How do we fight the LGBT movement Sup Forums?

Kill them all

Sit and wait while we let millions of muslims into the west, of course.

Throw them off buildings

i meant legally, we aint in no hot war just yet

It'll solve itself. The gays will end up clashing and purging the Muslims then the gays will all die off because they don't have children.

we need to stop the (((scientists))) helping gays out by developing birth tech for them

Gay men are the workhorses of that movement. Alienate them from the rest of the rainbow alphabet and there is no one left who is capable of organizing everything. The whole movement will fall apart quickly once the gay men leave.

Simple, dont become one or "experiment" the rest will take care of itself in a generation or two.... what is hip today will be out in the future when a decade or so has passed and the suicide rate in that community skyrockets

If I wanna suck a dick in my free time you're not going to stop me faggot. I can put my dick in sluts and put dick in my mouth because I am free to do so.