Iceland eliminates people with Down Syndrome

.......So why the big drama ? does it not make perfect sense to keep a specific gene pool strong and healthy and thriving - for the benefit of all concerned ?

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Down Syndrome cannot be removed from the gene pool. It is a disorder caused by an error in cell division. It is somewhat equivalent to murdering trans people because they are "born wrong".

Today, heavy use of alcohol during pregnancy is not considered illegal. In fact, some people promote it.

You're not born trans, and as for the downies maybe, not to be mean, but maybe, they shouldn't breed. But give them the respect they deserve they're on the short bus they're special, alright?

Don't even be mean to'em.

Not if they're not born yet. You can turn a born wrong into a- bor- tion.

I mean it makes perfect sense. It's better to remove the burden than subsidizing what will ultimately be little more than a parasite guaranteed.

They don't hurt the gene pool.
Just let them live their lives out and try to find some laughter and happiness. And teach the people around them how to treat others and how to treat people with love.

Nah just kill them instead of paying for them through schooling, medical bills, etc. for 30+ years. Taxpayer money shouldn't go towards keeping people who will never contribute anything alive. I'm sorry but they are defective and in any other animal society they'd be culled.

If you believe in Angels, gods, or aliens, there are going to be beings which see us as retards.
No matter what those beings may be, we are going to hope that they don't think the solution is to wipe us out for it.

eugenics against disabilities ok, but we have to put up with jews and niggers?
fuck that

Abortion is the spearhead of eugenics, there is literally nothing wrong with eugenics. Downies are infertile but why bring them into the world anyway?

The world needs more proactive eugenic measures.

Eugenics is a combination of two Greek words meaning ‘good’ and ‘genes.’ The vision of “Eugenics,” a term coined in 1883 by Sir Francis Galton - cousin of Charles Darwin - is to create a superior and a flourishing human race, devoid of all genetic imperfections and hereditary diseases, by eliminating defective people.

Eugenics posits an increase of ‘socially good genes’ by eliminating the proliferation of ‘bad genes’ within a given gene pool. Briefly, positive eugenics advocates marriages among fit people and negative eugenics limits procreation through sterilization and euthanasia.

Eugenics destroys our society by disgracing those with hereditary diseases and other abnormal medical conditions to a status of being ‘defective.’ When a ‘defect’ is identified, elimination of the subject carrying that defect gains greater priority than healing of that defect. This is the damaging service caused by eugenics to our society.

In contrast, the Bible alludes to people with defects as sick and needy. The Bible also terms all human beings as sinners – with an innate propensity to sin. Some sinners, such as serial killers or rapists, violate their victims rather irreparably whereas others, in comparison, commit sins that do not violate others.

Whatever the case may be, the Bible offers a cure for both the sick and the sinner. The cure is in God and HIS Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, so that those who believe in Christ will be healed of their infirmities and delivered from their sins.

Eugenics endorses:

a. Forced sterilizations of defective people (between 1934-1939, 350,000 defective people were sterilized).

b. Killing the hospitalized (In 1934, Adolf Hitler’s national euthanasia programme was aimed to free up 800,000 beds for war causalities).

c. Promoting abortion to kill defective children (Margaret Sanger, a proponent of eugenics and a founder of “Planned Parenthood,” is probably America’s largest cause for abortion at almost a million abortions per year).1

d. Infanticide on defective children i.e. Stephen Hawking should have been killed.

e. Killing people with diseases or other abnormal medical conditions (e.g. those who are disease prone e.g. Ludwig Van Beethoven, and the one billion obese people should be killed).

One need not be an astrophysicist to affirm the evil of killing. Similarly, any average human being can understand the similarity between forced sterilizations and rape – both violate a person’s sanctity, and hence are evil.

If this be the case, why are we discussing eugenics? Shouldn’t eugenics have been eliminated from our dictionary?

Whether we like it or not, eugenics raises its ugly hood under the guise of scientific advancement. Thus eugenicists posit cleansing of the society of its innate defects through eugenic sterilization, which is achieved by the alteration of the genetic basis of societal defects such as poverty and criminality.

