How hard is it to learn your language ? In how many years could I be fluent with it ? It seems difficult
Dear perkele
Finland doesn't even exist how could they have a language
step 1: immersion
step 2: there is no step 2 stop wasting your time.
It's perkeleen hard. Don't waste time every Finn speaks fluent English.
If you are adult, you will never be fluent, native speakers will hear your errors.
Its easy just go like this: kokoa kokko kokoon. Koko kokkoko?
Don't you mean "an adult"
Not enough money now for that
Well I like learning new language. And my job requires me to learn the language of the locals.
Not that big of a deal for me
Kokko means eagle or something like that no ?
Kokko is bonfire, build up a bonfire? The whole bonfire? Kokoa kokko kokoon. Koko kokkoko?
Here you go
Prepare to remember words such as lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas.
>mention Finland in the OP
>summon every Finn on Sup Forums
You can't learn Finnish.
Damnit, so tuli is eagle or bird ??
I mean these kind of sentences also exists in other language.
But realistically, what is the biggest difficulties of the language since we have the same alphabet
Yeah very often used word..
Nothing is impossible of you believe in you, that's what anime have learnt me
The flag carries digital pheromones.
Fluent doesn't mean there are no mistakes.
Yes it does. Also note that mistakes by natives are called "innovations"
Finnish is one of the easiest languages. Even 5 year olds speak it somewhat fluently here.
>not enough money to listen to finnish news
>not enough money to stick finnish post-it labels on everything in your house
>not enough money to watch finnish mtv on youtube
please just die.
Wow why does a kangaroo is so angry, are you just a Fin in holiday ?
tuli = fire
kokko = bonfire
lintu = bird
kokkolintu = mythical giant eagle, fiery in some depictions, just average gigantic eagle in some
>Fluent refers to Fluency, the ability to communicate in a language quickly and accurately
t. Wikipedia
Besides nobody would be fluent if typos weren't allowed.
Easy if you speak another hard language.
if you are good with languages then its not that hard, it can actually be a fun new challenge, if you dont already know several languages and this is your first non-english language then its going to take a lot of work
Force a bit of background :
I have option for doing an erasmus in Finland (in 2 years) but what's the point if I don't know the language ? I don't want to be the dumbass who asks, at every lecture, the teacher to speak in English.
kotka = eagle
your biggest challenge will propably be suffixes
Thanks a lot sir !
What is the biggest difficulties in Finnish ? I mean Russian and German have the "declination", in Chinese it's the symbol, in French it could be grammar/remember the gender of every word,...
Alright thanks for your response !
they talk in english on erasmus, no one is expecting you to know finnish
But I'm in med school, it's not like you give lecture in English ? And when you go to the doctor you speak in English ?
Knowing how talk only when you have to talk.
we do give lectures in English
watch this for a good introduction:
Don't ever even think about moving to Finland. We have elections in 2019 and the polls just came in: tldr: over 9000000000000 refugees are coming in. All the parties are cucked.
If you want to save yourself from multikulti learn chinese instead and move to shanghai.
Fuck this world.
Not the time to look the video now but thanks for sharing
Go back to Sup Forums.
well anyway, there is no need to learn finnish just to live here, everyone understands english and every office and shop worker can speak english as well, its mandatory for all of us to learn it after we turn 9
there is a lot of foreign students in our schools since its so famous for its quality so all of them offer their courses in both finnish and english
I don't know man, just put them in the north, after the first winter they'll want to get out. Or create new cities near the Russian border and put them there, so when the Russians will attack they'll be "slowed" down by killing refugees first
This website might be helpful for basics
Especially now when peruscucks decided that they disagree too much with Halla-aho to be in the same party with him
Well not that it's decided I want to live there, I liked Finland a lot when I went there. But I don't know, as a doctor, I'd feel bad to ask patients to speak in other language that their own for me to understand. Ofc I'm sure lots of people speak English there but I'm against this idea. Anyway thanks for your links and help
Kokko was originally the name for eagle which then turned into the form of kotka. Kokko as a name for a bonfire comes from the name kokkolintu.
Dude. You have no idea how cucked those parties are. They are deliberately trying to fight against seggregation. Which means they are puttin refugees in every fucking village up north and so on. Good thing is refugees dont like northern towns so they all move back to helsinki.
Trust me. Do. Not. Come. Here.
I am personally moving to murikka after DJ Trump gets his RAISE act approved.
depends what kind of doctor, but yeah you have to speak the language of the patients, but for example I have had indian anesthesiologist and south european urologist but they could communicate with finnish well enough
but just for erasmus you dont need to know a single word
You won't be able to work as a doctor without knowing either swedish or finnish, and swedish only is mainly limited to Åland.
>every finn speaks fluent enguru
what else belongs to helsinki clown?
