Ron Paul educates you on Charlotsville

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This guy is still relevant?

Repent. Sinner newfag.

Though shall not take Ron Paul's name in vein, except when talking about taking Ron Paul's name in vein.

He starts saying it, and than reaches the point and backs off. Extremely well conditioned not to overstep the boundaries.
He wants to but the programming is to strong.

>This guy is still relevant?

do i pass u guise

He an old Sup Forums father figure like Jordan Petersen

Vote Rand 2024 btw

>jordan petersen

This. Ron Paul will always have a place on Sup Forums.

lets replace the statues the leftist tear down with Ron Paul statues.

I'm so glad that after refusing to stand up for himself and letting Mitt Romney and Rinsed steal the RNC nomination he's decided to throw his lot in with the rest of the virtue signaling public. This is why I stopped being a lolbertarian.