Nope. Get fucked Sup Forums
Are you winnin' son?
> 1 ghost by this ID
It took 4 people to write the article.
Good fucking luck removing stone mountain. What the shit.
My city has the world's largest confederate flag flying at the intersection of 2 interstates. Get fucked.
Well yeah we kinda are, your side looks like a bunch of raving lunatics trying to erase (their own) history. You lost about 1200 electoral seats in 8 years because of this bullshit, and you will probably lose more in 2018.
I was wondering if the took that down. It's still up?
>removing history
These is some terrifying shit.
Y'all keep making fun of us but we're the last bastion of hope against SJW bullshit. Hell we shut down a fucking ANTIFA rally in Auburn by forcing them to unmask with anti-KKK laws.
W-we're just resting
Still tired from all the winning we did earlier like...... Trump getting elected?
>implying Sup Forums supports the confederates
The statues should just be placed in some museum
Dynamite the relief, put up a plaque explaining what used to be there and why there's a crater there instead. It's privately owned land, all it will take is for the owners to be convinced that the heat from having a monument to slave-owning traitors is worse than the heat from removing it.
Winning what? The confederate monument race?
This will make enslaving niggers even easier in the future.
Didn't Alabama recently pass a law protecting Confederate memorials in their sate though?
Roll Tide.
Nice nigger road, nigger
>Non standard flag
I wonder how
I wonder why
Are you winning son?
The last monuments to slavery are the descendents of slaves. We need to remove them back to Africa. They were stolen and need to go home!
#blareturn. It's for the chilren
>liberals try to remove with dynamite
>get crushed by massive landslide when entire cliff face is broken apart
NC did, too. A Durham county sheriff said he's gonna hit the people who tore it down with felony charges.
The state owns that shit. They do laser shows on it every summer. Georgia is broke. Have fun getting them to fund a demolition team to destroy a source of revenue. Remind liberals that it's siphoning money to the government and they'll sing the same tune after they've forgotten about white supremacists in Virgina because Trump said something mean about them on Twitter.
>muh statues
it's fucking nothing
>Big blank spots in Mississippi and Alabama.
What did they mean by this?
Still up, private property
Pretty sure 90% of cities have a fucking MLK blvd
A few gravestones in LA are monuments now? Wow, fake news.
So at what point does everyone knock down all the MLK statues?
Got to dig up the dead and smash those white bones to dust to stop the oppression. White men are basically mythological beings in the nigger psyche.
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Aye I'll be passing this in about an hour. Tampa Bay reporting in. They removed the bug statue for Hernando de Soto recently in front of the museum in Bradenton where Snooty the manatee died. Wouldn't be surprised if it was because it's RACIST now.
What about the Confederate monument in Tampa they were talking about? Was it technically in St. Petersburg according to OP's map?
get those evil statues, yeah!
but really guys i can see it, book burning.
good luck with that. If anything, the officials protecting our monuments might move them just to put them in an even more visible location
A bunch of stupid shit is happening in birmingham though
Surprised that gun owners haven't done anything about this.
Erasing history, erasing all the sacrifices made by the men in the civil war.
A reminder that the NORTH are the fuckers who started it, the corrupt and greedy cunts who weren't satisfied with half a continent, and wanted it all.
It was nothing to do with slaves, this is more kike led divide and conquer. Little by little they will take your country, your history, your culture and your future.
that's exactly what we want you to do, you fucking retard.
Rushmore is the final step.
>Mayor William Bell for violating state law and covering a Confederate monument in Linn Park.
>he wanted to protect the monument from vandalism
Yeah, because a rampaging group of niggers would never be able to rip apart a makeshift plywood wall held in by drywall screws
It was the south that fired the first shots, dumbfuck. It was also the south that seceded, dipshit. Learn your history.
They don't even use their real aliases anymore.
>There are confederate monuments in states that were never part of the Confederacy
Please explain this to me
There was a time in America where not everyone was cucked
>self censor and apologize
so familiar,
>Erasing history, erasing all the sacrifices made by the men in the civil war.
You guys are such dramatic faggots
Why are there confederate monuments in Yankee states in the first place?
>misspelled Führer
>kill family for dubious reasons, mostly because someone told you to
>feel bad after
>make a statue to alleviate guilt
its not really about the physical statues. what makes you think it will stop at that?
just watch and see. it wont and you know that.
I'm surprised you guys haven't hit up Washington or Jefferson.
Check the names in the pic...
Notice how none of the ones actually removed were anywhere in the South, aside from Durham. That "fake bravery" will get you nowhere, Alt-Left. Kek
They're all just proposals that will likely fall flat on their face. Why the fuck were there even Confederate monuments in LA and shit to begin with?
It's just dems trying to cover up their democrat/ Dixiecrat crimes so nobody can stop them next time.