What does Sup Forums think about this?
What does Sup Forums think about this?
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he is almost 100% right
White supremacy is just another shitty form of identity politics, just like BLM
but the right just wants to stop hearing about the left's fucking pity whoring.
he's right
radical centrists know the truth
you're all fucking idiots with shortcomings looking for something greater than yourself to latch onto because you're a fucking loser.
SJWs think they're the next civil rights movement.
Sup Forums and co think they're the saviors of the white race.
you're just pathetic dumbfucks driven by propaganda meant to radicalize you both of you
It's spot on. But he misses a deeper observation.
Both sides are filled with people who have failed to succeed in society and are trying to put some meaning in their life by attaching themselves to extremist political movements.
hey this user typed basically the same thing as me. sweet.
SJWs only exist as a response to anti women racism, homophobia, shit like that.
I'm not defending them, but do you see what is happening? You have a problem in society, a group that overreacts to that problem, and then another group that overreacts to the first group. The only thing the alt-right will accomplish is breed another race of SJWs.
>R A D I C A L C E N T R I S T
Utter retardation, fuck niggers, kikes and shitskins, white is right.
too long didn't read
He totally has a point.
t. better take the most shallow and neutral stance to signal my intelligence while avoiding any real analysis that may result in taking sides
if society is so great the way it is now, why are there so many people latching on to this sort of stuff?
Except he missed the part where whites HAVE been under a constant, racist bombardment against them for nearly a decade. He also fails to recognize the adaptation of Rules for Radicals on the part of the Right, and so he thinks they're joined at the hip, instead of fighting fire with fire.
Alt right doesnt have a "censorious"strain.
he's right tho
violence on both sides
We know it's true, excellent use of Israeli flag for max butthurt.
A slow white replacement genocide is a concern certainly for western civilization, but the aspies haven't figured out you can't go from 0 to Arbet Macht Frie like they've been. One step at a time you spergers.
Wow it's almost as if it's all a proxy for racial identity groups fighting for hegemony, that's literally something nobody ever noticed before
most people were driven here through gamergate and sjw-ism.
When you find yourself aligning with extremists to avoid another party's rule, this is how you get demagoguery.
If we do what he's suggesting, drop the labels and move on, the left will instantly revert back to their platforms and positions unable to work towards a meaningful solution, necessitating the same right sided forces. We're locked in
because the internet feeds them with stories to confirm their prejudices and they live in echo chambers so they believe certain threats to be far greater than they truly are. it's a vocal minority also, a lot of it is edgy kids with nothing going on in their lives so they do this for excitement or an excuse to fight people.
He literally types "SJWs" and "NEW white nationalists" at the beginning, then proceeds to "explain" how they're alike. Did the guy stop and think why the white nationalists are only rising up now? Of course not. It's your typical centrist bullshit.
(((Horseshoe theory))) they are both the same
Action is mightier than words
They exist as a response to a social perception that the shit you mention exists. It does not, but who could be putting out so much misinformation that it does...?
they rose up in response to sjw explicit anti-white lunacy in media etc. yes, but that might be too controversial for goybook. could easily be constructed as "nazi apologism", so not the true centrist stance.
Surface level analysis of their sociological similarities is retarded. What matters is real world power. Who wins out of the two? Who do the elites back? Who is more of a threat to your fence sitting faggotry? If the left crush parts of the far right, which is what I think will happen, I will gladly join the left to see libertarians, cuckservatives, centrists, and others destroyed. If you delusionally think they won't try the same ploys on you (everyone I disagree with is hitler), and that their power doesn't significantly outweigh yours, you're an idiot.
>radical centrists
you guys are getting gassed first
Speech isnt violence.
Alt Right aren't censorious.
it still is pretty good by relative standards, but its been poisoned and things are taking a serious turn for the worse.
>reddit spacing
>Except he missed the part where whites HAVE been under a constant, racist bombardment against them for nearly a decade. He also fails to recognize the adaptation of Rules for Radicals on the part of the Right, and so he thinks they're joined at the hip, instead of fighting fire with fire.
which is quite literally the dumbest thing possible to do.
sure but violence is. Don't give me that dindu crap
yeah it does but it's not nearly as widespread or common as they believe it to be and sexism/racism/homophobia/etc. certainly isn't promoted in the mainstream.
there's a difference between people in the 60s fighting for their right to go to the same schools as white people and people today writing rage paragraphs on twitter over a joke about the nba having a lot of blacks.
or gays fighting against getting chemically castrated by the state 100 years ago but getting mad that someone wont call a man with 5 o clock shadow and a dress a woman.
He makes the correct assumption that "both are obsessed with race, SJWs demanding white shame, the alt-right responding with white pride".
Should anyone be shamed because of their skin colour? No.
