>muh white supremacy
>he's a fucking croat roach south slav subhuman
the absolute state of Sup Forums
Muh white supremacy
Other urls found in this thread:
Still better than a beaner and nigger.
If they have no skills, then they are right down there with niggers.
>family has lived in the US for like 20 years
>muh blood and soil
Niggers have more right to this land than this little faggot
Southern slavs have more contributions than nords and northern slavs though
>they're not white enough
You people are some of the dumbest motherfuckers
Sup Forums is a board of peace
croats are white
t. serb
>white supremacy
Nice bait user
Gas yourself
Follow your leader
Croats are ok people. In Bosnia and Montenegro it begins to get shitty.
are they not?
Diaspora are the worst kind of idiots. Luckily for Croats, Bosnians and Serbs their hasn't returned to their homeland. But our has (the ones who escaped during ww2) and they bring nothing but trouble!
But you are not
wow he made a funny face, everyone on the right is evil.
*ignores antifa setting several cities on fire*
stop cherrypicking
Do you not know what White Nationalism is, and why they aren't the same thing? Are you new here?
whatever, ante
they are pretty much the same thing stormfag
White nationalism is a retarded concept invented by inbred hillbillies in American prisons for the purpose of being edgy. Americans, being racial and culturally mongrelised, have no genuine traditions or connections to the land, just the appearance of them. Their experiment of a society wrought the disease of capitalism on the globe - now Europe and the Anglosphere are vassals to American degeneracy, carried forth by their cheap materialism, cultural faggotry and their endless wars and subversion.
Just remember that the absolute state of America is due to its own idiocy and its own structures. Reap what you sow you fucking yanks.
> 56%
Isn't their prime minister also a Croat?
subhuman detected
Dinarics are the master-race, fuck off
>1 post by this ID
abandon thread, obviously just a bait
yes, her homeland is krk. she still owns a house there
Fucking slavic subhumans. Why the fuck do Neo Nazis have so many slavic fuckers in their ranks. How fucking disappointing. What good qualities do slavic people even have?
2 posts by this ID you mean
When the race war comes, I will try to kill every white people I see.
Yes, we aren't white.
you are germanic, how come you aren't white?
They aren't the same thing, people like you are part of the problem
Obviously there's no white race, Nemanja
There's only Portuguese, Celtic, Nordic, Slavic, Roman, Anglo, Greek and Spanish race
be thankful that we defended civilization
No, no, user. Slavs are not white nor are they nonwhite, remember that.
Back to r/thedonald with you, faggot.
this desu, we're just slavs
Been in the U.S. for 15yr. Can't wait to become an honorary white.
We don' take kindly ta redditfags
Pol is a board of stormfront bootlickers.
slavs are the strongest whites in all of history.
get fucked boong.
Half the threads on this guy
>hurr he's not white slavshit balkan durr
Meanwhile on twitter
>Fuck white males
>His picture in every anti-white meme
>tfw Slav
Feels good man, I thank my pagan gods every day for making me one.
Get butthurt kike shits hehe.
maybe, still whiter than you
come on žižek
It doesn't matter bro, as long as you're a proud Slav
Gonna be in Croatia next month for 3 weeks. Zadar. What should I do?
>italian-gypsy subhuman inbred
choose one & kys
>jew logic
Ok I get it, slavs exists as meat shields. They give up their life to protect their superior White people. If we want we can exterminate Slavic people. They are our playtoy.
visit the islands, there's nothing much TO do here except swim and do drugs
how's that ideological Cold War working out for you?
look out the window lately?
the only people who make not white threads are jews
neither are croats. :^)
Show your flag tough guy
But you can't. You're in a self destructive mode, you openly welcome those who will rape your daughters and spill you with acid and you do nothing. The Slavs are your only hope m8
>he is an actual white nationalist
o i am laffin
>>he's a fucking croat roach south slav subhuman
hey rabbi whatcha doin?
>superior white people
>needed a nonwhite to invent electricity
>also, not actually white
>an obvious b8 thread
>50+ replies
there is no hope for this board, reddit has won
Nigger detected
We might as well have a Slav pride thread, it's been a while
Truely a strange way of spelling jew
Good goyim, keep fighting amongst yourselves while we continue to take over every aspect of society.
