Reminder that anyone that uses Nazi aesthetics in 2017 is either a low IQ pleb, sub 18 year old rebelling against mummy and daddy, or a leftist/antifa/gubmint shill.
Reminder that anyone that uses Nazi aesthetics in 2017 is either a low IQ pleb...
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thx for the info niegel
thx for the info niegel
Fuck you kike 1488 until I die. White Power 1488 and I fucking MEAN it. I fucking BREATHE it. I am the beast I WORSHIP. I WORSHIP HITLER. I AM HITLER. And if you come to me in real life, I will SLAY you. Niggers beware. Jews beware. I'm a mean man and take no prisoners. They call me the One Man Klan. I'll make Emmitt Till look like horseplay. Let's dance nigger commie fuck, meet me anytime anywhere.
This. Lenin = Hitler.
>sub 18 year old rebelling against mummy and daddy
nice larp faggot
im not a fan of hitler, he was old and wrinkly and angry, doesnt sound fun
Needs after panel
>mfw retards in America point to Nazi Germany for inspiration for an ethnostate instead of pointing to the founding fathers of America who were white nationalists
This is why Jared Taylor should be the face of American white nationalism. He actually knows history and can formulate arguments for white nationalism that make sense to the average American. Average Americans will never start worshipping Hitler.
Nobody is going to start worshipping Hitler. The idea of national socialism in terms of its policies is fine and can be reframed for the modern world. But the white Hitler and Nazi aesthetics LARP fest needs to be dropped.
Anyone who uses the Jew word "Nazi" automatically exposes himself as a cucked shill
I actually agree with this. You can get loads of normies to accept NatSoc or Fascist viewpoints and policies, but the moment they see swastikas IRL (on the internet it's fine) they have a pavlovian reaction and shut off.
People need understand that internet edgy may mays don't always translate well into the real world.
He is not counter-signaling National Socialism you stupid shitlib faggot, only LARPers and system agents who wear SS costumes IRL in 2017.
>Mass movements
The media is never going to portray you good. EVER, you could dress in all pink and carry anti-racism badges and they'll still call it a white supremacist march.
Where's the communists throwing away their hammer and sickle?
>The media is never going to portray you good
No they won't. But they'll make a bigger deal out of it if you walk around saluting like Hitler and it will also scare of more normals. There is literally ZERO benefit or strategic reason to larp are Hitler or use his aesthetics. Zero. None whatsoever. We are not in 1930s Germany.
>Where's the communists throwing away their hammer and sickle?
How relevant are communists in the left? They're irrelevant. Just a bunch of fat old geezers larping about the good old days.
remember when adrompf hitler got assraped by the russians?
i remember
Yes but by wearing shitty pseudo-Waffen SS costumes you are doing the media's work for them.
If everyone at UTR had been wearing the white polo+khakis, the optics would have been much much better and the MSM would have had a harder time gaslighting normies. You can use esoteric flags (Black suns, Fasces or various derivations), it's just that this over the top stereotypical Nazi look makes it much easier for the media to portray you how they want to in front of normies.
The communists have the (((media))) and law enforcement on their side. Hence why they attack us and we cannot attack them. They are the system.
>If everyone at UTR had been wearing the white polo+khakis, the optics would have been much much better
American flags would have been even better.
Plausible deniability you fucking faggot how stupid are you
Imagine if everyone at the rally wore normal clean clothes and only sported Identity Evropa symbols. The media would be FORCED, even if they didn't want to, to explain what Identity Evropa is. This would cause normies to do their own research. And they would find Identity Evropa is not that scary and they're not neo-Nazis.
Already been answered. Even Hitler was very clear the movement was not to attempt to try gain votes by watering down it's image or trying to gain conservative votes by weakening policies. And the swastika is a powerful image and you know anyone who waves it high and doesn't look like a skinhead is going to be a bro to the movement.
Your never going to get the media on your side, mass movements don't work. The more media the better some people will see though the lies. Hiding behind white shirts just makes you look like generic right wing group #4 with x amounts of Cletus's in it.
