I want to hear from any alt-left people on this board what it is you actually believe. Why do you refuse to take any personal responsibility? Why do you think violence against your common countryman is the answer? Why do you feel the need to infringe on other people's 1st amendment rights? How do you feel justified in what you're doing?
Do you not realize you're on the wrong side of history? Do you not realize that a great number of citizens came to the US to escape communism and would literally tear you apart if you tried to do anything that would undermine our Constitution? Do you have a victim complex? What's the deal? What are the actual positions you believe in? Explain them to us without falling back on the tired "because punch nazis hurhur." That's not an argument, that's a simpleton's deflection. Explain what you believe in and why you believe it. I'm almost 100% positive that you can't.
>Do you not realize you're on the wrong side of history? History doesn't have a "side". It just gets recorded accurately or inaccurately depending upon the biases and motives of those recording it.
Stop adopting the idiotic phrases the left came up with. They have no real meaning and no substance.
Adam Flores
not alt left but it's genuinely sheltered kids who do not trust the outside world and don't know what an authoritarian state looks like. they think the gov protecting things like freedom are normal because it's all they've known so they think that they can still have a socialist country and be free.. i think at least
Mason Kelly
This kind of makes sense seeing as the majority of people voting left are African American (for the obvious gibs) or college kids who were barely even born when 9/11 happened so all they're used to is an absolutely draconian infiltration of personal rights, privacy, and freedoms. At least blacks have an excuse. They see the genocide of their people plainly by the left (democrats are the biggest proponents of inner-city abortion which, you guessed it, targets the killing of black babies more than any other demographic), but seem to be willing to sell their souls for a welfare check rather than stand up to this monstrous bullshit from their own party.
I can see why blacks would support the left somewhat because they're at least getting something out of watching their people die. But what's the excuse for the white kids, asian kids, etc that have literally nothing to gain by supporting the left? Are they really just indoctrinated idiots?
Luke Price
OK i'll try to be genuine. The alt-left isn't real. False equivalency.
> Why do you refuse to take any personal responsibility? We do. We just believe that people are being oppressed and treated unfairly which is preventing them from getting ahead. We want to stop that. Majority of us go to school or work and are doing something with our lives.
>Why do you think violence against your common countryman is the answer? Again, we don't. We only think violence against violent people or people advocating for literal fucking murder based on race is justified. Nazis talk about wanting to kill us all the time, and they're taking their shit out into the streets marching and chanting Hitler slogans? That nonviolent shit gets thrown out the window quick when you play with fire like that.
> Why do you feel the need to infringe on other people's 1st amendment rights? Because you are advocating for abolishing the first amendment.
>Do you not realize you're on the wrong side of history? Really now? Liberals have won every battle throughout history against the conservative side. Progress inevitably wins. Majority of the country sides with the left over your ethnonationalist racist shit right now.
> Do you not realize that a great number of citizens came to the US to escape communism and would literally tear you apart if you tried to do anything that would undermine our Constitution? Do you have a victim complex? We are not undermining the constitution, we are advocating for reform in government to better suit the needs of today's diverse population and changing world, not throwing out the whole structure entirely. What worked in the past isn't working today and something needs to be done.
>What are the actual positions? Equality, fairness, equity, worker's rights, distributism, promoting the arts/education, saving environment, social welfare/justice, unity, compassion, racial and class divide abolished
William Campbell
>We only think violence against violent people or people advocating for literal fucking murder based on race is justified. You just proved the statement you are rebutting to be accurate.
You condone violence against your countrymen. And you condone it in a proactive sense ahead of what you presume to be foregone outcomes. You infer the worst in another person to the point of saying violence against them is both reasonable and justified.
>people advocating for literal fucking murder based on race is justified.
Unless they are in the process of undertaking that act, you don't have a legal or ethical place to attack that person physically. If you do then you are saying it is justifiable to physically attack someone over words. That's not much different then attacking someone over skin color.
Kayden Robinson
>class divide abolished
not gonna happen get real.
Matthew Lopez
Is her hair.... Ramen noodles?
Jayden Peterson
This image ruined spaghetti
Samuel Myers
>We just believe that people are being oppressed and treated unfairly which is preventing them from getting ahead. Howso? Give us specific examples and not just vague "muh oppression" horse shit please.
>Nazis talk about wanting to kill us all the time, and they're taking their shit out into the streets marching and chanting All of this is protected under our Constitution as unanimously verified by the United States Supreme Court.
So, again, you feel it's okay to use violence against people who are talking when the SCOTUS is on their side and not yours? Explain yourself.
>Because you are advocating for abolishing the first amendment. Who's advocating for abolishing the 1st amendment? I'm a Republican and literally never heard anyone ever in support of this. Explain yourself.
>Progress inevitably wins. What does this even mean? It's an ambiguous talking point that has no substance whatsoever. You see why everyone thinks you're all pretty stupid? Quantify that position with actual metrics or stop using it.
>We are not undermining the constitution communism is literally the antithesis of the United States Constitution, just as much as fascism.