Daily reminder that this is how you deal with the Alt-Left
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u jewish?
Based ruskis
>that free makeover you get for free when dealing with slav police as a lefty
Someone give me a quick rundown
Not Jewish but a Zionist
lel i think that's the guy that was like a leader of femen or something in russia or ukraine, i don't remember
Based Cossacks!
kek... they didnt even get through the first sentence before getting righteously whipped
>tfw you realize police should be equipped with whips for chimpouts
>guy that was like a leader of femen
>women can't even lead themselves
top fucking kek
thread theme
>They immediately stop chimping out after one whip
No. Not in this country right now. We are at the tipping point. The game has changed. One more left wing martyr and Trump gets impeached, and the Purple Revolution goes hot, and the right dies.
We have to play the victim game. As stupid as it sounds, we must continue to hold rallies over clear examples of oppression and unfairness...and If anyone attacks us, we must do NOTHING.
Hold position, and stand as still and silent as you can. Drop your signs, and take your beating. Wear armor, carry water for acid attacks, but do no bodily harm. The media will ignore it at first...but eventually the photographic evidence will mount. Then we will have the proof we desperately need to show the world we are not evil. Its the only way to turn this around.
Confederate statues aren't worth it.
They were also pepper sprayed before that kek
Nice, beat the pussy.
I doubt this will help since the opposite side has all the media and Jewllywood
I had a dream, I was being lead inside of a building, by someone, being made to come up a stairs. But then I realized, there is no stairs, there is no building, and I just walked right through it. On the other side there was grey static, and no sound. It was hard to be there, but not impossible.
Look upon OP, and then also look at this.
These are the things that are outside of the boundaries of the constructed narrative for you. These kikes and media try to lead you through their own artificial constructs, through problems and solutions that do not actually exist. I know its hard for you, you little low IQ degenerate human, to actually step outside of this theme park. But if you actually want to solve this crap. This is the solution.
Leave the rounded, plastic castle, walk straight through its walls and go into this scary place where few other humans are, if none at all. The grey static, the unknown. Dwell there for as long as you can and try to increase it still.
Well that was just rude
Nice bait, hasnt worked for the last 10 year so fuck that
That's what our police should be doing. Fucking cucks.