Plan a Twitter raid Or Bitch About Statues

So bois how do y'all feel about targeting some verified lefties with some lovely lil info about MLK and how he hated Faggots? Why don't we voice our opinions about how we hate MLK day and the statues, because he was very bigoted as we all know.

“You are already on the right road toward a solution, since you honestly recognise the problem and have a desire to solve it.” - in reference to a gay boi writing to Ebony.

Now context really doesn't matter with Journalists as long as they can get a scoop.

Here's the link:

Make me proud bois

Other urls found in this thread:,_D.C.)

We could possibly arm the right with some misinformation too depending on if we can dig anything up.

I see no other progressive option.



They're not going to take down a statue of MLK you fucking idiot, when is Summer over?

Or Caesar Chaves. He hated "wetbacks" and illegals.

Planned parenthood was founded by a racist to reduce the number of black births, she also advocated sterilisation.

The hypocrisy is the point of this thread you idiot. You can piss profs off with it. Theor precious che also executed gays, and jazz musicians, but they are ignorant of these facts. So if they want to drag monuments down they have to look closer to home too.

The most brilliant thing I saw the other night was somebody saying we need to take down any memorials to Native Americans because they were anti-American scum we beat in war. Losers don't get statues.

Gandhi wrote extensively about how much he hated blacks, and he has two statues in the USA.,_D.C.)

he slept with hookers on his churches dime too

Soon we'll be able to view all of history as not being progressive enough.
>So Proud
>So Progressive

Should Seattle remove this?

Fuck you faggots are realy trying to bait lefty scums. Lets do it

ummm last I checked Lenin was not a Nazi, sweetie

>Leaf logic


Spread this honestly

They can take down statues, but they can't take down pepe.

Maybe they can own some streets, but ee own the internet. Show me some toptier shitposting annos.

newsflash: pepe's dead dude

didnt think that shit existed on american soil ...

I've been thinking, the leftists love him so much in California and it would be such a shock to see his statues vandalized, it might energize the Calexit movement, and right now we could really afford to see California split in two, its liberal counties downgraded to a territory and transformed into a police state.

We should get rid of Hawaii while we're at it. We annexed them illegally and with 48 states the number of statehouses we need to flip for a constitutional convention falls to 4.


And kek won't answer the phone.

old news: he rose from the dead

He also supported the Nazis because it will weaken the British Empire so he could get a free India.
He also let her wife die because he refused to give her medicine.

literally built by slaves take this shit down its fucking racist

Common knowledge

It's time we start sleeping on wood, boys. The pain is too real and we must not lavish ourselves in the black man's toil.

All bedding and tshirts must go. It is nothing but a constant reminder.

this is the best option
Also because POO IN LOO

wtf i love having dreams now?