..And that's why you don't want the shadow to take control of your psyche, it's a very, very bad thing...

..And that's why you don't want the shadow to take control of your psyche, it's a very, very bad thing. And that's really what the post-modernists want. They want all portions of your brain to be governed by a post-oedipal suppressed desire for control. And that's another thing, Solyshenitsyn said in the Gulag Archipelago that the communists would self censor and apologize for their behavior even while they were being repressed by the very system they built. In this way, we can see the same behavior from postmodernists by way of the same paradigm.

Other urls found in this thread:


>how to say nothing with a ton of words

Does he name he Jew?

conversation in canada has been turned into a chinese struggle and self-criticism session.

He didn't actually say this, I was just doing an imitation. How'd I do?

u did good son.

and that's another thing

bloody post modernists.

>women on canadian dating websites literally say you better not agree peterson deserves freedom of speech or they won't date you
he's our hitler now I guess

He is the jew.

Quite good


pretty good, actually

>agree with me or don't date me

well, seems excellent they tell you beforehand


>women on canadian dating websites literally say you better not agree peterson deserves freedom of speech or they won't date you


he criticises post modernism for ignoring facts and scientific evidence then he uses freudian psychoanalysis where it suits his view point.

it's fine to "play around" with psychoanalysis but in his lecturing he doesn't make a clear distinction between his statements where he states something as a fact and he doesn't go into all the studies and empirical evidence for the sake of brevity, and his statements where he makes up his own psychoanalysis that has no firm evidence or science behind it

in both cases he is lending his academic authority to the statement.

The problem being they weren't born this way, they're made. And more and more of them are being converted this way. Dating scene was much better even just 10 years ago when these rebellious types weren't full of so much hatred for white men

I was about to say the exact same thing. Back when I was dating I kept having to deal with bullshit where I would be on a date and the girl would say something daft and just expect me to agree because of muhgina.

Although one thing I've noticed with leftists, they just love to drop their beliefs in regular conversation and act like it's the automatic consensus. Drives me up a wall.

I understood what he meant, he's talking about the passive shadow of the King. It's a Jungian archetype.

he talked about iq differences in races in the latest molymeme video. he is redpilled as it gets

yeah, but it's easily identified if she actually believes it or not. Generally, words have no power, like overly optimistic people talking about life. It falls flat.

no one is born with indoctrination.
>religion, politics, ideology ect.

He's so into IQ he has to know the racial differences. He just doesn't get into it to be safe, would be my guess.


And you're all stupid for wondering about it aloud. Of course he knows about the JQ and racial differences. He just knows that there are better ways to act in the world than to sperg out with the info

sure, on an individual level.