Eugenics manifests in various guises. If you wonder whether forced or illegal sterilizations happen today, then prepare to be shocked. 150 female inmates were illegally sterilized in California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation between 2006-2010.2 At least 8 women died after undergoing government sponsored sterilization procedures in India, which was conducted to curtail overpopulation. These women were paid a measly $23 to have the surgery.3

The purpose of this short essay is to induce a Christian response to eugenics. I have offered my response to eugenics and you can formulate yours. Christians should either endorse or oppose eugenics, there is no middle ground. Having said this, eugenics has infiltrated into Christianity, for quite a few christian leaders support eugenics.

What does the Bible have to say about eugenics? In other words, would Christ have supported eugenics? No, not by any stretch of imagination.

The Bible does not warrant its believers to either kill or violate anyone’s sanctity. Historic Christianity is all about loving, healing and saving people who believe in Christ.

The Bible reveals a sovereign God who creates and determines the length of man’s life. As a sovereign creator, God alone has the power to take life off this earth. This is an entailment of God’s sovereignty.

But man is neither sovereign nor can he create life. Therefore, man, through the science of eugenics, cannot usurp God to determine who lives and who not. Nothing, not even science, provides man the authority to unjustly eliminate life.

The Bible does not discriminate people (cf. Matthew 22: 39; Galatians 3: 28), but eugenics judges and discriminates people based on their social fitness. Eugenics promotes the fit and eliminates the unfit. Life that God creates is precious in HIS sight (1 Peter 2: 4) and God is impartial (2 Chronicles 19: 7) to both the fit and the unfit.

God heals the sick. Although in certain instances, HE does not heal all the sick, but unlike eugenics, HE offers strength to those HE does not heal, to live through their sickness. God does not eliminate defective people.

God does not kill the sick to promote a flourishing human society devoid of all imperfections. Instead, God offers the imperfect man a means to eternally coexist with HIM – the only pure and perfect being, through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, so that those who believe in Christ will be saved.

The Bible mandates care for the needy (Exodus 22: 21-23). We ought to care for the needy so to uplift them and enable them to live a better life. Nowhere does the Bible state that the sick and the needy ought to be killed so to construct a flourishing human society.

The Lord Jesus Christ was a friend of sinners and downtrodden (Matthew 11: 19, 25: 34-36). In fact, Christ condemned those who ignored the needy (Matthew 25: 41-43). So the needy are not a burden upon our society; rather the needy ought to be cared and provided for.

Thus far we have refuted negative eugenics. Positive eugenics is no better.

Positive eugenics advocates marriage between fit people (man and a woman). So, two ‘non-defective’ people (free from all abnormal medical conditions) should get married.

Even among non-defective people, a man with high IQ ought to marry a woman with high IQ. This is the compatibility proposed by positive eugenics.

Are not grace, love, trust, sacrifice, humility, compassion necessary for the success and longevity of the marriage, than high IQ? High IQ does not necessarily presuppose grace, love, trust, sacrifice, humility, and compassion.

What if two christians, one with high IQ and the other with low IQ, but both loving the Lord dearly and possessing grace, love, trust, sacrifice, humility, compassion in growing measure, decide to get married? This couple will most likely enjoy a long and a prosperous marriage than the couple with high IQ and less grace, love, trust, sacrifice, humility, compassion.

Christians should oppose eugenics for it violates human sanctity and denigrates the weak. Instead we should love the weak and help them to live a better life and lead them to the Lord Jesus who alone can save and deliver them.

Fuck the bible dude no one believes this horseshit anymore



imagine you're a girl, you go pregnant for like 10 months, you cannot drink, you cannot party, you cannot have fun, you cannot have random fun, you get fat, you get stretch marks on your belly and your vagina might get teared up

and then CONGRATILATIONS its a fucking downsie, you literally need to clean up his shit for the next 30 years. it will also cost the taxpayer millions

a fetus is just a bunch of cells and can freely be removed, why not just use this to maximise the welfare of girls and taxpayers?

picture related, could you look this girl in the eyes and say that you would ruin her life just so that a downsie could make you smile?

