You can't be a Christian and Alt-Right

I just learned a few things about the Alt-Right I didn't know about it.
I thought they accepted Christianity this whole time.

The Alt-Right supports
>White Nationalism
>Idol worship of "whiteness"

>Psalm 14:1
"To the choirmaster. Of David. The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none who does good."

>1 Corinthians 6:9-10
"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."

>Revelation 7:9
"After these things I saw, and lo, a great multitude, which to number no one was able, out of all nations, and tribes, and peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne, and before the Lamb, arrayed in white robes, and palms in their hands"

>Psalm 31:6
"I hate those who pay regard to worthless idols, but I trust in the Lord."

Go with Christ, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

What's an "alt right" anyway?

>christ chans comic got a swastika on the title
>not nazi
sure thing nigger

At the core of the alt-right movement is idolatry—the idol of “whiteness.” In building their identity on shared genetic traits the alt-right divides humanity and leads people away from the only source of true identity: Jesus Christ.

Well that's a new one. Here I thought it was all just a vast alt-right wing conspiracy.

Christianity was literally propaganda made to control people hundreds of years ago

How people still follow it to a T I have no idea
How do you even live your life worrying about what degenerates are doing every waking moment of the day?

Yeah, me too - I was completely wrong.


Why would I need to worry when ceiling cat is already watching you masturbate?

christ chan is a Trump fan faggot

Christians don't take sides in politics.

Our kingdom isn't of this world.

I'm pretty sure God hates communism, Islam, and faggotry. That's why I support the west remaining white. No way he wants Europe to become Islamic and the only way to stop it is to support pro white movements. Jesus physically removed Jews from the temple so under our present circumstances I think he wants us to remove them from our counties.

christcuck == jew-puppet

I want to cum in Christ-chan's mouth!

Like hell Christians don't take sides in politics. What the fuck else are we going to do in this world?

God hates all forms of political government. If you read the bible, you would know our human history is about us screwing up and thinking we can rule ourselves better than God can rule us.

Yes, God hates all false religions.
Yes, God hates homosexual acts.

God doesn't care what skin color you are though.
>Revelation 7:9
"After these things I saw, and lo, a great multitude, which to number no one was able, out of all nations, and tribes, and peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne, and before the Lamb, arrayed in white robes, and palms in their hands"

Can I be christian if I'm fascist?

The alt-right would be better off abolishing all forms of religion anyway. Embrace Darwinism as it is anti egalitarian and it rejects absolutist morality for nature, the universe, is without inbuilt morality. The lefty egalitarianism shares many parallels with christianity along with the narrative that white people are inherently evil which is comparable to original sin.

God divided the nations you filthy heretic, and he made each of us part of one.

This verse also shows that the nations will be preserved in heaven.

Read Dostoevsky nigger. Christ's kingdom (Heaven) is not of this world, while His Church was established through the world

>le (((Alt-right)))

Wotan now sleeps, but soon he will awaken, and he will be ready for war!

Tell me during the mesozoic era when dinosaurs flourished where was Christianity? Where was Islam? Where was Hinduism? Etc. If you say that "well someone must have thought of the idea derp" then you just admitted that it is all an anthropogenic invention!

Tell me during the mesozoic era when dinosaurs flourished where was the scientific method? Where was the theory of gravity? Where was mathematics? Etc. If you say that "well someone must have thought of the idea derp" then you just admitted that it is all an anthropogenic invention!

Living together in heaven under one government.

>Read this other book that's not the bible

How about no?

Do you think God was deeply immoral for establishing the Hebrew ethnic tribal confederation of ancient Israel?

>caring about christianity

I can be anything I damn well choose
now shut up

I think God changed the way things worked because clearly giving one set of people higher privilege is too unbalanced.


If you're a man, you can't be a woman.

If you're a woman, you can't be a man.

You thought Augustus Invictus was a Christian?


Literally, who?

>You cannot be an irrelevant pedophile

The scientific method is an anthropogenic invention! Thank you based Francis Bacon. Gravity was not invented it was discovered.
The bible never mentioned the earth as spherical, nor a heliocentric universe. Nothing about atoms, photons, the forces of nature.
just a skydaddy flicking a switch "then there was light."

He changed morality? How can morality change when God is the source of all righteousness and he is unchanging?

The fact of the matter is, God does no evil, and he inspired the mosaic law, the mosaic law sets up a Hebrew ethnic tribal confederation.

Therefore from this particular we can draw a moral universal, that is ethnic-states are morally acceptable or even preferable.

Gravity was never discovered.

You can't prove gravity is real.

Damn is the bible that censored in Russia?

