This is what the alt-left believe. How would you counter this?
This is what the alt-left believe. How would you counter this?
Leftists have unlimited tolerance for intolerance as long as those being intolerant are shitskins or women. The only intolerance they oppose is straight white male intolerance.
I would say anything that requires that many loopholes and qualifiers in order to be coherent isn't a well put together idea.
With this?
if you repllace nazis with muslims this is a strafgeseztbuch deal away with you you racist piece of shit
>must be outside the law
Eat shit and die communists.
that does the job I reckon
I understand that the alt-left is hypocritical in this regard, but the law DOES still in fact crack down on islamo-fascist groups. Pic related
The extinction of tolerance is what the Left is trying to carry out. They're just too delusional to realize it.
Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists’ hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.
We are the alt left
We are a legion
We will bash the fash
We will stomp on your freeze peach
We will create a safe space
We're comin, bucko
Why was he right about everything?
>Any movement that preaches intolerance and persecution must be outside of the law
Tolerance would only go extinct if they obtain a majority of political power. That doesn't mean they should be denied free speech. You cannot understand your enemy unless you allow him to speak.
I would say that tolerance is a pathetic virtue that will ultimately lead to more conflict, since the "tolerated people" see only weakness, complacency, and a chance to normalize their own behavior.
im sure this community service/prison time will replace his life's mission oh wait
french prison have a conversion rate rivaled nowhere else in france even ghettos think about that and realize that the state doesn't give a shit and they will feed people with your money and fail to rehabilitate them fuck off
So when are they banning communism and Islam?
It's not their "lack of tolerance for lack of tolerance" that is the problem, it is their definition of "lack of tolerance" and how far they want to stretch it.
Statues come down today, put in jail for wrong think tomorrow.
I can't even make any sense of that...
it's like a foreigner wrote it
Eagle was out of place, changed it with a mosque
Just not with physical violence like chimpanzees. I enjoy arguining with commies and nazis.
Of course now the mainstream doesn't see that they're ignoring a threat coming from the left.
Because Muslims as a group of people aren't the problem, terrorists are. If there was a hateful Muslim group gathering in a park with torches, I'd say to not tolerate them either.
This version would only be equated with the OP poster if it were saying not to tolerate any germans, because nazis were germans, so that means all germans are nazis. Which would be insane to say.
Clear cut shill
Point out how hypocritical they are. Demand that they abide by the rules they preach, and if they insist on not doing it, point out how they agree with you. Just be prepared to present evidence of why your ideas are based in reality.
Read Saw Alinsky's rules for radicals... always preludes interactions as to be part of why they are defending, i.e., "My grandmother is Jewish," if you're white.
Sure, go ahead and put foreigners before your own people. See what that does to your society. Human history is full of savagery, and anyone that messes with the concept of a nation is a fool. Whites are the only group that plays the tolerance game.
>Sir Karl Raimund Popper CH FBA FRS[7] (28 July 1902 – 17 September 1994) was an Austrian Jewish
checks out
>...always prelude interaction by pretending to be part of what they are defending
>ben garrison
lol every time
Karl Popper did actually believe communists should not be tolerated. Popper's paradox of tolerance is basically just anti-extremes on the left and right; anyone who is against liberalism cannot be tolerated if they attract enough attention or support.
>Because white people as a group...
This is what this propaganda piece is saying:
>tolerance vs intolerance = intolerance wins
Which doesn't really make any sense.
What's really going on is this:
>liberal intolerance = tolerance
>conservative intolerance = intolerance
or in other words: our intolerance is better than your intolerance, which is just absurd. They are literally trying to redefine intolerance as tolerance. It's straight up double think, which they admit when they say it's a "paradox." No, it's not a paradox, you're just using double think, you retard.
lmao wrong
the right is all nazis now because they associate with neo-nazis at their rallies. a few bad apples does spoil the bunch unless you're a muslim.
I'd tell them to stop drawing bad cartoons and open a book to learn how and why national socialism became a thing, maybe they'll recognize the signs.
Exactly, a lot of right-wing white guys have this triggered defensive mode, where whenever it's pointed out that being white affords you some priveledges, they get all bent out of shape and think that you're saying that white people (they) are all evil (hate them)
(ie reeee somebody doesn't like me and it doesn't feel good, time to get defensive and sad).
The poster isn't saying all white people shouldn't be tolerated. Nazis and White Supremacists aren't to be tolerated.
it's basically
>we can do x
>they can't do x
>tumblr cartoon
>literally Hitler
Who wants to bet that Mr. Popper is a kike?
Ochen Xorosho
Right wingers who defend the rallies are equally as bad, or refuse to speak up against it. If they do, fair play.
