You fucked up big time this time Nazis. You have energized antifa and my comrades. pic related is our Horst wessel...

You fucked up big time this time Nazis. You have energized antifa and my comrades. pic related is our Horst wessel. Me and my creative antifa comrades are already starting to compose songs in her honor.

Watch out you piss baby fucks. We're coming for you. One dies and five comrades take her place.

Other urls found in this thread:

We're the ones who know how to use guns you dumb faggot. Get back in the basement.

She wouldn't have died if she wasn't so fat desu.

my ancestors are smiling at me antifa can you say the same

wew, look at that bait
tis same thread is here every hour

Drops one post like a smelly socialist dump then and limps back to cripplechan

Yeah alt-right really fucked up big time. Whales are endangered and killing them is a crime against nature

I don't reply right away you fascist fuck I'm on my way to WORK maybe you anti proletarian NEET anime nazi FUCKS should try it some time!

You fell for the bait, you dipshits.

>Watch out you piss baby fucks. We're coming for you. One dies and five comrades take her place
Only five? She was 10 comrades worth judging by her weight at least.

Yes, Soros is energized and will dump more of his money into a bunch of larping starbucks employees... Who cares?

Typical mainstream media. One white girl dies and it's on the news for a whole fucking week.

Meanwhile over70 black people were killed in Chicago last week and no one gives a shit.

Preach comrade. The white supremacist media HAS to be dismantled. We're coming for you, Steve Bannon, and all of you anime nazi piss baby fucks.

All I have to do is tweet once to mobilize 3000 antifa comrades.

Turn leftist shill threads into N1G hate threads. Rot their souls with hatethink

>implying im taking this seriously

Racist fascist piss baby fuck I will beat communism into your skull.

Are you serious, because all I hear is: Blah, Blah, Blah, Antifascist, Blah, Blah, Blah, Punch Nazis, Blah, Blah, Blah, White Supremacy must end.

You do know if whites were even a third of the jackbooted Nazis you claim them to be, you would be afraid given they purged Commies after they rose to power.

>You fucked up big time this time Nazis. You have energized antifa and my comrades. pic related is our Horst wessel. Me and my creative antifa comrades are already starting to compose songs in her honor.

cant wait for weimar republic 2 electric boogloo comrade.

you, the elites, the politicians, the media, the celebrities, the entire goverment complex and any person with some influence.. you have all lost against people just wanting to be left alone and to play vidja.
If you had not shoved your retard sjw crap in games you would now have Hillary and dems leading.
Messing a little bit with games changed the world and made something that no person could even conceive something that should have been truly impossible possible... and you think you have a chance if you keep being annoying cunts?!

Yeah calm down nigger.


You racist fascist piss baby anime nazi FUCKS me and my black comrades will destroy you.

Sounds like something a communist would do.
Did you know that police are allowed to shoot terrorists in a free and unrestricted manner?

Yep, all we wanted for the most part was to be left alone, we would have died out naturally and the left would have won in several decades. But they played their hand too early and now it has come back to haunt them.

Never fuck with Bread and Circuses. I thought most people learned from history not to mess with something that placates the masses.


Gamer gate was correct video games are reactionary and must be changed to be more inclusionary of PoC, women, trans, and lgbts deal with it you anime nazi FUCKS.

What a waste of a get

From what I see, there are going to be many more of your comrades dead if you continue. Good luck with that.

You do realize that those very same Black Comrades would simply go against you down the line. That is why OWS failed after all, infighting lead to the collapse of that movement.

Shouting racism and sexism, and whatever phobia will not change the fact that people are often more in group biased than not.

>one mentally deranged guy runs over on person
>this means that anyone on the right is a NAZI

Guess that means all muslims are terrorists...

Agreed comrade. We must destroy these Nazis.

the best part is that you communist actually think the people support you. they support anti-racism
Once you faggots start trying your "revolution"
they'll not give a shit about the nazi's stopping you.


Nice "get" comrade. The fash will be bashed.

And thus you will create even more "Nazis" as a result, you and others on your side never learned from the event and this is why people will always beat you down in the arena of debate. Shouting that word constantly is only making it easier for people to see how delusional you are.

>13% of the population
>52% of murderers
Niggers, not even once

>carry nazi flags and chant nazi shit
>"wh-why are they calling me a nazi?"

Sage the thread.

You have no power here antifa.
/pol belongs to us

>One dies and five comrades take her place.
Did you just its gender?

Shut up you reactionary fuck. Revolution is coming.

she wasn't even hit by the car, she was 40 feet away, rolled over on the ground and died from suffocating in her own 300lbs of fat and compacted fecal waste. I'm even convinced that antifa's "street medics" killed her with improper cpr, assuming her state of shock and fake pulse was cardiac arrest, because they couldn't feel her fatty heart rhythm through all the blubber

This post is racist bullshit. All blacks are my comrades against capitalism they suffer the most under it.

BLM is a black nationalist movement
They don't want you as their equals, they want you as second class citizens.

You just need us to stop all the infighting that eventually will start happening.

