Does anyone here live in Seattle.. ?
The Great American Statue-Wars Of 2017
you crazy mad men.
You actually got the normies to notice it.
I nearly crashed the first time I drove past this thing.
It's for sale for $250k. If you wanted to crowdfund, we could probably get it to the bottom of the ocean where it belongs.
Structurally the Lenin one will be harder to pull down.
That statue is privately owned by a very capitalist company.
The irony of that fact is already an good enough insult to communism.
The card predicted it already
Off with lenins head
Nice try Lenin statue owner
No way
I think Lenin did nothing wrong
i live 105 miles north and go there for the weekends, fun to visit. point and laugh
Damn, did these people think of everything?
>buttttt muhh lennin statue
That statue is history too
from what i read the agent has said the price has gone up to $300k, which is bullshit because nobody wants to buy it
anyway, this statue has sentimental value to the family because of their deceased father, you would need approx 300k and to convince them you're not going to melt the statue the moment you get it
it's a no go to say the least
wouldn't the easier thing to do is just use corrosive chemicals on it? there must be something that will eat away at it through the night
Lenin didn't kill all those people. And, they deserved it.
fearless girl still standing
good guys
I read somewhere that the Lenin statue is on private property whereas the Confederate statues are on government property. Who knows though
Seattlefag here
The statue is a meme brought over in the 90s are the SU fell because no one wanted it, he tried to sell it but he couldn't and when he died the family just dumped it at the Plaza he is currently in today slowly becoming a city-wide meme
We dress up Lenin in drag, graffiti him with political slogans, anti-communist vigils are held at him (particularly the Poles who write in red paint all kinds of stuff on him while putting candles down)
He is a giant, ironic piece of artwork basically and is privately owned, he isn't a public city monument
Find another statue to take down, any other Seattlefag can verify what I'm saying as well
You'd look fucking ridiculous if you came to Seattle and protested it kek
such hypocrites kek
>these retards don't even realize its privately owned
kek I bet $100 no one in that picture is even from Seattle
>Lenin is Hitler
Fucking civnats
right-wing activists should tear that statue down
Kys commiefag
>Lenin statue is privately owned
You can't make this shit up
Not just a few people. He killed more people than all the slaves that ever existed in America.
Yeah, it's a privately-owned statue on privately-owned land. That means if anyone does anything to it then it's "destruction of property" rather than just vandalism, and they'll get fucked hard sans lube.
So please, go ahead fascists. Make your move.
>privately owned
>commie fag
Do you know what irony is or is your instinctual response just to blubber out whatever challenges your world views?
I was fairly certain that Lenin was the only one that survived the Great Purge and tried to be a maintaining proponent for classical communism, until some mexican assassinated him.
Why else would Stalin have wanted him dead for 40 years?
>Acid Attacks
>That Flag
You cheeky bastard.
Oh look, another seppo who thinks Lenin and Stalin are the same person. Go back to school, kiddo.
Yeah, it's on private land as well, the plaza is owned by the family lol.
This isn't some public, government/city monument to communism, its in the middle of fucking Fremont, the same part of the city that has giant trolls under the bridges.
Private doesn't mean shit. Alabama passed a law banning the removal of statues or the renaming of buildings and parks so the niggers are focusing on "private" statues now.
It does mean shit in Seattle, this isn't Alabama kek.
It is privately owned on private land, PRIVATELY OWNED should be enough for your low IQ brain to understand it is an ironic piece of work more than anything at this point, not sure how this is flying completely over your head.
Even in that fucking reddit protest link earlier in the thread you can see his hands and face are painted red, lmao.
Why - why, cause there are no people from Ukraine in Seattle
nitric acid
More of our beloved tranny communist dictator
Chinese new year, basically any holiday there is he gets dressed up according to it, we should dress him up in a ton of nazi shit during shabbat or something
Christmas lel
Ok we fucking get it you like to take pictures of the statue, good for you. #seattlepride blah blah blah
he a gud boi
lenin dindu nuffin
But mostly he is splattered in red paint or has something like "GENOCIDE" or "MURDERER" written on him
That's trotsky you dumbfuck
there's a video of somewhere in Ukraine taking down a Lenin statue with a crane and they didn't fasten the straps very well because hohols are incompetent and the head of Lenin flies off
That was Trotsky he wanted some global communism that Stalin didn't give a fuck about so he icepicked him.
Some people itt thought it was a public city monument to communism, I am just dispelling that, a lot of the former soviet union expats living in Seattle use it for vigils and shit and people want to take that away? Find something else to virtue signal about
Depends on what it's made of
>You'd look fucking ridiculous if you came to Seattle and protested it kek
Everyone is roasting them in the comments, its well known to people in Seattle that its privately owned so these people either aren't from Seattle or really know nothing about the statue they are protesting
Like I guarantee you everyone who saw that shit thought they were retards kek
These cards a scary
This statue meme seems pretty BASED. Tranny Lenin is pure KEK.