You can look up tons of anti-terrorist rallies by Muslims. Who do you think lives in the crossfire over there when terrorists start going off? Non-terrorist Muslims.
sshhh they're not supposed to get slapped with this until they've gone all the way down the nazi hole
this kills the sjw brain
This is a repackaging of the Intolerance of Intolerance. It's meant to convince sheep into thinking that it's okay for marxists for practice political censorship and political violence against their enemies. ie it's okay to crush a nazi because they're evil, but a criminal nigger rioters in BLM or the terrorist soldiers using useful idiots as meatshields in Antifa are "tolerable" because they're tolerant, good people but sometimes you just have to bash a fash.
Marxism has, coincidentally, inflicted millions and millions of civilian casualties in genocides carried out by the "Tolerant" and untold amounts of human misery. If there's any ideology that shouldn't be tolerated it's Marxists controlled by the genocidal, hate-filled jews who are the Inner Party members of every commie organization.
I honestly hope I'm being trolled, because this is probably the most ironic fucking thing I have ever seen. My god leftists have the intelligence level of a plat of spaghetti
Paradox of tolerance is solved rather simply. Neoliberal philosophy of Popper is logically bankrupt, and is to put it simply a neoliberal dictatorship.
True Republic simply chooses what to accept based on consensus. Different societies choose different things in different times, as consensus evolves.
Popper is a demagogue, nothing more.
Notice how thinly veiled this cartoon is asking for authoritarianism. Essentially saying intolerance should be illegal. These people are freaks and the epitome of useful idiots. If they got their commie wish, I wonder what their last thoughts would be as they're lined up in front of a red firing squad as so many have before them.
Yup, this makes perfect sense, if it weren't for the fact that they were bashing normal Trump supporters long before Charlottesvile, their bullshit double think would've gotten me. Not this time. I don't think what they deem as intolerance will be going away lack last time
Popper wanted to ban anything that wasn't international, neoliberalism
Such tolerance
Not a single ethical argument in it, therefore it's shit made for emotional teenagers.
nazis are politically aligned with antifat but differ on who they hate. they're aligned with islam/isis and you. the right wants less government and actually extends inalienable rights to all groups including the ones you or socialist/commie/nazi fucks don't want us to give it to. you're a slaver. i hope your mother dies.
I don't understand why people think the left has a hard on for Islam? Because we don't label all Muslims as terrorists?
The Quran has nasty shit in it, and so does the Bible and the Torah. But just like most Christians and Jews, most Muslims ignore or "reinterpret" that shit. Just read up on any modern bible study of what "slavery back then REALLY meant, and how it doesn't REALLY condone the slavery in America". Ok buddy.
Most people have their religions to make themselves feel good and because they're afraid of hell, that's it.
The left is against terrorists, because no shit. We just also know that your average Muslim isn't going to go crazy and start blowing shit up, because that's fucking ridiculous.
I don't like that the christian next door to me doesn't support gay marriage, and I don't like that the muslim on the other side doesn't support it either. I don't think their special little books should mean my gay friends can't get married, but as long as they aren't marching in a park calling for violence against gays, they can pray or believe whatever they fuck they want in their own house.
>How dare you get mad when we call you evil racists who need to die
Whites are so stupid lmao. They should admit that they're all immoral oppressors and kill themselves already
I believe it too. This is why we must not tolerate SJWs or Antifa. (Nazi KKK LARPers can fuck right off as well.)
>How dare you defend free speech
>Mental Gymnastics: The Infograph
the left openly advocates to doxx and hurt destroy lives of the other political spectrum. take off your fag flag why is that even a thing now so shills can shill better? disgusting.
look for similarities:
"Why, thank you, I appreciate that you do not tolerate everything. See, its the same with me. I tolerate almost everything except the really bad stuff that is dangerous like commies, niggers..."
"You see, we are quite similar already"
the quran is utterly despicable and yet its the tamest of the 3 holy books of the mudslimes. The Hadith and that other book whose name are forget are much, much worse.
The bible does not even compare to the quran, much less to those two other books
>Muslims as a group of people aren't the problem, terrorists are.
>muslim majority countries institutionalize the oppression of women, giving them half the weight in court, no rights to land or inheritance, inability to drive to walk in public alone; the public execution of gays and thieves; the taxation of other religions just for the right to exist in their territories and you still might get killed anyways, and honor killing/bride kidnappings
you're a funny guy.
Because you support Islamic ideas that the left would dislike in any other religion
Sexism, slavery, discrimination, genocide, terrorism, pedophilia, rape, racism, war, murder, etc are all ok as long as Muslims do it.
Because you insist on importing millions of people from Islamic shitholes and expect them to not turn our countries into shitholes when they arrive here. Terrorism is only a small problem compared to the large scale crime they bring and the fact they're never going to be productive in a western society.
