Rape in Poo

>Raped Indian girl, 10, gives birth


>10-year-old rape victim, who was not allowed to have abortion by Indian Supreme Court, delivers baby girl

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I think Mehmet was on to something here. What should be the legal age for sex Sup Forums?

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itt nepalanon defends the violent rape of a 10-year-old-girl


>Indian men can fit inside of 10yo girls
And I thought my nihon dick was small.

>itt nepalanon defends the violent rape of a 10-year-old-girl
but wtf lol how old do they have to be to give birth?


>but wtf lol how old do they have to be to give birth?
>wtf lol how is babby formed idgi lol wtf is biology

Time to fap

kek thanks davido-kun i needed this

the legal age should be at least over 18, people under 18 have no sense of cons when it comes to having sex and then boom they suddenly have 5 kids at 19

topkek based nippon with the bantz

That sounds hot. I wish I were that girl.

>babbys are formed inside babbies are formed inside babbies


There is no culture on the face of the earth that is as corrupt as Indian culture. They have been so poor for so long that they have forgotten how to be human. Disgraceful.

>sex-selective abortions screw the male:female ratio way over 120:100
>worse than china
>lots of young, sexually frustrated men with terrible social skills
>"if no one sees it, it didn't happen" attitude

Doesn't it mean she liked it if she got pregnant?

The youngest mother in medical history is 5 year old. She had to have a caesarean section performed to give birth to the kid, but yeah, she actually gave birth to a kid. It wasn't underweight, either - it was almost 3 kilograms if I recall correctly.

Piss off mate, your country is worse than backward.

Literally how?


Daily reminder


I read once that women are much more likely to become pregnant if they enjoy the sex.
But it is also common knowledge that most women climax during rape, could be that.

Based nip.

No, it wasn't actually overturned but the rapist appealed because he felt the punishment was too harsh (10 year prison term) and they'll have another trial.
Austrian courts usually increase the sentence if you appeal.

Read the article, Josef Fritzl. It was overturned. Dipshit.

Whether this was appealed later is another mater. A court of learned jurists sided with a bloke who raped a ten year old boy in a sexual emergency because he was a refugee. How fucking backward is that.

>blindly believes in some random article

Multiple sources mate -suck my nuts.

Based HPL.

God damn
Really makes me think

Im not sure I wanted to learn this, but I glad I did.

>you will never imprego ur 5yo gf
Why even live