What can we do about the white genocide problem?
What can we do about the white genocide problem?
Genocide nonwhites
Same thing china does. Only print boys.
Die with dignity
It's the only logical conclusion.
Seriously? You need to get rid of the marxists that turned our universities into communist mills. I know it sounds radical, but the only way to fix it is martial law or some kind of quick "round them all up" military action. They are the ones feeding the movement.
so tired of the white genocide meme
it is a simple problem, whites are not having babies
They do so of their own free will, children cost too much and are not worth it, it is not a conspiracy
Japanese have had the same problem for decades, their population is declining and aging I don't see them complaining about "Japanese genocide"
if you want to solve the birth problem then go out and have a bunch of kids and raise them instead of posting anime on the internet
but you won't because you are all a bunch of virgin neckbeards
>push for women to enter the workforce
>adjust costs accordingly
>husband with a career will now have a hard time supporting a family alone
>no aid from the state cause they "make enough money"
>constant media push to not have children
>foreigners get free money and support for having children
Raise the worldwide white racial conscience & awareness
This. How on earth are these immigrants raising their demon spawn in our financial climate anyway? Government assistance? My brother has to jump through an obstacle course of red tape to get even the remotest of assistance and these coons can get it straight away.
Let natural selection solve it. People resistant to the effects of cultural Marxism will continue to propagate their genes, and people more susceptible to it will be red out of the gene pool.
>Sup Forums is immune to cultural marxism
>not breeding at all
Oh shit nigga, you did it again! Someone, quickly, create a "whites are superior because we literally raped the neanderthals into extinction" thread!
Artificial wombs are one solution. Women are the ones predominately voting for mass immigration, and are the limiting factor of reproduction. Artificial wombs would strip them of their monopoly on reproduction.
Simpel. We commit genocide against non-whites.
Technology. To moment babies can be customised, everyone will probably choose to have blonde kids
a local help would be not to make "are x white" or "g*rman hate threads" as i keep seeing them popping out with little education behind it, whilst complaining that the ideal aspect of a white man, the german is dying out.
can i get a quick rundown?
>Implement 80% of the policies in the Jaffe Memo
>Mock the victims for their population decline
>Demand massive "replacement migration" to replace the population of said country with immigrants from around the world
>Tell them it's their own fault that genocide is occurring
not only that but
>Whites are K selected breeders
>Blacks are R Selected
>We give blacks food and medicine in their home countries
>They still operate like they have for tens of thousands of years
>Breed like rabbits