This just shows how incompetent tolerant societies are. Intolerant movements and ideas rise, not because the society is tolerant, but because the tolerant society is unable to solve major problems. Banning intolerant groups won't solve the problems that brought these groups to life, only justify the intolerant group and give a popularity boost.
Same for intolerant societies: they fall because they are unable to solve worsening problems and not because they banned some shitty sjw music.
The masses are so fucking simple, circus and bread are enough to appease them, the majority doesn't care what type of society gives them show and food.
This literally proved the point of my post. It's like a little kid overreacting when their parents get mad at them.
"Oh so I should just run away then? Oh so I guess I'm just AWFUL and NO GOOD. Maybe I should just KILL MYSELF IF YOU ALL HATE ME SO MUCH"
Just like "You know it's easier for white guys to ignore nazis when they aren't the ones being targeted by them"
"OH so ALLLL white guys are evil and you HATE ME soooo much, I guess you just want me to DIE" ;_; ;_;
Like whoa, who hurt you? Who didn't give you enough hugs?
Chill out, bro. Stop getting so triggered. Nobody is saying all whites are evil racists or deserve to die. If you're not one of those nazi douchebags, we're not talking about you. This is what memes on the left mean when they mock "NOT ALL MEN"
If you're not one of those kinds of men, then we weren't talking about you? Why are you so defensive like we are. Are you that scared and hurt by the slight possibility of somebody disliking you?
They are branding neocons and conservatives as Nazis to discredit them.
Also, if you cannot suppress an ideology by deconstructing its ideas and discrediting them then you have no business denouncing it.
Hitler did nothing wrong
>This is what the alt-left believe. How would you counter this?
slippery slope fallacy
>This is what the alt-left believe. How would you counter this?
Also Tolerance is bullshit. What you need to do is respect peoples god given rights. And never except anything less in return.
"So that means i should not tolerate things such as transgender, homosexuality because it has lead to teh intolerance of opposing opinions on the subject?"
You're looking for ways to support nazis? You fucking cunt.
>I don't like that the christian next door to me doesn't support gay marriage, and I don't like that the muslim on the other side doesn't support it either.
here's the difference you fucking nutter, no Christian country today has citizens who throw gays off rooftops for the crime of being gay. 75% of islamic countries have gay roof-chuckings monthly in 2017. Christianity went through a reformation in the Elightenment where all the crazy old testament shit is now ignored, but remembered. Islam is still literally in the dark ages and still doing medieval shit like child brides and gay-tossing.
Do you think it's fair if a private christian business refuses to provide service to a gay couple? Because if that christian business loses that court case do you see why that might be a problem?
"Tolerance and Apathy are the last virtues of a dying society."
This also goes directly against what I said in my post. I'm against all of those things no matter what religion is pushing it. You think that me being ok with moderate Muslims walking around means I support all that. The minute they start calling and marching for changes in US policy to support those things, I'll call out against them. That's why I was saying though, there are passages in the bible that support slavery etc, but im not stupid enough to think that Joe Schmo Christian is walking down main st thinking "Slavery should be legal!"
And even in the case where a Muslim and a Christian believe in "only a man and a woman!". As long as they keep that shit in their homes, and out of US policy, fine. So don't marry a dude if you're a dude, that's your choice. The rest of us will be doing what they want.
You don't really have any reading comprehension.
Because every political movement doesn't tolerate a group of people. For the left its white males. For the right it's degenerates. For the alt right it's non whites.
>3) No one asks that of ANY non-white country.
They have started, albeit timidly, to ask that of Japan.
Perfectly executed, kikel. You go last in the oven.
Replace the nazis in the pic with muslims
>boohooo ppl treat me like a nigger
fuck off with your victim complex you nigger, if you have it so bad go fucking kill yourself you fat fucking neet
> moderate Muslims
No such thing. What you have is bad Muslims and many of those feel guilty for not following Islamic precepts well enough.
Isn't this the exact same line of reasoning Hoppe uses?
it's really unfortunate that neo-nazis are a bunch of cling ons, because the right is only defending the right to voice their own ideology. both they and nazis are having their right to free speech squelched. the right who might be against unchecked immigration are being thrown under the bus along with the nazis because the left is too stupid to differentiate between the two. they boil it down to not liking brown people, toss nuance in the garbage, and just start shouting nazi.
what muslims do to other muslims is missing the point, stop conflating the entire right in the us with nazism.
Make it about islam
Why are leftests so tolerant of Islam? It's the least intolerant ideology in the World.
