Original thread
Just thought thread rebirth needed
(pic unrelated?)
Happening thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
Digits + Predictions?
Bump. Sadly the original thread got deleted
Do you like the pic?
or, in numbers, using 1,2,...,10,11...
in hex
divide it in groups of 6
283F1B and C6D9E8 and 6D3
add the 3 hex numbers
283F1B+C6D9E8 = ef1903
ef1903 + 6D3 = ef1fd6
This is the hex code of a number
What color is this? Pink, aka light purple.
Pic related
Be mindful
Awan dumped DNC emails and data to wiki leaks to coincide with their orchestrated smoking gun meeting with Don jr.
Repost from last thread:
>Stay tuned. Major, multiple Tick Tocks. 3 different fronts--MAJOR!!Patience, pieces are all falling in place.
>Rep. Dana Rohrabacher and Chuck Johnson met with Julian Assange today
>Gonna be lit af when Trump has Hillary indicted next week
>During my last visit to London, I stayed with Assange until midnight. As I got ready to leave, he stood to see me to the door, but before taking a step he stopped and became lost in thought. He whispered something I could not fully hear. Then, speaking as if he were observing the fall of Rome, he explained that he thought America’s empire might finally be collapsing. With a long gaze and a faint smile, he again whispered what he had said: “This could be the beginning.”
keep this thread alive
>Holding the thread
Thanks brother for the help
Hopefully we get an Insider to confirm, however this really needs to get out. We finally can see a changing direction in America and thus the rest of the world. Just imagine the corrupt Establishment being arrested
Yup... and it´s only the beginning...
Infowars is quick to pickup any theory unless this is one of his theories already maybe try and get him to help? Unless you think he is to overthetop?
If this sounds dumb, I'm new to this whole conspiracy theory thing
It´s more than a theory user.. And I guess in a few days more info will come out, I doubt that they´d pick this up yet. Even to them this might Sound to crazy, but maybe some other anons will find out some other stuff too and thus making this all more likely
'urbit' it.
Nah I wasn't calling it crazy. it has some valid points, it's more about me not really being experienced in info digging, plus if you can spread this maybe more people will look and see if they can add to your idea, compiling more evidence.
Get to work /ourbrainlets/. Thanks
Checked and true.
Yeah maybe I worded it poorly. This indeed sounds more like a theory, however usual so called "conspiracy theories" like PizzaGate or Seth Rich are more than just theories.
Have people ran the word through other cyphers and decrypts?
Since this thread is slow, here was my reaction
Cmon guys, don´t let this die...
Burgers should be awake now...
Bumpppp. Thanks for keeping this alive
Pic is about Colour revolution
Welcome back to, Two Germans and an Australian
Bump 2
I want to see if more blue checkmark twitter fags post any cryptic things today. We need insiders!
yeah thats not weird at all user...
soros will crash the economy by speculating with massive sums of money. he will short the economy through many various trades and it will cause the economy to crash. it is going to be extreme. they are in it together along with the media and they will blame drumpf. no amount of exposure will convince people it wasnt trumps fault, people will call this revelation crazy.
I feel so alone bumping this. I guess many people don´t care?
Korea is a happening that will never happen at this rate.
But india and china seems to be about to have a party
I care user. Don't lose hope
What is that? A time wizard? :D
It's not about Korea. Pic is unrelated.
Ohh. Well heres a bump anyway
Will we ever get justice?
Dude. This stuff is possible. Anyhow we should start putting pressure on the DNC via Seth Rich and Wikileaks. The day of the rope is slowly approaching...
Cmon more bumps
interesting read user
need to talk about this
Powerful numbers at work here.
In case any of you guys missed this. The fire rises.
We have to win first, enough to be the ones to write the history. There'll be dissent always. Justice isn't anything but removing the shackles of the banks, multinational corps, tech, pharma, energy, and marxism . There are many chess pieces in play, only the checkmate ends the game: other casualties are just fun sideshows.
Liberty to run the country as the constitution states without subversion by the rich and powerful is the end game. Hillary and Obama could go to jail tomorrow, but that doesn't solve our problems. There are many enemies of the state, and it does us no good fighting each other in the streets.
We need a campaign of posters and pamphlets educating the masses, without attacking people's politics or personal ideas. Uniting the people to take our country back is paramount.
Trump's coded tweet also included a swipe at fake news
haha I remember those threads about covfefe. Good times
Have a bump for checking digits with digits
>Guy Fieri will never find flavourtown
Hillary looks dead inside
Guys thoughts on Assange Meeting?
I´ll try to make a thread about this later again. However don´t dismiss this as just a hoax, even if Hannitys "Code" isn´t a Code, shit is going down. Just take a look at his and Ben Shapiros tweets. Lastly Assange is back and is ready to expose the russian narrative, so the future is looking damn bright
Thx fellow Kraut for contributing so much, hopefully you'll find some new info
Ty. However I have to go now, hopefully some burgers will pick this thread up. Take care
Bump :(
Bump for purple revolution
I think your headline and pic is why this thread isn't moving much. People are passing it by because it isn't very compelling on the offset
Pls no die
That's what I thought too. Glad that he gave us that theory tho. Hopefully Hillary will go down
Freedom never sleeps
Have my bump
Thx leaf
Good job. Bump.
pink you say?
Bad days coming for the blue faggots.
Happening soon
This whole purple thing reminds me of prince
fuck yes, i want civil war now
No guys this is nothing REEEEEEEEE
IS this why Trump is back at Trump Tower?
Is shit about to go down, so he wants to be out of Washington in Castle Trump so he can be safe from assassination attempts?
Do we know if baron and Melania are with him or not?
A real happening a van hit many people in center of barcelona stop this fringe thread with real happenings.
good questions.
Keep this alive guys...
I'd bump her thread if you know what I mean
I'd buy that for a dollar!
What's our color? I vote light blue or mint green.
>not participating in The Great Cotton Candy War