Leftist really believe that they can win a real war ?

Leftist really believe that they can win a real war ?

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delete that image immediately: don't tell your enemies their weakness.

It's not really that, the Blue parts are Urbanised & don't produce fuck all, you could just starve them out if you wanted to kill them


The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

3% of blue guns are in vermont

Yeah at least the rural people live in reality and now how to do shit

You're right, they know how to do...


and you think anyone voting trump is a alt right?


City people aka niggers?

Does anyone else think that being a leftist might be part biology?

I also believe that if you believe strongly in certain aspects of the left, (gay rights, LGBT, minority rights etc.) You don't have the ability to fight well. Only minorities on the left are actual FIGHTERS. You can't train an antifa to fight. He is a bitch, just like trannies, or women, they aren't psychologically up to the task as much.

However, if automation progresses too far before this happens, the leftists may have a very good chance of winning.

Will the based nips help the right side in the coming USA civil war?

Come on we will let you keep half of Hawaii.

>muh city people
Minorities, faggots and indoctrinated "academics" that don't know shit about fuck.

Self awareness isn't something liberals are good at.

Yeah... the city is so great. It's where nearly all degeneracy, crime and poverty all come together to create a regulated shithole.

Ok. And they're not armed

Ok, but how are you going to have a civil war if the only people participating in your civil war live thousands of miles away from civilization? It doesn't make any sense.

A civil war could happen if, for example, half the people in NYC hated the other half and decided to fuck each other up. But that's not what you have here. Instead you have everyone in NYC pretty much agreeing on everything and the only ones disagreeing are toothless hillbillies living in a shack somewhere in the woods, far far away from them.

you can't possibly be this ignorant

All conservative white men are all toothless hillbillies living in shacks in the woods.

All muslims are terrorists.

You're a racist unhinged from reality.

Pic related is a more accurate representation. Plus, you're talking about barely 25% of the active electorate, which barely makes up 50% of the total us population. Fuck off with this majority bullshit. I live in the heart of "trump country." My faggot neighbor talked and talked and talked all pre election, made a big giant sign he kept in his yard for months. Now he's quiet, hates talking about politics all of a sudden, and last week, even before charlottesville, he took down his big stupid TRUMP sign. I run into more people in public who despise this president than love him. My county has been historically deep red, this past election it was almost a dead split. So once again, fuck off with this IT'S A MOVEMENT, IT'S HUGE, PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP. You're a minority, and watching you being treated as such is almost orgasmic. Stop mistaking political majorities for popular majorities faggot

City people are retarded niggers, spics, and welfare queens, and they live fuck miserable lives.

Rural people have family values and live healthier lives.

t.cityfag and ruralfag

Depends on if the military follows orders or not. Trump isn't gonna tell them to go and "kill a bunch of commie faggots and darkies" if real fighting breaks out.

>All muslims are terrorists.

Not all muslims, just rural and suburban muslims.

It's a filthy gaijin, stupido, and why the hell would you split the hawaiian archipelago?

Are you guys fucking morons?

judging based on location. It's like judging based on skin color.

You are racist. You are a nazi. You don't have a right to speak anymore.

Most leftists don't want a revolution or civil war. They just want to feel outrage and virtue signal because they lead empty normie lives where the highlight of their week is Sunday because both Game of Thrones and Rick and Morty air.

we need to secure air support.

Silent majority hasn't said anything because the authoritarian left will take their job away if they say anything.

Policing what we can and cannot say.

They will find out what happens when you censor people.

Styx owns them

bahaha it's probably true

The only reason he is quiet and removed his sign is because he rightfully fears leftie violence and retaliation, since you fuckers still haven't figured out the NAP. If you asked him directly, and he has no cause to hate/fear you, he will still support Trump. I have never met a former Trump supporter.

get aids, nigger faggot.

the army has the guns,that's the point.You will fight US soldiers and National Guard troops not leftist with guns.

yeah because the military loves leftist faglords.

Most leftists just want their porn and drugs.

The /deepstate/ did too good of a job at pacifying them.

Nobody is afraid of fat whores.

/deepstate/ will have to start their own civil war, which they already tried and failed in charlottesville.

This. Speaking out in support of Trump has now become so villainized that the silent majority just don't want to deal with the bullshit from it. It's easier to sit back and watch the left act like a bunch of retarded cunts.

90% of combat arms/special operations is white/right wing.

Source: former infantryman.

kike detected


That is the point. They cannot win an actual fight so they are attempting to subvert our culture. Undermine our ideology. Pervert and destroy the soul of our nation from within without firing a bullet.

Are those juggalos?

why are you cucks permanantley fantasising about wars.

most of you are faggots who play too much vidya

All these newfags falling for ancient copypasta.

LOL so you really think that people living in towns are more clever? Jesus, no wonder you are canadian.....

>s-stop responding!!!!!!!



I just like posting nigger pics, kike

>Leftist believe that they can win a real war

They do? If they do they are really fucked

Poor America ... Fat acceptance, LGBT, antifa and faggots in one pic.

Ok, then they can win the ese without weapons but with their urbanity

How does that make me a kike?

>"We're going to punch a nazi"
>"We're going to collect our nazi scaps"

6 months later:
1 dead communist vegetarian
0 nazi salps

Ownership of gun doesn't matter when owner lacks testicles.
All these guns will be confiscated by next administration without even single shot.

there are strong links between and biology and politics, more conservative minded people have larger amygdala, this is the part of your brain responsible for fight or flight and fear and and disgust.



oh no I'm doing the double and thing again

Da fug is that creature? I hope it don't spread some decease.

Yeah it's totally normal to let in a bunch of foreigners who hate your culture because it's racist otherwise.

It's totally normal to kill your children while in the whomb.

It's totally normal to accept homosexuality and to abuse drugs.

None of these things are harmful.

There was some experiment recently where subjects could be made to be more liberal by hindering the part of the brain thought to be responsible for risk analysis.

>H-Hillary only one the popular vote because the blue areas have more people
>Leftists can't win look at how much red there is
look can you right wing retards at least TRY not to show how fucking stupid you are


teh leftist in California own moar guns than
everyone west of teh Mississippi, Antoine.
Lrn2population fgt pls

>everyone that owns a gun thinks the same thing
>guns beat Apache helicopters
>guns beat missiles
>guns beat tanks

More people but they're starbuck-leftist anti-gun

There is more leftist in cities because thy're evolved in artificial and consumerist world. It does not make warriors

the picture is saying that even though the left has more people the right has more guns