Thanks for the pics Seattle guy
Lol what a wasted get. Get rekt faggots.
Tranny Lenin is for sure his most powerful form
What about MLK statues?
Lenin: This isn't even my final form
Can someone give me a quick rundown of these cards? When were they made?
You'd get basically zero support if you went after MLKs monuments, he is taught and celebrated as a national hero
We should go after Malcom X statues and street names
What about you fuck off comrade-ski?
I've ordered a bunch of MAGA hats and am going to put them on a bunch of local statues, just to see if anyone will care
ski is Polish, say -ov.
nobody cares about that statue. it's a tourist attraction. stop embarrassing yourselves. there are more actual nazis than actual communists in seattle.
It actually doesn't matter if the left, or anyone for that matter, cares about the statue. All we have to do is take it down, then make a big deal about it like we achieved a victory. And the left will accept it as a defeat out of principle.
FUCK THAT! Burn it all down.
It won't get taken down, its privately owned and no one in the city gives enough of a fuck to bitch to city council about it
The only people who would protest it are out of towners who look absolutely ridiculous protesting a Lenin statue that is regularly dressed in drag
it's still private property isn't it?
leave the statue alone
One good thing that resulted from this whole mess.
But there's no moral equivalence here. Gentleman generals or young drafted boys can't compare to actual killer. This has to be universal.
The fact the only thing the right can do is point to taking down statues like pic related while ignoring the fact Confederate statutes were built in the 1920s to enforce white supremacy is telling.
>Paying to remove a filthy commie statue
Would be cheaper to rent a transport helicopter and dump the abomination into a lake.
Why would you destroy someone's property? Are you a nigger?
How does a statue enforce anything if it can't even move?
I disagree with vandalising these statues since they're private property so it's good to see red paint rather than total destruction. Take the high road guys
Ghandi statues next?
>July 3, 1907: “Kaffirs are as a rule uncivilised – the convicts even more so. They are troublesome, very dirty and live almost like animals. Each ward contains nearly 50 to 60 of them. They often started rows and fought among themselves. The reader can easily imagine the plight of the poor Indian thrown into such company!”
There are plenty of powerful memes we could use just by vandalizing Lenin like everyone else is, we're missing out by not getting in on it
The Alt-Right is so desperate for a Statue War, but the best they could find is a privately owned statue of a guy a third of all leftists and most liberals don't even like that exists as a neighborhood inside-joke.
They found 6 people willing to go out and protest it and so far all of their arguments have been with confused people trying to explain irony to them.
does anyone have this?
The statues were built by the winners to ease tensions Ina very decided nation has nothing to do with supremacy you mongoloid retard.
>has nothing to do with supremacy you mongoloid retard.
Even if normies believed that (they don't), the argument would still be "they don't ease tensions today so we can trash them."
>Seattlefag here
Fuck off back to tumblr, cuck.
Seattle is a white man's paradise, there are a lot of us on Sup Forums.
The South lost. Get over it.
Petition to remove Lenin.
Don't need to use real info. Just pump it with 'signatures' to get the ball rolling.
>privet property
>privet land
People are told to remove items from their land all the time. Be it for aesthetic reasons, safety, religious, or political.
There is no barrier to having this statue removed, from what is a highly prominent position.
Aim of the petition is to cause Antifa to out themselves.
With how fast things are moving, it's best to have this petition precooked. So that in event of catastrophe, it's there for us to use.
Remember to keep this in house for now.
A lot of what its based on already happened or was general conspiracy stuff. Statues are often destroyed in revolutions
So do it, then. Nobody's stopping you from pushing your petition, except your own doubts.
Kek good luck
I'm holding it back for now till it's pumped with signatures. That way the general public will be more receptive of it.
I'd prefer to push it into the wild when there's more serious talk about removing iconic statues. In attempt to ge both a stalemate, and give chance to antifa to make complete fools of themselves.
you guys brainwashed too?
They never want to do their own dirty work, do they
>Lenin killed some millions of people
Does it mean Adam Smith killed even more people?
>Adam Smith
Guy who killed many people by Capitalsm.
Live/Work in Tacoma, if my car wasn't a shitter rust bucket I'd go vandalize it every week, but thems the breaks.
>American education
That's why it's a good idea to protest it. White supremacist LARPers proved that memes don't work in the real world, they got destroyed. Protesting Lenin, doubling down on memes and cringe can bring a lot of good attention. That's why they are doing it. Noone cares about this statue, there is no point for it to come down other than to spoil the fun people have been having with it for years. Taking memes seriously is a big mistake
Do you have any idea how many people are named Adam Smith?