The alt-light does it job, getting people to be anti-sjw. Don't be a alt-light cuck. Muh votes
>Hitler was very clear the movement was not to attempt to try gain votes by watering down it's image or trying to gain conservative votes by weakening policies.
Yet Hitler did exactly that several times. Especially with the big business men.
>Your never going to get the media on your side,
Why do you keep bringing up this red herring? I've already told you, we don't need to have them on our side. But we also don't need to give them more ammunition.
Your Nazi larping fantasy has been tried since Nazi Germany ended up in the dust bin of history. IT DOESN'T WORK. Get that in your fucking brain you retard. You're a fucking death cultist at this point.
Dude shut the fuck up you're not the Trump movement. We're not fucking Hitler. Get over it you fucking larp go jerk off to the history channel if you want Hitler so bad. We want results.
I'm not afraid to wear things that are racist/fascist in nature to be honest. It's not blatantly obvious what it stands for unless you're a Sup Forumsack or someone into history. If you openly sport a swastika or something then you're just a faggot and most likely larping. A shirt with the Helm of Awe or something on it can be taken any way you want it to. Sage in all fields.
This. He's right you know.
Except the Nazis were doing it to antifa
Good job posting a quote from the dude who essentially proves that you're wrong, retard. Rockwell's movement went nowhere for a reason.
>When brit makes a good post
Well done
You are just being dishonest at this point.
No one in this thread said anything about changing policies, just that we need to present in a smarter fashion, fit for more modern audiences. Changing some optics =/= changing the ideology.
No one in this thread said that we want the media on our side, we can all agree that the MSM belongs in an oven; we were talking about NOT doing the media's work for them. Make it harder for these fucking jews to push their narrative, don't do their work for them. How hard is it to comprehend?
>yet another leftypol "DUMB YOUR MOVEMENT DOWN SO YOU CAN APPEAL TO RETARDS" shill thread
Do you guys not get bored, spamming the same shit over and over again?
>Yet Hitler did exactly that several times. Especially with the big business men.
No Hitler kept his policies clear thoughtout the whole ideal. Businessmen followed him because they liked his economics, social policies and wanted commies dead. He didn't hide the fact he was going to seize absolute power and deport Jews
>Why do you keep bringing up this red herring? I've already told you, we don't need to have them on our side. But we also don't need to give them more ammunition.
The media has all the ammunition it can make, why do you think they made George Zimmerman look white as fuck.
We gotta appeal to the 100% controlled media who already have a stranglehold on everything. Oh I know they'll treat us fair and biased and won't just post some stock footage or shaky cam
>Your Nazi larping fantasy has been tried since Nazi Germany ended up in the dust bin of history. IT DOESN'T WORK. Get that in your fucking brain you retard. You're a fucking death cultist at this point.
And I've proved mass movements don't work, the people have chosen their sides
>Dude shut the fuck up you're not the Trump movement. We're not fucking Hitler. Get over it you fucking larp go jerk off to the history channel if you want Hitler so bad. We want results.
How do we get more people to join our movement. Oh I know lets dress like kekeistans and get people to fundementaly not understand our movement because we keep trying to suck off Jew mc kike because instead of a swastika he'll show a bunch of white men with riot shields and still put WHITE SUPREMACIST rallay and get some crying antifa lady to speak
So why aren't you in germany? Hitler wanted germans to fight for germany not for America.
Because he was shot dead when he was just 40?
Cargo cultist more likely. They think that if they dress in costumes and wave swastikas IRL a dozen Waffen SS Armored Divisions will appear over night.
Fascism was always about practicality, about what works, these LARPers don't seem to understand this.
No one's saying you shouldn't be openly white nationalist you disingenuous cunt.
It's like you don't even understand the concept of optics. You don't understand how human brains work. You should not be discussing politics.
>How do we get more people to join our movement. Oh I know lets dress like kekeistans and get people to fundementaly not understand our
Alright you've identified yourself as a Hitler cultist at this point and you're constantly making red herrings and strawmans. I'm not interested in constantly having to explain what I say because you twist it to stay relevant and protect your little fantasy. Won't respond to you again. You're out. Next.
