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Ron Paul educates you on Charlotsville
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This guy is still relevant?
Repent. Sinner newfag.
Though shall not take Ron Paul's name in vein, except when talking about taking Ron Paul's name in vein.
He starts saying it, and than reaches the point and backs off. Extremely well conditioned not to overstep the boundaries.
He wants to but the programming is to strong.
>This guy is still relevant?
do i pass u guise
He an old Sup Forums father figure like Jordan Petersen
Vote Rand 2024 btw
>jordan petersen
This. Ron Paul will always have a place on Sup Forums.
lets replace the statues the leftist tear down with Ron Paul statues.
I'm so glad that after refusing to stand up for himself and letting Mitt Romney and Rinsed steal the RNC nomination he's decided to throw his lot in with the rest of the virtue signaling public. This is why I stopped being a lolbertarian.
fuck that shit nigger
Woopsie :)
Why didn't he run again in 2016? He's healthy as a horse even if he's old.
Because he's retired. He spends his time making youtube videos and chilling at his Texas ranch.
The alt-right media at the time mostly cockblocked his chances, even in 2012 when he had a real shot at his name being nominted. Reince Penis told the Ron Paul ppl to fuck off despite their achieving the rules for nomination.
Bernie Sanders is the left's Ron Paul moment. This is all a fucking circus mocking our intellect as living beings. Trumpster saw the opportunity after Obama's term and realized those 8 shite years could have been Ron Paul, but they weren't.
Everyone who got fucked by not being able to vote for Ron Paul in 08 and 12 probably voted for Trump.
>tfw they slandered and sabotaged dr. paul in 2008
>tfw they slandered and sabotaged dr. paul in 2012
>tfw they wouldn't leave our fucking vidya alone
>tfw you realized libertarianism was not enough
>tfw you realized degeneracy needed to be stopped
>tfw you realized maxists needed to be sent to fucking camps
>tfw you realized the white race was the keystone of the west
>tfw they made us do this, and we're not going to stop until it's done
Race has nothing to do with supporting Ron Paul shillary.
Because Rand knows all his tricks.
Alt-right didn't even exist at that time. The only equivalent for that time is the tea party.
>Alt-right didn't even exist at that time
Yea man I know. But how do you communicate those ideas today? They tried the same 'youre a racisssss' shit on Ron Paul. Same fucking story. Our society deserves to get fucked and reamed, we're all too egotistical to REEEEEEEElate to each other.
Ron Paul fails because the idols that he worships in the founding fathers of America and MUH CONSTITUTION never believed in racial egalitarianism. Ever.
In fact they owned slaves and specified that only white european men could be admitted into the USA as citizens.
A white nationalist has more in common with the founding fathers of the USA than any modern mainstream politician, including libertarians.
In fact, an ethnically homogenus society is a prerequisite for an ideology like Libertarianism to flourish. In a free market, blacks are worth less as workers than whites because they are on average less productive. Despite this however, they still have the vote, so they leverage this to redistribute wealth.
user, no.
Ron never stood a chance because even the people screaming their heads off over regulatory capture know libertarianism is turbo-retarded
You're wrong on the fact that you obviously never read anything Thomas Jefferson wrote about 'owning' slaves.
Rand was cucking on the race issue. The fact of the matter is, if the economy is booming most of the voting public doesn't give a shit about the tax rate or debt.
Also the inflation that the Pauls predicted in 2008 and 2012 never eventuated (yet).
they werent a serious force then, just creeping behind the shadows
there was no 'altright' popular media, Spencer was even a member of the Ron Paul posse
You realize it takes a Congress and Senate to pass laws right? Ron Paul knows this...right?
He's said multiple times he realizes most of his radical ideas wont get passed, and that's the idea. He'd have taken this country out of it's wartime status to disable future presidents from abusing powers, like...executive orders, which are designed to be used in time of war.
Which, I mean 9/11 sure seems like a good reason to start the new century with a reason to abuse power.
I don't have to. That he owned slaves at all is enough to prove my point.
Nobody from those initial congresses envisioned or aspired to the USA as you know it today.
Then you are missing the context of time, history, setting, circumstances, society, etc all at that moment in time. Which is a rather willfully ignorant position.
That's irrelevant. These men used niggers like tractors to make money and they designed their country around this fact. They never wanted racial egalitarianism and for their children to be replaced by non-whites. Prove me wrong.
Hell, during the American-Mexican War people were arguing AGAINST the annexation of Mexico into the Union based upon the race issue.
>He's healthy as a horse even if he's old.
Not really. His feet are fuked up.. He can only wear new balance sneakers.
Next time you take an ignorant position, learn about what you are arguing for. Slavery is abolished. Knowing history and living in it are two different things.
Hate speech doesn't have to do anything with free speech
ron paul will forever be ourguy of the internet
he is too good for reality
Lol, that is your best argument? You can't defend your points and result to "lel you dumb"
I never said it wasn't true bruh.