This is a get thread now 1488

Read more racist breitbart articles you racist fuck my best friend is black he sells me weed and participates in revolutionary economics.

And you will be nothing more than a useful idiot who will be executed once it ends and another leader is put into power. That is all the leaders of whatever you are following see you as, nothing more than merely an expendable pawn who only wants you gone because you would eventually challenge them after you realize it was nothing more than a changing of the guard.

Nice digits, shill. Really though, should have just left the vidya alone. I don't even want to waste my time with it anymore. All want to do these days is dedicate my life to the realization of 1488. Yah done goofed commie.

Start a war. Make my day.

You are a useful idiot for the racist capitalist white male bourgeoisie.

Communism won.
Communism wins.
Communism will win.

Which pretty much reaffirms all that has been rightfully said about you up until this point.

Checked comrade.

oh oh isis supports antifa

Fuck off kike



And I bet you are enjoying all the benefits of Bourgeoisie given you are using their technology and creations resulting from their innovation.

But I suppose you wouldn't know what that term means anyway given you had to suck off a College professor's dick to get a degree in something absolutely worthless anyway.

That is a captured ISIS flag for your information, it doesn't matter the YPG and PKK have been exposed as imperialist stooges for the Zionists anyway and have been disavowed.

How long after Lenin seized power until they start slaughtering ethnic minorities? Oh wait, they began that long ago. Then after the Jews acquired power at behest of the "free pure Russians", began enslaving the Eastern European states and the Baltics for their resources. Communism is National Socialism when the tribes break down all trust and becomes too afraid to be honest with itself.

Feudal peasants benefited from feudalism at one point it doesn't mean feudalism eventually became obsolete when the bad outweighed the good.

I want to be the torturer; maybe some psychological stuff. Feed you your favorite foods with drugs that make very ill. Force your eyes open then burn them out with fire. Make you eat your comrades and love ones alive. This is just the surface.


The 'Alt Left' is controlled opposition. You're sponsored provacatours.
Super bad ass ninja warriors who set trash cans on fire, and throw feces and urine.

I'm ready. Anything is better than the slow mongrelization of my people. It is really the most diabolical scheme ever created, to manipulate the feels of women that have voting rights into betraying their people. It's international cuckoldry. If you guys really hate us you should not have rocked the boat. If my people are to be no more then I would rather whites lose power and be exterminated quickly rather than have it drag out forever like it was.


Based comrade you BTFO that nazi FUCK


I don't need to spoonfeed you antifa supported the Kurds until they started funds from imperialist Amerikkka and the Zionist kikes

Yes, because Communism wasn't proven obsolete when Russia was divided into 77 parties all fighting each other over petty differences for kikes' favor.

Congrats you made me filter your stupid meme flag.
The only other person that got me to filter their flag was malaysian mike.

>One dies and five comrades take her place


Eviscerate the proletariat and fuck commies! You wouldn't be able to even bitch about this without capitalism and white people.

>Zionist kikes
Comrade, No! That's dangerous, cancerous idpol.

So, you want the Sunni and Turkish Islamists to kill one of the few secular tribes left in the entire Middle East?

What was her official cause of death. Anyone know?

Wasnt from injuries right?

lame excuse

How old is that photo?

Capitalism and the bourgeoisie who care nothing for you is the main reason behind non white immigration you're best shot at an ethnostate is unironically the destruction of global capitalism.

>OP still gay
Standard conversion therapy not working for you, OP? Try brother Pence's electroshock.

How was your cake???


yea I bet you're energized as fuck off of all that whale blubber.

It would take 5 of your skinny 'males' to replace the space taken up by this manatee.

Effectively, you crave tribal warfare in lieu of coming to grips with your own failings, and working without being a slave to some articulate kike with deep pockets.

>Horst wessel


It is too late I am now Awake.

Soros is our useful idiot we will accept his money but ultimately like all financiers he will be publicly tortured to death for wreaking havoc across the world to enrich himself.

praise kek

>you're best shot at an ethnostate is unironically the destruction of global capitalism

It's a fair point to make. There are counter arguments. Tell me, comrade what do you think abouts whites having an ethnostate. Ok or evilnaziswhowanttokillsixmillionjews?


I think this dude's arms are shopped, definitely should be multiple track marks.

STFU.. exploiting her death. and you call us facists. idiot fuck

I don't oppose it in principle to be totally honest but too many of my comrades have drunk the anti white Kool aid I must admit.


Just shut up LARPer it's really just sad at this point

Then why support an ideology that doesn't support you & your own at its most basic level?

because he is desperate for sex.

Okay, now I heard everything. You are delusional if you hold any faith you, or rhetoric-fueled mouthbreathing drug addicts will form an effective government with a mono party destined to fragment. Putin himself outright confessed 80-85% of the Soviet oligarchy was Jewish. Remember what I said about 77 parties. Divide and conquer. Once you discover who really funds your Communist wet fantasies, you will do nothing about it. Oh sure, you'll purge conservatives, right-wing, and dissenters, but one point there is no turning away from the horror of what you've become.