Would people of any race other than white receive so much criticism for being proud of their race and heritage? No. Black people are often talking about how proud they are of being black and that's considered socially acceptable.
Conclusion: SJWs are in the wrong and are the real racists.
there isn't a constant bombardment, it's a few shitty media sensationalists and college kooks. you just are exposed to it constantly because places like this reinforce your worldview by feeding you examples of it occurring and nothing else.
You know what else I hate? Fatties, trannies, homos and a bunch of other people. Do you want to know why? Because I am disgusted with them, no matter how much cash I have in my wallet. Many people are. And a 100 years ago there werent any of them here. Maybe, tribal unity and similar genetic, healthy structure is a thing that gives your brain some comfort.
Because a society that is non racially harmonious becomes more chaotic, no matter what. But so too does it become so when you just cant express normal hate things. Hate is normal and even lite hates are being censored with extreme force. People prefer other people all the time. Its called freedom of association. Being forced to work, live or provide with things that you dont like is tyranny.
and you know whats worse? Instead of backing off and telling us "we are sorry, we overstepped our boundaries and made mistakes" the left and centrists go "but it is you who is to blame for feeling like this you piece of shit"
I am not a piece of shit, neither are my neighbors or anyone else who ever feels like this, and there are many who feel like this. You pushed us and kept us pushing into this way of thinking and now we want to fucking eradicate you.
You wanna help White race? Get married, have 5 white kids and red pill them on race, JQ and opposite sex. Also teach them how to make money. If 100.000.000 Whites do this, you'll have bright White future. Don't and you won't. Done.
>alt-right has a "deep censorious strain"
citation needed
>implying taking pride in your heritage and standing up for your group interests is equivalent to hating your own heritage and promoting rival group interests
Spot on.
Because with nothing more to define ourselves by, no mountains to climb or seas to explore, what adversaries do we have left but those we create ourselves?
Tell me they wouldn't censor others.
He's not wrong both sides are just larping faggots looking to feel special because they hate their own lives
most of OPs post is correct from a certain point of view, but I have never ever seen alt-rightists run from discussion of any kind
they might mock your stupidity or insult you for being a nigger, but they won't ever noplatform you or try to get social media to censor the other sides posts
Pretty fucking correct. Glad people are voicing how retarded everyone is being.
The best place to be is the sensible center.
what city?
>the left trying to eradicate the white race
yeah, small differences
This guy would have a great point if white people weren't literally being replaced in their home countries. Centrists never want to talk about demographic shifts and the implications for the future - the best they'll do is talk surface level bullshit about white flight or gentrification, both of which generally cast negative light on whites to boot.
He didn't even mention Jews once
nah, asking my fellow Croat here...
SJWs exist because they're mentally damaged bipolars and spergs.
They exist because they weren't disciplined by their parents.
They weren't disciplined by their parents because their family unit was fucked up by 1st and second waves of feminism.
They were given anything they want in excess, had a beta father and an overbearing/refrigerator (bi-polar nurturing) mother.
>"And his father had not displeased him at any time in saying why hast thou done so?"
Kekistanis/Nu-stormfaggots exist for the very same reason.
It's not the injustices they actually protest, injustices barely exist at all in the western world. They protest their own emptiness, trying to escape depression and loneliness by committing themselves to radical thoughts and radical acts. They are victims of the dissolution of patriarchal society and nuclear family,
The Chad Centrist vs the Beta Centrist
Meme it
I don't disagree lets keep profitting ye?
"Radical centrists" are really just alt-left
cool, same here. Born in Split...
Surely the dumbest possible thing to do would be to lose because you're too proud to learn from the enemy?
Accurate, just salty a non-goy posted this.
centrists are also quite unedicated and dumb, just look at this picture. Do you know where they actually stand? They know nothing of history, nothing of actual standards at which society used to operate properly at in better periods of time even. They partake heavily in the jew lies. They really are just no better than lefties, barely 10 IQ points above the brainless masses.
where is that picture of the horshoe theory being mocked about paying your drug dealer to have sex with his cousin. God sometimes I get these depressive or whatever periods and I go to cuckchan to find these stupid as threads which were already destroyed a thousand times before, and then just think "well maybe he has a point" but they never do. Its just more newfags repeating and repeating the same crap as always when we have a near 100% kill ratio on them.
Downright insane.
That person clearly has very little understanding what the alt right is or what white nationalism stands for.
He is completely ignoring the social beliefs of the far right and misrepresenting the racial views.
The alt right recognizes in group preference, so they believe that in a homogeneous society the well being will increase.
The SJW is the same side of a different coin, they also recognize race, but believe that an inhomogeneous society is preferable.
The commonality doesn't go farther then both believing that race matters.
You sound delusional, as if you neither now what an SJW nor a person from the far right beliefs.