Yo nigga u ironmarch bro?
>nazi aesthetics
But I like Hugo Boss...
>muh cultist muh larpers muh cultist muh larpers
Done yet, leftypol?
Gotta dress like office workers amiright!!! Anyone smart enough to not fall for the media and is right wing is going drift our way anyway. You act like liberal fart faggot is going to see you and go WOW a white le supremacists who doesn't look like a inbred faggot. I'm SOLD I love Hitler now too
Refer to this pic here
Debunk it then. All your doing is making people stop at kekistan shit
Lets dress in pink and carry pink love heart pillows, and say we're not racist and say we won't deport people. Truly the left are the true racists.
Implying we need to be the kek people
You retards are forgetting we have kek and libertarian crap to get people over to the right. No one goes from liberal to nazi because they saw someone in a white shirt instead of a Uniform
The problem is that you think that we care about public perception. We care about that just as much as we care about democracy. The lemmings will join us if we win the revolution and side with the enemy if we lose. Whatever fucking aesthetic we use literally does not matter.
Guy is either mentally challenged or doing it on purpose. Not once did I say or imply that we should abandon white nationalism. We should abandon corpse worship, that's what Nazi larping is in the 21st century. Nazi aesthetics is over. It's never going to resonate with modern people. These idiots think they can just take ideas and shove them onto reality and succeed. That's not how it works. Nazism succeeded in the 30s because it corresponded to reality in Germany.
Theres no point in appealing to lemmings and masses, if you dress yourself up as something else you are going to attract soft-hearted, weak willed people with a different ideology.
Being radical gives shock factor and will invite the actual radicals to join you. No matter what you fucking do the Media and corporate elite will shut you down and have the 90% lemming population fucking hate you.
Stop trying to appeal to them.
You leftypol shills need to get some new buzzwords fast, these ones are getting stale.
Oh excuse me where's antifa dressing like real men and not breaking shit and holding peacefull rallies. That's what gets them attention. PUNCH A NAZI and hitting richhead Spencer in the head got them more fame then anything.
Your trying to appeal to mouth breathing retards. LOOK I'M A NAZI BUT I HAVE A PINK LOVE HEART FLAG
Public perception is correlated to public support. White nationalism cannot succeed if whites on mass do not support it you fucking mongoloid.
You're either a dumb kid or a lefty shill at this point.
You just completely skipped the lemming infograph didn't you? We don't WANT public support and we won't GET public support, whether or not we dress up as fairies instead of nazis. Appealing to the masses will never work for us. The lemmings don't know and don't want to know. Stop living in marxist fairyland where mass movements work.
We got to appeal to the system in which every institution from media to education is 100% against us. And gain popular support all though the liberal media
Are you retarded? They are clearly saying they don't want the public support. They want radicals to join the movement, help ignite the race war, violent National Socialist revolution and when they win the lemmings will join then.
Stop circle jerking with your gay ass fucking white nationalism that won't get anywhere, the system will shut you down just like it did after this weekend.
I like how nazifags here think they're the good guys.
>Lets dress in pink and carry pink love heart pillows, and say we're not racist and say we won't deport people. Truly the left are the true racists.
So you're just going to keep being a disingenuous faggot and create strawmen because you have no real arguments?
You're a literal fucking LARPer. You don't understand anything about war. Even if violence is necessary your attitude will doom any violent coup to be a failure because of your lack of numbers. Fucking imbecile. Stop posting forever.
You don't understand optics either. You just don't fucking get it. Random weak-willed people don't join openly white nationalist organizations like Identity Evropa because being a white nationalist IS radical in America.
Holy shit the leftypol shills are pathetic.
Read SIEGE and this m8
Fuck all you so-called American Nazis. National Socialism is a movement for ARYANS, headed by the GERMAN people. Not American mutts. The entire point of the Nazi movement is German domination of the continent of Europe. Make your own fucking ideologies, burgers. Perhaps I may suggest, bowel movements.
Yeah accuse him of being a shill because he doesn't want to see pic related 80 IQ clowns at rallies. Obviously only a KIKE SHILL would believe that NSM retards give off bad optics.
