Will Sup Forums ever recover from this?
Will Sup Forums ever recover from this?
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Why does this tire feels so warm? why do I smell petrol?
Wasn't Mandela a communist?
Just what sort of world do we live in? I would happily assault brock obabo if i ever met him face to face
Nandela: hurr Durr muh peace. * Puts 5 year olds head in a tire and lights a match*
How do they get away with it?
He was also a and was literally jailed
Ah yes, the apartheid terrorist. Such an inspiration on the matters of civility
No wonder your nigger president quotes him then.
A lesson the left should learn.
cool platitudes. rly make me feel
sure beats thinking at all
>"humans are naturally creatures of love instead of hate"
>*ignores thousands of years of near-constant warfare and bloodshed*
Humans are naturally racist and sectarian
i will never recover
>closet jihadi quotes a commie
I wish Obama would just die already.
What's the point of the tire? Why not just burn people alive normally without a tire?
yes, black sure love picking cotton naturally
>love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite
But that's not true at all.
Like, not even a little bit true.
Funny quote coming from a man who burned people alive.
Romania would be shit without communism
Any sort of logical thinking in the sphere of politically incorrect topics will make you naturally hate more than love. I guess niggers and logical thinking don't get along too well.
Then why wasn't i a rowdy cross burning child?
objectively wrong
you can stress someone out so easily and make them get angry
you need to to train your self to love
>countless hours jelqing
>countless ex's to go through to find the one
>all that money son
Love is hard work
thats why our grand parents were so good at it, becuase they loved hard work.
We however are a bunch of lazy asses, who will never find love until we escape oppression
I have to give it to you on this one faggot.
What doesn't kill you makes your stronger
I need to know something to love it, but I can hate something without knowing it. Hate is far more natural.
Love that image. Good post user.
Obviously words are stronger than deeds. Typical Obama
crocodile words from nigger king
Mandela cult was the biggest scam in human history
Very few people are aware of it
But that's fucking wrong though.
>traitor quoting a terrorist
I care because? He's doing what is expected of him.
Yet violence runs rampant.
>muh love
>muh love beats everything
Love can't stop a bullet, kevlar can, therefore kevlar > love.
Wait...do you love kevlar?
Nelson Mandela was a negro supremacist, he murdered thousands and the blood of South African Dutch farmers and Anglo whites are on his hands. Fuck Mandela hope he burns.
absolutely this.
what is this mindvirus going around? it's hard to pin down, but it's like liberal smugness mixed in with conditioned "thoughts" of compassion, which is really just virtue signalling.
Site that study about implicit bias or whatever it is that proves they're full of shit and we associate our skin color with positive and the other with negative at a subconscious level
what is the opposite of the human heart?
No, but you can love a tank, also you can give it any name you like.
>being able to read on a 7th grade level
>literally killed 2 million innocent arabs and africans during his presidency of the United States
jewish heart
Because if you just pour gasoline on someone and toss a match on them they won't burn for long enough. Plus a heavy tire helps keep people from running around when they are on fire.
Remind me - why was Nelson Mandela in jail?
>inb4 "he wuz black, u raycis"
Mandela was a terrorist who killed whites.
>a nigger war criminal and traitor hypocritically quotes a comically deceptive and insincere quote from a traitorous nigger war criminal.
you faggots are already dead.
Lol.tfw the US becomes a communist country in your lifetime
Mandela is an international but COVFEFE
He was also a and was literally genocidal maniac and terrorist.
What the fuck is the opposite of the human heart? The spleen?
Mandela was a straight up terrorist and a killer. Why am I listening to him?
Here's a quote: "Continually lying to one's self about the nature of humanity makes it a reality... in my mind"
Source: some faggot
I see the revisionist historians already arrived, with their claim that Mandela invented necklacing.
Hate comes from the mind, which is ideas necessary implanted from outside. Why are mentally retarded people always loving? #QED
Probably because you weren't breast fed.
The ANC did fucktard
I don't think it much matters if he invented.
>sure Officer, I had my friend murder that guy but I didn't invent the gun he used so is it really anything to do with me?
Sup Forums is like an extended version of how the grinch stole Christmas, but it's taking a lot longer for Sup Forums to find its heart
Whites are about to face further land removals in ZA and when people look into the 'White' South Africans who opposed apartheid they will see a common trend with the 'fellow white people' who are trying hardest to smash the alt right today.
Because a huge mass media complex is involved and necessary to actually socially condition people to being anything other than being racist and sectarian. Do you find it odd that for virtually all of human history humans were racist and tribal/sectarian but it's only in the past ~50 years or so when there's been unbelievable mass media penetration that it's been different?