>kokko means eagle
Stop learning Finnish from Korpiklaani lyrics
Thanks !
Yeah you're right, I don't know the political climate of Finland. Anyway if going to USA is what you want/ will make you happy,just do it
Yeah that's what I was wondering !
>erasmus you dont need to know a single word
Erasmus for medical students is pretty much pointless as most lectures will be in finnish, and those that aren't are usually pretty damn awful.
user, what are you up to really?
Finnish has declination, conjugation, stem changes, and even numerals are declinated according to case. Russian or German don't even come close to what Finnish (and also Estonian, Hungarian, etc.) do by default.
talo -- (the/a) house
talossa -- in (the/a) house
talossani -- in my house
taloissani -- in my houses
talosta -- from (the/a) house
taloista -- from (the) houses
taloistasi from your houses
etc. etc. etc.
Finnish has about a dozen cases and nouns group into different stems, which then you will have to remember. At first this sounds scary, but practice is needed all the time.
Vowel harmony is also tricky, but easy to get used to, only a few languages use, but no Indo-European language afaik. E.g. talossA (in the house), but mökissÄ (in the hut). A and Ä are the vowels in the suffix that need to match the word's vowel type.
The really difficult part is learning vocabulary. literary Finnish restricts itself to only a very few foreign words, everything else is native vocabulary that is unfamiliar to you (unless you are Estonian, etc.)
Get used to the difference between long and short vowels and consonants. tuli, tuuli, tulli are three different things.
The other difficult thing is: Finns usually don't speak literary Finnish, so your textbook is only half the story.
Italian is a very simple languge to speak but grammar is a bitch
Was looking to learn a language this summer and with the possible erasmus in Finland, I hesitate to try learning Fin
Thanks for the time you spend on this. OK now I understand why it's called a difficult language.
It is very difficult. You should stay in your own country.
Finnish is actually very logical in its morphology, you just need to learn and exercise it.
No I'll leave mine
Nah you should still try and learn it lad. If Somalians can move there and learn it so can you lad
True, Im trying to learn italian but it's harder than I ever thought.
Oy vey.
implying somalis are trying to learn anything and not just nig nog with their unga bunga language
Stop being raaacist Mikko. Somali are very intelligent.
ask the niggers, 200 years and they still cant speak English worth a fuck!
Tbh I couldn't tell the difference when I was there, they speak like monkeys no matter what language they're attempting
>Då får du komma till arbetsförmedligen igen sen och så får vi se om vi hittar ett jobb till dig!
If you want a challenge go for it, but on the other hand learning finnish is pretty useless and pointless waste of time like browsing 4chin
My wife is a foreign doctor in Finland. You need to learn the language fluently to work. There are tests that enforce that. Your biggest problem is the vocabularity since it's different from latin/germanic languages. Suffixes are easy since they are just rules. Whats your native language?
ah, (((sweden))) my third least favourite country after china and north korea
Thanks for the encouragement
I'm from Belgium: Flanders is full of nazi, even the 1st party is led by ex nazi (see Bart de wever), the only thing they can say is :everything bad is because of waloons. They made a national outrage because a waloon zoo got pandas and not their Flemish one. They wanted the split of Belgium, but now they understand it would be suicidal for them, they're like: yeah confederation is better anyway.
You have the waloons in the other size: just a socialist shithole. Like we're the only country in the world were you be unemployed at life and still be paid by the government, well Walloon is full of these people. Also the Waloons politician will do everything the Flemish one say as long as they are in the government.
So I'm a waloon but my side of Belgium isn't fucked and the other side hate me (for Flemish a waloon is like a sandnigger, you can be arrested in antwerp if you speak French there,...)
To add this: the government is destroying the medical system (it's become like in America), full of refugees,...
I just want to get out: ofc politics is shitty everywhere but I can't stand mine anymore. And also I'm looking for more beautiful nature because it's quite ugly here
French, so not a lot of common points.
And also, what's was her native language and how many time did she spend learning Fin ?
I think you should do it. Since you're already a med student you have the brains of learning lots of data. The country is nice, people like you a lot even you're just trying to speak finnish. You have good luck with girls here, since they tend to like foreigners... and the country needs immigrants like you. Go for it duud! If you need help, I´m available.
For her, it's an ongoing progress. She went some courses, got required levels(tests) and learned fluently through working. 2 years are more than enough if youre in the country and avoid other foreigners. Ive known people that can have a decent conversation in half a year of courses and exposure.
It took 3 months to learn.
After few days I spent here my roommates told me that it's finnish only for now on vitun vamuli and so I was forced to learn.
Thats exactly what is needed. Some foreigner spend 10 years here and spend their time with their in-group, complaning that everything is so difficult since they dont know the language.