Yeah, I would consider guys throwing people off rooftops terrorists. So no shit I'm against that. Are Muslims all over America doing that? Just because somebody is Muslim means they agree with the guy who is throwing people off of roofs. Just like your average christians doesn't support the kinds of Christians who beat the shit out of gays, drag them behind trucks or whatever. In Jamaica, it's Christians who are chasing gays into the ocean so they drown. Am I going to say that I am against all Christians and Jamaicans now? Get real. Even if an average Jamaican in america is against gay marriage, it doesn't mean they believe in chasing somebody into the ocean to drown.
ty tovarisch
>moderate christians.
So youre average christian feels guilty about slavery being illegal? Get a clue. Most Christians don't even know half the fucked up rules about what is punishable by death and the rules about rape and marriage etc. Or they have some loophole where those don't apply. All religious people do it.
I would counter it with the fact that the Supreme Court of The United States has already unanimously ruled on "hate speech", so the Alt-Left has no ground to stand on.
"Supreme Court unanimously reaffirms: There is no ‘hate speech’ exception to the First Amendment"
The supreme law of the land comes before any of their little hurt fee-fees. If they don't like it, they're welcome to leave, but if they stay and keep pushing buttons they shouldn't be surprised when they catch a bullet to the head from police or military for trying to undermine our democracy I guess.
stop lying
The left openly shills for extremist Islam in Europe and the west
Saudi Arabia openly funds Wahabbist mosques around the world that not only spread salafism but recruit for ISIS, and if you criticize them you go to jail.
Slavery, rape, genocide, murder, etc everything associated with ISIS is taught as legitimate. Yet somehow that's protected speech while objecting to tearing down Confederate states is apparently unprotected speech
>Because Muslims as a group of people aren't the problem
Yeah, lemme tell you something about "nonterroristic" islamic societies:
>They steal more then the average white person
>They kill more then the average white person
>They give a fuck about the belongings of other persons
>They give a fuck about the belief and the religion of other persons
>The "moderate" muslim is antisemitic
>The "moderate" muslim gives a fuck about slaves, shipped in from the third world to build his shithomes in rich muslim countries
>The "moderate" muslim gives a shit about beheaded homosexuals
But I am probably just "biased", because I meet persons like this in cologne every fucking day.
If you hsve not read Koran, Book 9, Book of the Sword, or, at least, do not understand what its contents might be, then you can pass no judgement as to terrorism in relation to islam. You are giving them carte blanche to do as they please.
But I would like mohammed himself to have the final say on this:
"I have been made victorious through terror".
okay so what exactly is the right doing that makes them nazis? other than defending their right to free speech? what are they doing that has you so itchy that you need to call them out like you would call out muslims for throwing gays from rooftops?
Tolerance != tolerating the intolerant
this is basic shit. if trumpcucks want to have little circlejerks in their destitute communities by themselves, that's fine, just keep your subhuman paws inside your shithole excuse for "states"
I actually just got done reading The Republic and it's crazy to think how similar the things Plato warned about, how democracy leads to tyranny, is happening right now. Tolerance will always find a way to breed intolerance, if guys ALL THE WAY BACK THEN figured it out there's no reason to believe it doesn't apply to the first world. I just wish everyone would acknowledge this stuff so we could move towards constructing a peaceful solution (if there even is any)
>Compare a religion to a nationality
I am being baited?
That's how racism/sexism works, idiot
You aren't supposed to judge people collectively
How are you this blind to your own hypocrisy? The whole point of objecting to racism/sexism is that "not all x are y" is supposed to be true. If you believe "all white males are y" you are pushing racism. It's that fucking simple.
Part of negotiation, dialogue, therapy, etc is being able to speak your mind without judgement.
The longer we promote intolerance, the more we promote escalation of negative feelings. The longer we escalate negative feelings, the more we promote intolerance and as a consequence, violence. In such an escalated state, it is more difficult if not impossible to think of these grand-scale political issues in rational or factual manners.
The cultural party in power (the left, MSM, in this case), has the duty of creating a culture of open expression as to promote wider tolerance through expression, listening, and a convergence on 'the fact itself' as opposed to 'the meaning of a fact'.
Any other formulation of society does not promote the common good. Such societies are well-disguised but nonetheless self-interested.
i'm alright with that but you can fuck off if you think me not coddling the feelings of countless men from 3rd world countries that left their families to die makes me a nazi
Yeah, and your averaage muslim will gloss over those passages with some bullshit exscuse about how that's not what it REALLY means. Just like your average Christian will do about the passages about being allowed to beat your slave to death, or a girl marrying her rapist. They'll say something about how the word "rape" back then really meant BLAH BLAH BLAH.
You're trying to convince me that the Quran is trash. Yeah, no kidding, it's a holy book. It's full of crazy shit like the rest of them. For some reason, people still believe them. Thankfully, most people prefer "Diet Bible/Quran" to Original Recipe.
White people existing is a form of Nazism according to the left