Way to kill your movement guys. Also, the fuck is up with the tiki torches?
Way to kill your movement guys. Also, the fuck is up with the tiki torches?
>your movement
Go away fake news
You haven't realized a bunch of stormfags left there to come here? It's not just LARPers anymore, the retardation has got to stop. Sup Forums was heavily ancap, then we started getting all kinds of socialists(communists-national).
>Also, the fuck is up with the tiki torches?
Its a hate symbol because they're keeping mosquitoes away, which stands for Jews or something.
All property is private, so instead of having no borders, you'd pretty much be facing millions of borders. lol learn what you are going to critique.
Fuck Jews
Their parents wouldn't let them make their own torches, so they had to buy some instead.
>Your movement
This was Stormfags. True Sup Forumsacks just want chaos and this is perfect
Yeah. Let's have Ugandans who lynch anyone they perceive as breaking social laws in the same neighbourhoods as law abiding and rational citizens. What could go wrong? Those wooden walls will stop the hordes amirite?
>Dixie flag
>doesn't support lynching
cuckservative for shure
>Tiki tourches
>A E S T H E T I C
All religious symbols must be removed. So, no Yarmulka's or Fedoras in public. No Jewish attire. No Jewish symbology. It is a private ideology and should remain private.
>doesn't show regional flag
>LARPs as a shitbag
>Is canadian, aussie, or europoor
Every. :clap emoji: Single. :clap emoji: Time. :clap emoji:
Stop biting your nails.
The world will be a better place with rape gangs, mass beheadings, street shitters, dismembered bodies, and sacrificing virgins to the Volcano gods like back when everything was normal.
It's just progress!
Plausible desu senpai
>Also, the fuck is up with the tiki torches?
What are you supposed to use for a torch these days? Do they need to wrap pitch-soaked rags on sticks for "authentic" torches? Plus these drive off mosquitoes.
Jesus fuck your thumbnail is disgusting
Haha obviously printed on cheap paper...
Try again shill.
Your thumb his horrendous by the way.
My gf does not complain about my hands
>the fuck is up with the tiki torches?
Fire department approves.
Stop sticking your thumb up your obese gfs butt
Take a step back and ask yourself, what did you get out of Saturday?
1. Recognition as NAZIS (aka almost as bad as paedos)
2. Recognition as jokes (I mean, Polo shirts and Tiki Torches?)
3. All your online presence getting a LOT more scrutiny
4. Your movement condemned across every political spectrum and set back decades.
5. Antifa become lionised as heroes.
6. Let's be ultimately honest here, the Alt-right was unsustainable. Sooner or later, it was going to fall apart.
Oh no, how will I ever recover
What does it feel like to know your bloodline is going to be extinguished? Here is a picture of your granddaughter, does she use relaxer in her hair?
Fuckin' THIS.
It was always a utopia. The election of Donald Trump murdered and raped the dead body of the libertarian party, another utopia. The Alt right needs to die, and go away. Right wing SJW's are not what we need.
Do Tiki torches really keep mosquitos away? I always thought they were just decorative.
oy vey the goyim are waking up shut it down
>>Not wanting the constitution to protect your backwards ideas
>>tries to be master race
>>chimps out