>Millions of Americans actually thought Hillary would be "just as bad, if not worse" than Trump
>Millions of Americans actually thought Hillary would be "just as bad, if not worse" than Trump
>votes for substitute drama teacher
It goes in all fields boys
Still do
Million's of Canadians are legally retarded.
Do you think Trump is bad because he doesn't confirm people's feelings about tolerance or something?
its true
america would have been at war with russia by now
They teach their kids the earth is 6000 years old because rabbi told them so. You can't compare them to sane persons.
That was just the way to word it nicely to you diaper shitting libtards. Hillary is a demon
more towel heads would be paid under hillary, including accidentally leaving millions of dollars in cargo
And most still do.
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She'd probably be involved in at least one war with American troops on the ground by now and domestically she'd have her hands full with all the congressional hearings involving emails and all the other bullshit.
Hillary probably would have been the new FDR compared to Trump
I unironically take back anything I said about, still voted for her dou.
>an old decrepit demon worshiping woman that corruptly abused the political system to become amass hundreds of millions in personal wealth who shits in her pants and has coughing fits and passes out in 70 degree weather and has probable early dementia would have been better than Trump
Hey remember that time trump won the presidency and you literally cried about it for 8 months? Good times
Millions of canadians have elected a literal son of a whore
Charlottesville proved that no one is safe from you.
>Hillary probably would have been the new FDR compared to Trump
do you mean that as an insult or compliment.
I honestly can't tell anymore.
She would have turned the government into authoritarian and would have sick the NSA on people who spewed "hate" on the internet. Basically what trump is doing to anti protestors right now.
millions of americans are fucking morons, what else is new?
Hillary is a thousand times worse than Trump.
"hillary will show us how to deal with Russia" .
Hilldog best ally
fdr was one of the worst presidents in history
I know. she's far worse than I ever imagined.
>not wanting to be a puppet of putin
>hurrr durrr war monger
Hillary was based when it came to Russia, unlike the Kermlin stooge in the white house.
If Hillary had been elected and picked a supreme court justice, we'd be losing our freedom of speech any day now.
Trumps a disaster. Anyone would be better than comrade tiny hands.
No, Millions of Americans KNEW Shillary would be worse than Trump. And besides, she already had two terrms in the White House where oh yea-ah she rented out the bedrooms.
The second worst president in history right after king nigger.
What yiu faggots don't understand is Trump will serve two terms as President and will permanently obliterate all of you faggots by tying up king nigger and shitlery to ol' sparky and zapping them to death. it's over faggots. you are dead and you haven't yet realized it. Oh, but you will. Tick fucking tock.
It's not the size of the ship it's the motion of the ocean.
Madame President.
Wrong background and vernacular. CRIPES, you lefties really can't meme.
They tought?!?! How fucking stupids right! it should be fucking common sense larper
Somewhat better, but there's no truth to her words. Good satire/parody has truth. Maybe change her words to reflect a Satanic curse?
Hillary would have never won.
The projection you faggots engage in is pathological. Just as you believe everyone fantasizes about scat banging 3 year old boys the way you do, you project your inferiorities, evils, degeneracies, and craven, envious, whorish depravity upon those who tower over your sick, filthy cockroach corpse.