I'm talking about context. Try owning black slaves now-a-days, it's outdated and abolished. What are you lolling about? Thomas Jefferson was well known to 'own' slaves and treat them as best the paradigm of the time allowed.
Are you saying you don't have ideas and act on those ideas based on the inputs of society at the time that you are alive at that moment? For fucks sake man...
Ignoring things is the root of the alt-left. That's why the Democrats started the civil war, like they want to now.
You want to argue if black people were enslaved? Why? That's an historical fact through many nations across the planet, it's not an argument when it's a fact.
What is the race issue? We need to segregate people again?
The Australian already said that founding fathers did not believe in racial egalitarianism, you have yet to disprove that, all you are hanging on to is that slavery is illegal today, which is irrelevant to this.
That's not a great argument, I mean...are you saying laws don't change with time? Don't be ignorant. Thomas Jefferson was one of the movers toward racial egalitarianism. In 1807, Thomas Jefferson signed a bill abolishing the slave trade, made effective January 1, 1808.
It is your founding fathers were against these people being there, it is clear as day you can look at the picture I posted. You have no other counter arguments other than "well they wanted to get rid of slavery" which means nothing in the context of question whether they wanted blacks to live in USA. The hilarity is that you say you follow your founding father ideas that are about liberty, but you stop that when the conversation goes about race and who should be allowed to live in USA. You say that the these things are out of date and we should consider the time period these people lived, but you won't do the same thing about their other ideas. How do you know that constitution is not outdated? It was written by same men that lived in same times as slavery existed.
are ISIS meetings allowed in the US of A?
Because amendments. And time.
You are arguing that Americans should disregard the foundational document of our nation because at one history was different.
Care to define what span of time is and is not outdated, which will and can only be your opinion?
ron paul started the tea party back in 2007, it grew directly out of his presidential campaign
of course mainstrea (((sources))) like wikipedia and whatever the fuck wont mention his name
only landowners could vote you fucking simpleton, most white nationalists are sadly socialist authoritarian cuckolds
and none of them aspired it to be your retarded cuckold socialist state
Obviously you haven't seen all the news in America. You know Trump got elected, right? You know the media hates that, right? All day every day in America on TV is anti-Trump.
That's a direct insult to your invalid statement regarding the state of our Nation.
>Because amendments
So now we are talking about amendments and not original document the way the founding fathers wrote? Also I don't think that any of those affect what kind of ethnic composition USA should have.
>You are arguing that Americans should disregard the foundational document of our nation because at one history was different.
You are the one who says that the founding fathers were influenced by the times they lived therefore they had slaves, but then you can't seem to understand that their other views were just as well influenced by the times they lived in...
>Care to define what span of time is and is not outdated, which will and can only be your opinion?
How about you do it, since slavers from 1700's are outdated to you, but slavers from 1700's are also not outdated.
there were free black men living in the states back in 18th century
That is irrelevant, they did not even have citizenship until 1866 and even then there was segregation, were as liberals see it they were not fully citizen.
Dude, you're literally arguing that it shouldn't take time to change things in real life.
Is the alphabet outdated? It's super old, better make a new one.
>things can change as long as they change the way I like it
This is true, that's why I can vote. That's why other people can vote, too. Because people like and dislike different things.
How is that relevant and why does citizenship matter? Show me this forced segregation in the 18th century?
The fact i brought up clearly proves that both white and black people lived under the constitution, subject to the same laws. Who cares about egalitarianism? The founders didn't want egalitarianism when it came to anything, they were anti-egalitarians. The australlian dude is a retarded socialist to even bring up the subject
yoz azkrakka alfabit mufok raycess no1 nee det sheet fuk u yt
You think most people would have voted to abolish slavery in 1860, end segregation in 1650? Be real.
>How is that relevant and why does citizenship matter?
It shows that they considered blacks to not be part of USA, like Indians. This and the naturalization laws clearly indicate this. They explicitly said white persons.
>The fact i brought up clearly proves that both white and black people lived under the constitution
So what? Does this show anything about nature of how the outlook in that time was? The only thing that shows is only that they did not kill blacks for just being there and that is all. have been talking about documents, founding fathers, laws and black people. Now you're talking about voting. Unfortunately I need to go to work soon, so hopefully you'll get your endless line of questioning answered before everyone on the planet dies.
Because I have a feeling, you're just gonna keep trolling.
That's interesting
I am not trolling though
I mentioned Thomas Jefferson on purpose. He's an easy example of a white man who was elected President who forced white Americans at the time, to follow the rule of law. It takes balls to be a President in a mostly slave ran country and tell your voters that shit's gotta change.
I'm off to work.
And yet he said that blacks should be deported back to Africa, I already made clear that I was aware of what Jefferson though about slavery.