I'm Hangry
he's probably a normie centrist fool, but he has a point
Both sides are full of beta losers. Take the IRON PILL
even most democrats in the US would be considered centrists by most of the rest of the planet. get a job you underage faggot
Yes, we have a lot in common with the sjws but we both totally disagree with cuckservatives who want to avoid the "race issue" like it's the plague. We also have a lot more respect for (((SJWs))) than people who believe in nothing. Once we've established that talking about race is OK, then the cucks are gone and it's just a question of whether we're right or the left is; whether America should be a white country and immigration should cease, or whether it should be increased 10 fold for inclusivity purposes. At that point- once we can actually have a discussion about race v. "the social justice warriors"-it will be clear who makes sense and who doesn't.
SJW's, progressives and general marxist scum are trying to socially engineer their imagined paradise by eroding everything that made and makes western society the greatest society. They have shown time and again they do this through political action, academia and even the internet. They have shown time and again they have no morals in dealing with people who don't agree with them or their desires. They have shown time and again they lie, ruin people's lives, are complete hypocrites, use violence, call for censorship, push for laws and actions which erode western liberties and damage western life, all in the the name of their ideology which itself is schizophrenic and contradictory. They have shown they have no problem ignoring the huge cognitive dissonance they must experience on a daily basis in order to believe the things they do and act the way they do. And they have been doing this for YEARS now. They have had, and still have, western government support and media support.
I would like to hear how centrists would deal with these people, who are basically a huge social movement of heavily indoctrinated cultists
He is 100% spot on.
please post the rest
He's spot on.
Stormfags and SJW'S, GET OUT!
>Cherry picking that hard.
Maybe compare their social believes?
>most of the planet
Most of the planet are liberal twats who will want gibs or have no civilization at all, so they don't matter, retard.
>muh everyone else is doing it
FFS dense fags. Did we not just go over this a few days ago?
Stop falling for bait. If you want to know what Sup Forums thinks, LURK FUCKING MORE.
100% spot on.
The goy is right. Forget and erase your heritage, become like south america.
If you think utopian collectivists will allow free speech when in control, you're delusional.
>radical centrist
Aka ignore the subversion of your country and then pretend to take the high ground when the shit hits the fan
Actually very unbiased, i think this guy could have a chill discussion with us. (exclude americans and turks, they are most likely to start screeching "ur nud wite :DD"
lol way to prove the point.
What rock have you been living under? It's literally everywhere in the media. The governor of my state came out and said all confederate statues should be taken down.
I seriously believe there's a solid compromise to almost any problem.
That's part of it but /ourkike/ Ted Kaczynski expains it better here: cyber.eserver.org
He is right, but the fact remains that the injustice exists.
You can't unsee the obvious propaganda pumped out continually unless you don't watch it or are ignorant of it.
Exactly. He never posits a solution. In fact you could easily replace his whole screed and change white with any liberal "minority group" and it would be more accurate.
The difference between him and us is we have solutions to the problems.
Close to spot on.
I just think white people pay a net contribution to society and black people are a net drain. No emotion behind it.
I think many on Sup Forums used to be your run of the mill Libertarians. Fiscally Conservative, Socially Liberal. But being socially Liberal has changed in the past ten or so years. It used to be treating everyone with respect that does the same to you. Now it's villification of literally everyone who isn't a pangender, POC, Latinx attack helicopter. Police are racist, whites are the devil, Melanin is a magical substance, everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi or kike.
Identity politics rule on both sides. The left are stupid fucking communists who think they're a civil rights movement. The altright unironically think that the masses will support them while waving Swastikas.
We can talk about race realism, nigger crime rates, the evils of Islam here all we want. But unironically showing your power level to normies is as bad as being a LARPing AntiFa.
IS fucking useless and anyone who tells you otherwise is self centered or a complete fucking idiot.
TRUE Nazi are not ones to wallow in it.
>Both are convinced they are under seige
More black children than white in the USA this year, corporations actively lobbying against us, if there is even a hint of what we are in truth in the open, catastrophic consequences occurs.
>Both claim recognition for their victim hood
They need their recognition because they crave attention. We need more recruits to achieve our cause and the only way to attain recruits worth anything is to obtain those who dare look beyond the veil of social lies.
Is pointless to our cause. Craving it is egotistical.
>who should get the title of an identity
Sup Forums has no identity. I can be arguing with someone in this thread and doing anime roleplay with the same person on another board. A cultural identity? of course, but complete anonymity.
>social pity
Pity is useless to us but sympathy is required to reach our goal.
This asshole has no fucking clue what the hell he is talking about. He is just another unconcerned person that thinks he is so smart for making a observation that has no basis.
Like saying that when lithium burns a strange color, its because water is in the substance. Its so wrong and yet retards that have no clue about what is really go along sit there clapping.