indian international Loo insurrection.
Both groups (it's not proper to call Spencer far right, he's closer to fucking Bernie Sanders on some stuff) are vultures circling the center right Trumpism movement and hoping to feed on its rotten corpse. They really just want total control, whatever is counterproductive for the Trump and the country suits them just fine.
> I don't really needed the money, bit more is better I guess.
Wew guess you watch rick and morty too
PussyGate and the accusers of sexual assault were way worse. I'm pretty sure the same people disavowed him then too.
Trump positioned himself as the honest man in this situation, while you have MSM, Dems, and NeoCons openly defending AntiFa for no other reason than they can't admit Trump is right. Jake fucking Tapper is even saying "come on, antifa is a violent organization and they were causing violence on that day" because he is one of the few realizing that he needs to position himself as "honest" before everyone eventually sees what AntiFa really did.
You will see more and more politicians and journalists coming out to admit that Trump was right in the next few days. In two weeks this story will never be mentioned again.
Why? Im privileged enough that my parents pay my rent and also give me a little more. The government gives me free money and also a card with which I can use public transport for free.
It is because my government actually wants people go to uni or college. Unlike that shithole you live in.
> Its more significant because the patsies are planning more events and issues.
Let them. They're just self immolating at this point. Pic related for the angle I would push at the next rally if I were Trump
> look at all this beautiful people here. Last year they called you a basket of deplorables, this year they're calling you Kay Kay Kay and Nazis. You aren't Nazi, are you?
> Actually I'm really sure many of you here have a pop or a grandpa that fought and maybe even died fighting them.
> Look at all this beautiful people, my supporters aren't Nazi. They're you, and you, and you, red blooded Americans wanting jobs, a better economy, safety. Speaking of safety, I have here with me a champion of your community, Joe Arpaio ...
And then he shifts the narrative again by pardoning him
> In addition this resulted in material action from the CEO nonsense
Their last meeting was in February and, with NAFTA renegotiation incoming id it wasn't for this it would be for something else.
> and hate content banning
All those outlets had it long coming. Refer to the long ass pasta I usually post about centralized communities with group identities, post histories, leaders and spokespersons. No movement will ever succeed if it depends on their adversaries to survive.
I don't think Abe would've had time to hold his face in pain.
>Why? Im privileged enough that my parents pay my rent and also give me a little more.
hahahahaha, you actually admitted this? They wipe ya ass too?
He's 100 percent right, no one seems to give a god damn about countering China when they are the clear and obvious threat.
I think they are much more akin to rats riding someone's coattails. They get gains from shit going badly and wrong, you are correct. They just cause drama for money nand influence.
I mean, I had some saved up but I wanted some extra money for unhealthy amounts of good alcohol and cigs that I didn't really need.
I'm addicted to (you)'s
Enough with this Neo-Nazi/Antifa shit, is there any news on NAFTA renegotiations?
By posts like this Im only thinking it more that our country is so much better than your backwards country. Only your coasts are good.
We have battled water for centuries. Why? Because we like challenges, we could also move more inland like little pussies. Now that skill has become very handy. We get do much money from it.
Maybe it's an age factor, but like I said I can't see how anyone could have watched Trump's press conference and not thought it was rational. The only people who would disagree imo are overly emotional leftists who aren't a huge part of the population, as the election showed.
We saw the "Women's march" the post-election marches, the climate change march, all without "counter-protesters." Only when non-leftist extremists protest is it a "moral problem."
I just feel most people can see through it all. But I don't know, which is why I asked. Thanks for the insight.
Was Booth a jew?
Only in America is having a strong, successful family that cares about you seen as shameful.
Started officially yesterday. Didn't read much of it but it's likely a boring process, not a trial by sword
>U.S. demands big changes to NAFTA
>On the first of five days of talks, U.S. Trade Rep. Robert Lighthizer said Wednesday that Trump “is not interested in a mere tweaking of a few provisions and an updating of a few chapters. We believe NAFTA has fundamentally failed many, many Americans and needs major improvement.”
>The U.S. trade representative said he wanted to change the pact to require that duty-free NAFTA products contain more content made within the trade bloc and specifically in the United States. But Stephen Orava, partner and head of the trade law practice at King & Spalding, said that changing NAFTA’s “rules of origin” to promote Made-in-the-USA products would prove “complicated” and risk disrupting the intricate supply chains that manufacturers have built across NAFTA borders.
>NAFTA critic Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, said Lighthizer’s tough talk raises the possibility that the United States will pull out of NAFTA if it can’t get the deal it wants. “He doesn’t bluff,” she said. “It was a message to Mexico and Canada: ‘We hope we can reach a deal, but we aren’t playing.’”
Agree. Only problem is someone on the right is gonna die at the hands of antifa in a week
Haven't heard Raqqa mentioned in a while
are the Kurds still massacring women and children there?
Fingers crossed
They can't be released
Not american, but you don't admit that shit.
Yeah, it only took him 10 years to respond
What a lying commie
> Only problem is someone on the right is gonna die at the hands of antifa in a week
They wouldn't be so stupid as to prove Trump right and give the other side a martyr
>mfw FDR took years to respond or is that the joke
My parents even though they are rich are good people that don't spend their money on polluting cars like retarded americans.
They spend it on their children and im grateful for that.
Im going to do the same
what's so beautiful is they can't do anything about it. they can't retreat an inch from race and identity politics, even if they wanted to.
He went home and told his kids goodnight before he died
James Alex Fields is a happy alphabet merchant
Then why did FDR wait for Germany to declare war on America?
>They spend it on their children and im grateful for that.
Shame, they could have had a sick ass car and been actually proud of it
>Push photos of Knights and the Stars n Bars