>wow centrists lmao PICK A SIDE
Wow centrists lmao PICK A SIDE
> we want to kill black people
That`s a strawman.
I pick memes
>buying into identity politics in 2017
yes yes good goyim
based machiavelli
what a shit eating grin faggot punchable face loser
>"we" want to kill all blacks.
>all alr right are ebil kkk nutziz.
can you weave a more pathetic strawman?
to those who actually see that the alt-right has been a honeypot since its inception, autonomy is our best bet to let the system destroy itself. The left is going to consume itself regardless, fighting against Trump's America, one way or another.
I don't fret over centrists. Its a waste of time and energy to care about the centrist, since they don't care about you or your views, neither right nor left.
They are indecisive pawns with no path other than living with a fence post in their ass, riding on modernity's shoulders until the giant will fall.
Autonomy is our only answer to this issue of race and the new world we must rebuild.
The left is using anti-racism as a front to push for more government. Not interested in that side either. It's not a centrist position since both groups want government to do something for their interest.
>People still don't realize that the Alt-Right and Alt-Left clashes are engineered to escalate until the government has support to pass laws that further limit freedom.
Y'all niggas getting psyoped.
>mfw seeing a normie friend post these sentiments on Facebook and get attacked by a mob of their liberal friends for it
You have to be a nazi or a communist in 2017 apparently. Lol fuck that I just wanna listen to my music and fuck girls. Keep your shitty dead meme ideologies in the history books.
that's why I don't use jewbook. i live in portland and most of my friends are either minorities or "cosmopolitan" self hating whites.
>antifa shopped out the original "We want to kill white people" with the green sign so they dont look bad and are now flooding the internet with this version of the pic while pretending to be centrists
your on Sup Forums, there is nothing but IDpol degenercy here
Centrists are a bunch of cunts with no real beliefs and a massive superiority complex
he was a definitely a faggot sociopath as well
it's sad isn't it?
> nuke the eternal anglo
We have to go to the root of the problem.
Being right of antifa, and left of the kkk doesn't make you a centrist, you fucking mongoloid.
>wow centrists lmao PICK A SIDE
We are a side
>There's too many men, too many people
>Making too many problems
>And there's not much love to go around
>Can't you see this is a land of confusion?
>>People still don't realize that the Alt-Right and Alt-Left clashes are engineered to escalate until the government has support to pass laws that further limit freedom.
>Y'all niggas getting psyoped.
>tfw no /centrist/ general do discuss Machiavelli and how to dismantle the alt left and alt right.
Centrism is stupid, Commies and Nazis are CTRL-Left. Be Right or kys.
well it's kinda obvious desu
Funny how none of the 'white supremacists' called for black people to die at all, yet this....
Who is the violent racist now?
Well in reality we aren't going to see full blown socialism or full blown right wing death squads. So keeping your arguments to the realms of possibility while denouncing idiots pursuing pipe dreams on both sides is the reasonable way forward.
You instantly wipe out the value of any of your opinions if you let the media place you into a neat little box of "racist nazi" or "crazed antifa".
Better to realistic right wing goals like reducing immigration, being harder on illegal immigrants and perhaps at a stretch start rolling back positive discrimination etc. Make the country a meritocracy where possible.
That's because the average person is some faggot larping on Facebook about being a freedom fighter. These people are dumb cunts.
>Calls people they disagree with nazis and KKK members
>Act surprised and go ape shit and real nazis and KKK members starting showing up at rally's
Leftists have no critical thinking skills
>we want to kill black people
another brainwashed leftist thinking they are a pragmatic centrist. Nothing new here
*drum roll*
And yet these """centrists"""will always take side with the antifas. These people are smart enough to see the retardation of the left but they are so cucked they don't want to think further as it would lead them to the right side.
How many of these smart "lol turd sandwich and giant douche" were butthurt as fuck after Trump's victory?
There are centrists who appreciate the rights arguments and certainly lean that way but keep those views to themselves as to be associated with the retards at Charlottesville could ruin their careers etc.
Pretty simple, let the white separatists separate.
>we want to kill black people
It's funny that people actually think anyone is advocating that. I'm not a white nationalist but it's interesting seeing normies immediate reactions is "they want to kill millions of people" and how they state this as a fact, and don't question it. I'm over my Sup Forumstard days more or less but it's still hard not to notice how brainwashed people are about certain things.
i say whichever side is a bigger detriment to society.
fo me, i'd do much better in a world with racist white people over racist black people.
well im centrist and i never would side with antifa even bullet is better tan them
>hey there chump I'm just gonna give you this extremely useful advice on how to rule because you suck so bad at it you made me feel sorry for you but that's okay because if you read this friendly anonymous advice you'll shit shekels like you wouldn't believe and knowing that makes me smug as sin
Centrists need to rally behind Trump if they support ending outsourcing of jobs, ending globalist agreements that screw Americans, securing the borders, deporting illegals, putting judges who respect the Constitution on the Supreme Court, refusing immigration from countries incapable of proper vetting, reducing the cost of health care, and increasing our energy reserves. Ignore all the bullshit and just focus on policies, where Trump's favor American citizens far more than any other President in the last 50 years. Support Trump if you want to improve America, it's not that hard!
Your opinions mind as well be disregarded unless if you're an enlightened centrist
Honestly who doesn't want a world without niggers.
Reminder to sage.
this. I also stir some shit up. Idiots fighting other idiots produces great memes