When you remember that Nazi's are actually just left wing nationalists.

Love your child. You Left wing Moloch worshiper. Stop killing babies.




Does that bitch on your pic has a soul at all?

How can you say the got rid of downs syndrome when they are letting ragheads in?

That's the point. They kill Christian babies to make room for more muslims.





Abortion kills a shitload of niggers.

There is no reason not to breed superior humans and remove the inferiors pre-partum. They are a drain on resources and they will die sooner or later. Everyone dies, a fact those who want to preserve dowies forget. Since life for the defective is suffering, and they are a burden on others causing more suffering, end them mercifully and press on.

Iceland is White. They know what they are doing and comments from nigger nations attacking them are absurd cuckery.

I am a Finn, grew up in Finland, and this has been "the everyday reality" to me since I was a kid. I even recall thinking, that if I should ever have a kid, it is relieving to know I don't have to give birth to a disordered baby because some of these disorders can be detected, and then the state even offers abortion after the "normal" legal time.

I don't get what's the big deal, this makes perfect sense considering all aspects - society, humanity and an individual's rights not to have to parent an extremely difficult and "useless" child.

Some overtly-emotional libtard has discovered yet another horrible fault in the world.

Yes BUT aborting fetuses with downs syndrome is much better than:
1. risking down syndrome people from breeding and contributing to the gene pool with more downs syndrome offspring
2. supporting downs syndrome people through childhood through adulthood. Parents shouldn't have to deal with something so strenuous and people shouldn't have to pay taxes to support these people with gubbermint social and healthcare programs. A healthy, productive and self sufficient person contributes more to society (obviously).


Do retarded people go to heaven too? Heaven sounds like a multicultural retard filled place desu.

>Eugenics destroys our society by disgracing those with hereditary diseases and other abnormal medical conditions to a status of being ‘defective.’ When a ‘defect’ is identified, elimination of the subject carrying that defect gains greater priority than healing of that defect. This is the damaging service caused by eugenics to our society.

But they are defective. You don't know why you believe in sand nigger shit like the Bible, which is pure Kikery and likely a Jew plot because it does not call for slaying all Jews and does name them as the chosen.

Defectives aren't "sick" which is curable. They themselves are disease.

It's libtards who are pro-death you faggot.

Go back to facebook with those image macros.

You haven't refuted shit and we know your other autspergic hobby is being the Anal Avenger on /gif/ from your wording. You are just another psycho.




*tips fedoara
If only eugenics were a thing the people in your picture wouldn't exist. You understand how you're not helping your argument by posting pictures of retards, right?


wow really made a strong argument there


Caring for the disabled flushes millions of taxpayer dollars down the toilet to keep alive people who will never make a meaningful contribution to the tax base. It's not even good for the disabled folks themselves and keeping them alive is more a form of virtue signalling that people engage in to show people just how caring they are than it is anything resembling an attempt to give these folks good, painless, fulfilling lives.

We out to terminate all pregnancies that are known to be carrying a severely disabled individual, so that we can have that much more money to care for the disabled folks that we CAN'T prevent, aka able-bodied people who became disabled due to accident or illness.

Iceland was already my favorite country, this just drives that point home even more.

Reading the article, its a pro-lifer insisting its wrong to abort potatoes

Thinks we should 'find cures' instead


>Actually believing in Eugenics despite the evidence to the contrary

Nigger. I'm a business student, possibly soon to be full time neet. Even I KNOW that mutations are inevitable.

LITERALLY INEVITABLE. Its I M P O S S I B L E to remove defects.

How many of these do you have my christcuck friend? Posting stale image macros you got from 9gag won't help you here.

I get this is suppose to be a joke...But hit me too hard user...
Too hard.



defects =/= mutations
It's possible to know if a baby has down syndrome while it is in the womb.

Yeah, but if it can be detected while abortion is possible, might as well cancel the potato and try again




I think a raghead can't get as far as iceland + I bet those crazy vikings would throw the raghead to a volcano.