Your never going to get popular support when stuff is fine. Unless Yellowstone blows up, half of the refugees simultaneously explode and rape or Wallstreet crashes and welfare goes down the drain forget it.
White nationalism didn't succeed in Germany by being a radical fringe movement you lemming. It succeded by creating an aesthetic and message that resonated with the people at that time. In 1930s Germany. Guess what, Hitler lost and Nazism has been spun through the harshest and most deliberate discrediting campaign in human history. It Is dead. You're trying to ressurect a corpse.
Since then, for nearly a 100 years now, we have had Nazi inspired radicals. They have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to advance the interests of white people. NOTHING. FUCKING NOTHING. Get that in your fucking brain you stupid cunt.
Do you know what Hitler cock suckers like have done? You've helped discredit white interests. And you do so while believing yourself to help those interests. Utter low IQ plebs.
Any successful outreach and promotion of white interests since the war has been done ONLY by people who have completely dropped the Nazi aesthetic.
You get that the literal point of using shock imagery is to deter IQ 80 retards right? The only people who will join radical movements are radicals themselves. That's who we want. The common man is free to sit back and watch the violence through the safety of his TV.
>bad optics
Do you really think you'll ever have "good" optics when your enemies control every newspaper and news network in the country? Really? You should be working harder to cultivate fear rather than respect because at least fear might get you somewhere.
Look at all these high IQ Ubermensch!
Not an argument, brainlet.
>hurrr the founders of the United States were white nationalists but let's not use them to argue for a white ethnostate, let's go and make people who didn't even speak English the basis of our movement instead of the people who normal Americans would actually identify with
>You know how Mussolini got in power. Marching on Rome with an Army
>You know how the almost fascist Spanish got in power. Civil war
>You know how Hitler got in power, 1st attempt march on Munich. 2nd attempt when the state went down the drain and the lemmings didn't have any food or shelter
>White nationalism didn't succeed in Germany by being a radical fringe movement you lemming.
Because the Weimar Republic was a literal fucking failure in every sense of the word. Their failure radicalized huge amounts of the population which is where the NSDAP got their support from. Look at the UK government today. Does that look like a failure to you? The last time your country had any white radicals was when Mosley was still alive. Now all of them are brown. Instead you want to continue bitching about muh ebil nahtzee imagery when you could be recruiting potential white radicals from the populace. Sad as fuck.
This is somewhat true. We only accept IQs of 88 or higher.
Oh, it's a molyjew fag. No wonder it's trying to subvert us.
You mean 148 right?
The SA was a defensive force against antifa.
Yes, the same antifa.
The commies would attack all non-commie rallies, so the NSDAP set up the SA and crushed the commie agitators when they'd try their shit.
White Nationalism hasn't succeeded anywhere because it's an American thing.
But whatever, keep beating a dead horse with your Democratic "White Nationalism".
You'll be demonised by the media, shut down by the Capitalist corporations, doxxed and fired from your jobs all like what has happened this weekend and will achieve absolutely fucking nothing just like you've done since your insurrection.
If you're a Brit that is a "White Nationalist" aswell you're a fucking retard and you spend too much time romanticising over American movements.
Just look how eagerly the left jumped on the possibility of out-grouping people on the right. These are people who normally burn their own flag and who hate old people for voting for Trump and Brexit. One incident that gives them the opportunity to put you in the wrong, and they're all over it. I can't understand why you continue to do something that your enemy clearly wants you to do.
So I guess you need to go then?
Ye, uh. Okay. Thanks for your input sweetie.
I barely even watch molymeme. Try coming up with an argument next time.
You mean 1488 iq right?
They're calling us nazis? Damn fucking right, we're goddamn nazis, and we'll see to it that both weak willed conservatives and commies hit the ovens. Come on, fucking come at us.
Jewish lies. Such a high floor would exclude the majority of the working classes, and we must remember that our movement is also a movement for workers.
Try coming up with some new buzzwords first then. Calling people LARPers isn't getting you anywhere.
>Are you retarded? They are clearly saying they don't want the public support. They want radicals to join the movement, help ignite the race war, violent National Socialist revolution and when they win the lemmings will join then.