Source?That's some Level 100 Scythian Horseback Bard magic article.
the shitposting on this board is just boring as fuck. fucking nu/pol/ retarded kids.
also sage
Also. Our boxing guy kicked the US nigga ass in junior heavyweight.
it's article taken as serious from croatian satirical portal news-bar
Wew,the article actually talks about Croatians and Serbs being Scythians kek.
>coming from a half abo nigger
It doesnt get much better than this.
STFU Ahmed
>posting numbers without context
Keep deluding yourself
>The importance of the battle was considered so great that the French clergyman and statesman Cardinal Richelieu was reported to have described it as "the battle that saved civilization."
>The battle is still famous in Croatia and Hungary and inspired both the Hungarian epic poem The Siege of Sziget and the Croatian opera Nikola Šubić Zrinski
post more of these
I'm studying in zadar, well there is not much to do spend your moneiz, see the city, go swiming that's it... if you want to be ripped of your canadough i can sell u some weed / psychedelics
His father needs to beat him and turn him into a normal fanatical ultra nationalist Croatian Catholic.
>turning him into an idiot
yeah no
Your dubious doubles are no match for my tranquil triples of truth, my Serb friend. I am right.
fair enough i guess
Like all other immigrants, slavs rape as well. Just because they look like whites, they are still subhumans see this:
The other white people pretenders here in Sup Forums are probably slavs and leeching on white people country. And pretending they are Americans or British. FUCK OFF!!
Pathetic western wh*te cucks, of course we Slavs are not wh*te, we despise your wh*teness and your western """values""". We are united with our Jewish and nigger brothers in destroying your pathetic pussy race
>>he's a fucking croat roach south slav subhuman
He's still white, and my racial brother. Go rub those two cents together. That's Jewish foreplay, isn't it?
This desu. Given a choice between jews and nazis, I would pick jews as my ally anyday. Nazis are subhumans.
Is there anything more embarrassing than LARPing Nazis?
reminder that white nationalists defeated the nazis
croats and swedes practically have the same dna
southern slavs have the same group origin as scandinavians
trace paternal lineage
3/4 slav master race
1/4 mongrel germanic
No more nazis or commies. Slavs will join as one and become superpower 2025. Israel will be big Israel 2026.
meh he looks like a cuty pie.
He'll be fine.
Charlottesville was a mistake. We are now at the tipping point. The game has changed. One more left wing martyr and Trump gets impeached, and the Purple Revolution goes hot, and the right dies.
We have to play the victim game. As stupid as it sounds, we must continue to hold rallies over clear examples of oppression and unfairness...and If anyone attacks us, we must do NOTHING.
Hold position, and stand as still as you can.
Drop your signs, and take your beating. Wear armor, carry water for acid attacks, but do no bodily harm. The media will ignore it at first...but eventually the photographic evidence will mount. Then we will have the proof we desperately need to show the world we are not evil. Its the only way to turn this around.
Confederate statues aren't worth defending, at least not with big angry torch rallies like that. We can't keep these things around forever, and the statues themselves aren't very informative about what really happened. Petitioning cities to put the removal to a referendum is really what people should be doing about that instead of holding marches.
the absolute state
Reminder that swarthy euroshits werent considered white by the founding fathers
>Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.
>Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.
Ben franklin
Vidim da ne shvaćaš... 99% ljudi koji vide te "samo brojke" znaju da se radi o hvaljenju Hrvata jer su uspijeli izvući borbu protiv doslovno 100 puta veće vojske.
wtf i am nordic now
>caring about what americunts think
Sad part is, OP's parents are probably from Croatia.
at a few trump rallies the attendees had to walk through a tunnel lined by antifa terrorists and they were screaming in their ear, spitting on them, hitting them. the media didn't even show any of it. they ignore antifa and blame all violence on trump. they already called him a nazi two years ago and disrupted every single one of his rallies. what needs to happen is counter protestors need to be arrested and removed if they get to close and are armed and violent. as it is now the media and the jews encourage violence and then blame it all on trump