Are you ready for the purple revolution anons? The tired and near-obsolete political class will band together to defend themselves against the rising tide of populism and anti-authoritarianism. The symbolism is quite clear, purple being the union of red and blue. Radicals and true believers on all sides will be crushed. The Charlottesville incident was an obvious job, but leftists are not anticipating the liberals to ally with the neocon remnants. If it's possible to make them understand, I would encourage you all to set aside your differences while we still have time. We have precious little time left.
Purple Revolution
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Liberals get the fucking bullet too.
Oh we're ready for (((you))) alright.
That's right. That's what Hillary and friends wore when they conceded.
This has been in the works for some time.
>normies are going to protest and care about shit
Caring is for faggots and all the faggots are already fighting each other in the streets.
Not helpful rhetoric. There are some amongst them who aren't morally bankrupt triangulators or virtue-signalling mindslaves who get their talking points from the 4th estate. Those people are worth saving.
Hillary and friends is a lot bigger in Washington than any mundane partisans are capable of understanding. It is not only her party but the majority of the Republicans as well.
Understanding the history during and immediately following Occupy Wall Street is imperative. It was the generational shift in the way domestic political operations are carried out.
Purple is also traditionally a color for monarchs.
Signalling subliminally (((they)) are ordained to rule, and trump's president is illegitimate.
You guys are fucking scaring me
But i am afraid that you might not be wrong
Saints Row, bitches!
Fuck off, Nazi. Playing with conspiracy theories makes y'all sound stupid.
Soros has a really weird thing for purple, he's used it in other countries before.
Probably like that one user said, it's a color of power. Roman senators wore purple I believe
Go to sleep Champaign.
Nobody really gives a fuck about the people killed or injured at the rally. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Actually in Spain, we have this leftists, Podemos, backed by Soros and guess which is their color.
Unwitting slaves of elites who care nothing for the common people
Purple Revolution is just a strawman. It will be used to go into turbo fascism. There will be no glorious commie take over or revolution just isolated chimpouts in major cities.
America has not just gone through a world war and suffering starvation and economic ruin. People are far too satisfied for a revolution. This is fanned to be a big deal so that people will willingly accept the very harsh takeover coming. Its for our own good I think but many people are living in delusions.
>Muh ethnostate
>Muh commie revolution
All being used to make this happened. Neither will come true.
Needs more green.
The fact that you think you're not being manipulated shows how retarded the left actually is. 90% of the communist party leaders were jews you faggot
Didn't Clinton try this purple bullshit right after she lost? Nobody cared then, nobody cares now.
Hi user, classic liberal here, I'm swinging hard right for the coming war. But don't worry, I'm actually a tool of the state so I'll actually be armed unlike you fucking jokes.
grape flavor?
Lakers fans get the bullet too.
So purple is the new color for crypto-communism?
Hoo wee! Look at the RAGE in her eyes.
George Soros conspiracies are not theoretical - they are demonstrably proven.
Here's some evidence:
Soros - literally putting a color to each color revolution
The telltale signs of George Soros and CIA destabilization efforts can be found in the flags that appear in crowds of protesters.
1~~"Global hedge fund tycoon and political provocateur George Soros is leading a war of symbols, namely flags and banners either resurrected or conjured up by his myriad non-profit groups, to stir religious, racial, and ethnic tensions the world over.
"Soros and his acolytes saw the importance of symbology in the writings of Gene Sharp of the Albert Einstein Institution in Boston, Massachusetts
Funding for "regime" change has been provided from Soros and the CIA-linked National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
The symbolic "colors" have been used by Soros- and Central Intelligence Agency-sponsored "color revolutions" in Ukraine (Orange) and Kyrgyzstan (Pink) and attempted color revolutions in Iran (Green), Kuwait (Blue), and Burma (Saffron).
In the so-called "Arab Spring" symbols were used: Tunisia (Jasmine) and with Egypt (Lotus).
Attempted revolutions in Georgia (Rose), Lebanon (Cedar), Uzbekistan (Cotton), and Moldova (Grape).
"Soros’s false flag antics are not merely confined to the Middle East.
The eruption of violence among African-Americans in response to police violence targeting mainly African-American men saw new flags bearing the slogan "Black Lives Matter" being raised in cities and towns across the United States.
"It is well-known that Soros finances the Black Lives Matter group and the flags appeared to be yet another use of banners, slogans, and symbols in keeping with the template of Sharp and his themed revolution model.
Fucking top notch.
>we wuz the color purple and shiett
2/2 George Soros and his US color revolution
"Media is a powerful tool used to control public opinion by injecting a particular agenda in the targeted audience.
"Regime change events and color revolutions in the world are painted on the canvas of democracy and freedom, the media is always used to paint a colorful image with the brush of specific agenda within the designed project.
" If we look closely at the current American domestic situation we can easily observe how the liberal media has launched a campaign for change through the masses by provoking civil resistance against Trump’s administration, at the behest of its master Soros.
"Soros' control over mass media, NGO's and his greater influence over state institutions is dragging America towards a visible color revolution by building a wall around Trump to keep him under pressure, or over throw his government for the benefit of the globalist elite.
"Anti-Trump protests included the “pussyhat revolution” project to mobilize the masses.
purple is colour of progressivism
check wikipedia if you don't believe me
This would be terrible for the left, it would only legitimize the "altleft" label and divide the group further, no right winger is going to join this shit
Thanks for that.. Another Soros symbol to add to my gallery.
Purple and pussy pink
Well you should right now. We are one more leftist martyr away from this violent and extremely well funded revolution going hot. They'll have enough money to buy machine guns, ammo, grenades, bombs, and probably even MRAPS and tanks. When they fall in battle, the fake news will call them "civilians" as if they were remotely civil. You have to tell everyone you know that for the time beaing, YOU MUST NOT ATTACK ANY LEFT WING PROTESTERS EVEN IN SELF DEFENSE. Otherwise Trump will be impeached for inciting violence and america will be lost.
Somebody really needs to photoshop dildos over those baseball bats.
SR2 > SR3
Would likely need to be painted on to be truly convincing. At least the same coloring to match the handle and up the already surreal photo.
I'm willing to bet that dindu is going to sue the city for not keeping him safe from random cars plowing into a crowd. Ya just know it's coming. Then odds are the city will settle just to avoid dragging it out in court.
Fake news. Don't attack first, but if they attack you with lethal intent and means, absolutely KILL them. This doesn't mean walk into a crowd of feisty niggers with a gun either.
0% of Trump being impeached because of faggy protesters being killed in self defense.
>inb4 Spencerite car man was in self defense
not that kind of self defense
Didn't one of hanity's tweets get decoded to the color purple?
I don't give a shit about Trump. He is controlled opposition. If he is or isn't impeached, it's all part of the show. Those Hillary indictments coming any day now, right? You should know telling people not to defend themselves won't be received well. And it's likely if it doesn't happen organically they will just send another COINTELPRO friend to get this ball rolling anyways.