I agree, I like my culture and civilization more than niggers and muslims
yeah too bad pol doesn't have the warm loving heart of a terrorist who literally blew up children
Reminder that Mandela was arrested on a Jewish property in Rivonia with as many Jews as blacks and that he was employed by Jews throughout is life, all the while Israel was selling nukes to the apartheid government. Why do you think that might be?
I can respect Nelson Mandela as a man who fought hard for his people; but this hypocritical cunt hoisted upon a shield by the Cathedral sickens me.
who cares? twitter is like 1/3 bots (50mil), and people from other countries
americans don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks
Romania before communism
>putting turkish heads on spikes
Romania after communism
>oh no EU please gibb money
>Nelson Mandela supported terrorist groups that targeted white women and children.
>Nelson Mandela used a burning tire wrapped around a nigger's head as an execution method.
>He invented this and is thusly called the Mandela Necklace
>He was a commie faggot
It's the other way round user. It takes great courage and intelligence to admit that you've been conditioned to hate. Media will never have as much influence as the people around you. So this self feeding lie will subsist through the ages despite the wise words of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Nelson Mandela has allowed literally thousands of attacks on whites since he took over South Africa
>quoting a racist who allowed genocide to occur
What did he mean by this?
>Nelson Mandela
>Having anything worthy to say
Fuck that guy, still dont understand why people hold him up on a fucking pedestal
this is biologically and phycologically wrong
and nelson mandela is a terrorist who is responsible for the death of tens of thousands of whites slaughtered and hundreds of thousands forced to flee south africa
>tens of thousands of whites slaughtered
Not that much but the murder rate is one of the highest in the world
nice, posting dumb shit some dumb nigger said.
And murderer
>le terrorist nigger on an island meme
Why does everyone pretend that mandela was some kind of angel? Is this why they call it the mandela effect? Am I in the wrong universe?
From what ?
A citation of a mass murderer whose organization is responsible for the murders, rape and torture of hundreds of innocent white farmers ?
Who sold the country he stole from their rightful owners to the globalists ?
And got a fake nobel peace prize to reward these disgusting acts ?
Nelson Mandela is a terrorist and Bonobo is circle jerking his popular tweet again without any substance attached to it whatsoever.
Nigger quoting a nigger. Nig suqared
My neighbours are white saffa and I've never brought up anything about South Africa. Whats the chance they're leftists? Do they exist?
Funny how a man who openly bombed 8 countries for a large portion of his presidency takes loving quotes from a man who burned people alive and blew up civilian busses for his movement.
>Unemployed nigg On twitter
Kys OP
In his book Long Walk to Freedom Nelson Mandela wrote that as a leading member of the ANC’s executive committee, he had “personally signed off” in approving acts of terrorism. The horror which Mandela had “signed off” for while he was in prison – convicted for other acts of terrorism after the Rivonia trial. The late SA president P.W. Botha told Mandela in 1985 that he could be a free man as long as he did just one thing: ‘publicly renounce violence’. Mandela refused. That is why Mandela remained in prison until the appeaser Pres F W de Klerk freed him unconditionally. The bottom line? Nelson Mandela never publicly renounced the use of violence to further the ‘cause of freedom’.
I don't get it. You can still hate someone you love.
But Matt Damon was in a movie that said he was a great goy
He forgot the rest
>...therefore, we need to use extreme mental conditioning on our footsoldiers before they will kill without hesitation!
> It's the other way round user.
No, it literally isn't, there's evidence that babies of all people have a preference for people who look like them, or at least people who share superficial aesthetic traits with them, or adults of their group, over people who don't.
Your appeal to shit like Christianity actually helps make my point. Churches are basically the last thing in the country which aren't subject to things like bussing, mandatory integration/Section 8 importations, etc. and basically 90% of them are 85%+ monoethnic because in a natural state most people are sectarian/ethnocentric and prefer to be around people like them.
Says the nigger taking selfies with leftist EU enemies of the people during his funeral
What a shit ex-president, he cannot come up with his own statement so he has to borrow one from an ex-convict.
Nelson Mandela is a fucking terrorist and how anyone can endorse him blows my mind.
Wtf is that bullshit, people are not inherently good. People are naturally evil. It is the social contract that forces man to be good. Look at any disaster. People become their true selves
Please... yes! This nigger has no idea what he's saying, if whites gets organized and armed, niggers will get eternally btfo'd
Violent nigger makes a quote about peace, and lefties lap that shit up. What a fucking world we live in. I want off this ride. Will it ever end?