Lmfao. Okay this is how I know you're a dumb kid.
Remember to get to sleep before 10, you have school tomorrow.
You can't just magically make things happen you fucking tard. You need the conditions for a race war to exist, for the masses to have the concioussness for it. That does not exist. Some low IQ fucking idiots like you shooting niggers in lone wolf attacks will do absolutely jack shit. Revolutions do not happen without the conditions in society. White nationalism does not have the support, the power, the money, or anything at this point.
And do you know who will get us hit with the biggest shut down? Clowns like you.
They did it by having massive support from individuals within the the Military, Law Enforcement and large segments of the general public. We are not at this point and will never be if we are not smart at propaganda.
>I can't understand why you continue to do something that your enemy clearly wants you to do.
The enemy wants what they've gotten from the right for the past few decades - total submission. They want the right to go back to being good goys who put their faith in the Mitt Romneys and Jeb Bushes of the world.
I really don't think they want Kristallnacht 2.0
molymeme is faggot jew
That's why I use that German Empire/Prussian Æsthetic.
By white nationalist I simply mean someone that promotes white interests.
I think it's you who should kill yourself.
>the founders of the United States were white nationalists but let's not use them to argue for a white ethnostate
You honestly think you're going to deliver that message while the whole of the American population wants you all dead, while your being doxxed, while Antifa is ripping down statues, while the media is painting you as the things you're trying so hard not to be and while the corporations are shutting down all your social media accounts and websites?
How are you going to peacefully deliver your message?
You fucking cuck you have absolutely no chance, the only way is violent revolution.
Because the lemmings wern't getting their needs meet.
You can literally track NASDAP votes. When the economy """recovered""" for a few years Hitlers votes dropped off. Then went it went to shit and the media reported his attempted coup he got famous and the average joe wasn't getting his chocolate bar and job so he became open to the idea of antsoc
Stupid NS-LARPing faggots have ruined Sup Forums since 2011.
I talked about this for years here and on 8/pol/, but the stormfront-shills are too dense to get it, autists are too paranoid to get it.
And leftist shills use this to further disintegrate Sup Forums
FUCK you at all the stupid 89IQ LARPing edgy kids/teenagers/lowlifes.
Fuck you!
"White interests" is not a thing unless you're a pan-europeanist globalist fuckwad. Every ethnicity of white is entirely different. The only reason why "white nationalism" exists is because the US is a bubbling pot of stirred shit that is irreversibly mixed. Start living in reality retard.
T.delusional nutter with emotional problems that looks like pic related.
You need to lose your virginity first mate.
Nobody will need to come at you. They'll leave you in the same corner you've been in for seventy-five years, and point at you occasionally when they need to silence an actual threat.
They won't get Kristallnacht 2.0, because Kristallnacht 1.0 was made possible only by Hitler taking control of government through the democratic process five years earlier. Stop acting like a cargo cult, and find your own symbols.
This desu
Love how the self proclaimed "white nationalist" resorts to ancient tier ad hominem in order to ignore any and all arguments. Typical shill tactics here folks.
Good, because we're coming for them whether they like it or not.
>Good, because we're coming for them whether they like it or not.
Stop LARPing faggot
>They won't get Kristallnacht 2.0, because Kristallnacht 1.0 was made possible only by Hitler taking control of government through the democratic process five years earlier. Stop acting like a cargo cult, and find your own symbols.
Because the lemmings weren't getting their needs meet. You can literally track NASDAP votes. When the economy """recovered""" for a few years Hitlers votes dropped off. Then went it went to shit again and the average Joe wasn't getting his chocolate bar and good welfare he became open to the idea of natsoc and Hitlers votes went up
So you're one of those crypto kikes that wants to divide whites into races and cause infighting. Not surprising since you're nazi larper.
You know the left uses the same talking point. "Whites don't have interests! Just look at how many different whites there are!".
You're either a low subhuman or a lefty pol shill. Though if you are the latter, you're both.
Kys you fucking rat.
I will when you get some new buzzwords. Hurry up shill, offend me already.