Cucked town

>Local coffee shop starts adding a 12% surcharge for being male
>annoyed, have angry words with some friends
>one of them usually gets his coffee there, now he just makes his female assistant buy it for him
>surcharge is raising funds to battle the gender pay gap

pic relate

Other urls found in this thread:

Just don't hire women desu senpai


The effort...
Most of country is right on board with this shite and it getting alot of support

finna kms myself


Honestly, this is a pretty good idea. There's a cafe close to me that does this too. It's a good way of doing consciousness raising.

>i identify as a woman

Apparently its not enforced but the little sjw cucks who run the place get pissy if you dont pay

had the boys all ready to do this

raising consciousness for something that doesn't exist

no thanks