>Abortion on demand is good
>Women aborting defective children is bad

Oh man every time I encounter this I laugh so hard. People actually hold both these view points without realising how hard they clash!

Down's persons have a lowered fertility but they can breed. With modern science they can breed much successfully than before. If one of the couple is a Down's then there is 30 to 50% chance that the child will get Down's. If both parents have Down's then the chance gets even higher.

Are you okay with Down persons breeding?

OP article actually seems to be a pro-lifer rather than a double-thinking lib
I was going to make the same mockery before I read deeper

Isn't that Zika?

That's fair enough but I actually encountered someone trying to convince me that abortion on demand is a woman's right and that screening for and aborting defective children is bad. Beer was on board. Feelings were hurt.

Don't you live in Ireland? Abortion is so banned that miscarriages are considered a crime.

that's some serious godshit, however, it would be best if you took your copypasted spam elsewhere.

Yeah it's all banned. They keep talking about holding a referendum but they never do.


you are excessively stupid. downie by any chance?


You are pro-death. Are you a faggot by chance?

Stephen hawking developed ALS- he wasn't born as he is now.

I tell you guys somethin honestly though, when you're around mentally challenged people and if your heart doesn't open up, there's somethin wrong with you. I mean I love the retarded people!

you are anti-choice and pro-black-breeding. you have no idea what I am, except that I'm the person telling you that you are excessively stupid.

the earth and the sky will be angry unless you sacrifice your firstborn to moloch


>So why the big drama
if you need it explained to you, something is wrong already

no eugenics and no abortion is moral. Therefore none of it ought to be done. Nature must unconditionally go its way - no ifs ands or buts about it.

If pol is a board that stands against the degeneracy of our time then there really is no other position you can take.

This. Ever wondered why eugenics is always pushed by (((darwinists)))?

Skinfaggotry is just as much of a liberal idea as sodomy.

But abortion isn't murder. :^)

fucking disgusting.

my neighbour has this retarded and deformed daughter and I can tell she ruined their lives

Trans people suffer from a form of Schizophrenia and the cause for such mental ilnesses is usually genetic.

Mandatory sterylization is the most that should be done.
You can conviniently use this as an excuse to cleanse your selves from undezierables like Swedes, Germans, Arabs, Turks, Indians, Africans...

>implying its wrong to kill faggots

>Nature must go it's way
>No matter what
>Implying we're beyond nature
It's natural to think like we do. This is nature's way, if you like it or not that's just your opinion.

you are too desperate for stupid. maybe you are a troll after all. hard to tell, really.

>Mah nature
Fuck nature. If we can improve shit, we should.

That point has a nice sentiment and I'm sure it roused the emotions of single mothers everywhere, but nothing about modern society is natural. With so much technology and medicinal advances, with so much social programming and propaganda, is anyone living day to day within modern society truly living in a natural world? No, it is an artificial ecosystem now. The disabled are especially lucky as they have enablers that go against the natural order of things.
Nature is no longer involved in the lives of the disabled is what I'm trying to get at.

Where is this abomination of text from?

Well, we weren't raised as strongly to worship a kike on a stick as our american friends for example

Might want to point out the american eugenics programme that was happening at the same time and long after the german one.

Humans have been eugenicising since time began.
All animals do it.
Birds kick weaklings out of the nest so as not to waste resources and instead let the strong flourish, to improve life on the planet.

Appeal to nature is a fallacy, having vaccines isnt natural, driving cars istn natural, getting cancer is natural, an earthquake burying you in 10 tonnes of dirt is natural, animals practising cannibalism and sodomy is natural.
I also use it when it suits me thought:p


No one wants a defective child apart from mentally ill people who should be sterilised.

does not all countries do this? We do the same in Denmark.

you are 100% right. Hence why you terminate the child before it is born. Its just abortion of a sick fetus.

>libtards are pro eugenics
wew lad

Wow this is nothing but one really long appeal to emotion. We should use eugenics to remove whatever defective genes cause people to turn into raging Christcucks like this guy.