Jesus was literally violent to jews, he incited social upheaval against them. Maybe ruskie orthos love that circumcised hebbie cock, but there is not much love for jews in american churches.

Go read Matthew 5:43-48.

Jesus changes moral law there.

Do you mean the (((alt-right))) as in spencer's psyop "movement" or the alt-right as in a loose term to refer to pissed off right wingers in general?

It's not a term I or most people feel comfortable identifying with anyway

Christianity is increasing in the turd world because it is universalist.
How can something that originated in Asia which, by the way, displaced Greco-Roman and Celtic culture be of any use to the alt-right.

The Alt-Right movement as it's now known to the entire U.S. and much of the world because of this past weekend.

>Matthew 5:43-48.

He plainly doesn't, there was no commandment to hate your enemy, love thy neighbor and hate thy enemy" was a Jewish extrapolation off of the commandment to love thy neighbor, not a commandment ordained by God.

Stop lending credence to fake sins like "racism", it's an invention of Communists and Third-worldists.

>falling for the biblical idolatry
Please don't.

so spencer's shit meme movement
to hell with it, damn right it's not christian

You forget the first two greatest commandments.

1. Love God.

2. Love your fellow man.

We are not alt-right. We are Kekistani, we are kekservatives, we are trumpublicans, trumpservatives, we are many things but we are not alt-right. Big difference between us and the leftists is we have cut out our cancer. They ignore theirs

It's a way to protect oneself from (((the enemy))) that rejects Christ and worships their own genes and lineage. God uses us. Vengeance is His. Beware, faggots.

My fellow men presumable include my race, and love presumable includes the love of kin.

I want to participate in picking bait
90% of alt right is white christian (minority).

So take a guess.

>Romans 10:12
"for there is no difference between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord of all [is] rich to all those calling upon Him|

I haven't even met the guy and now you're telling us nazis to prostrate ourselves to a red sea pedestrian?

I'm curious as to what you think Paul means by that verse?

The obvious meaning is that God is impartial to the various races of men whether they be Jew or Greek


>Idol worship of whiteness

Think you're a bit off calling it idol worship. Almost all incidents of idolatry include a physical idol along with the act of bowing and prayer to it. No one's praying to 'whiteness'.

christianity is dead fucktard. its a false religion

Maybe you should show the Christian Zionists and Dual-covenaters this verse.


>Christ also beat the money changers out of the temple.

Until (((you))) stop destroying and bankrupting the world through the IMF/World Bank/etc, we're going to do Christ's work and stop (((you satanists))) even as we love you as we love our enemy.

>Matthew 10:34

"I have not come to bring peace, but a sword"

>that flag
like pottery

For fucks sake Christianity is too easy to troll it is low hanging fruit.

The alt-right should champion the Greco-Roman culture, theme and spirit entirely no christ cuck shit. Then we can be clearly distinguished from basic bitch cuckservatives all glistening in our togas.

politics is inevitable, just think about...every decision you make involves politics in some way or the other

Nothing good comes out of Christianity. Go to any church. It's always just some fuck begging for (((offerings))), a couple of shitty songs or hymns, and a half-assed sermon teaching you morals that any man with a sense of honor already follows. Not to mention the whole thing is about believing in an invisible sky daddy.

get lost christianphobe

Id go wallflower christian if it meant I could fuck the shit out of Christ Chan

Two people have responded to your dumb posts. Your trolling sucks.

Myself to make of fun you, and the OP to comment about gravity.

>Go to any church. It's always just some fuck begging for (((offerings))), a couple of shitty songs or hymns
You mean cat*olicism

>non believer

definitely not, there are several factions withing the alt-right and a whole lot of them, that I've talked to, realize that secularism and the rejection of transcendental values has lead the west (and by extension the world) to the shitter.
lol, did you buy the trap meme or what?
>White Nationalism
Christianity is not against identity politics silly. Also if you want to see the most nationalistic peoples, look no further than the old testament. Nationalism has only ever upheld religious traditions.
>Idol worship of "whiteness"
That's only spencer and his lackeys.

Stop dividing the right.

Protestants do it too.

Maybe in America

It's not our Kingdom, it is Christ's Kingdom in the next world. And anyone who assumes they will enter that Kingdom is most likely never going to.

"Give unto Caesar, what is Caesar's. Give unto God what is God's". Christ never said Christians were not part of this world, indeed He very much implied the opposite.

GOD HATES JEWS (John 3:18)

Dues vult

Did you just say that Jesus was



Fellowship is different from a sermon. Be among compatriots in Christ. Don't need to go to a mortar building to have a relationship with Christ.

The Father made genes. A wolf is not a golden retriever. A retriever is not a pug. The smallest genetic variations (humans are 2% from chimps) are important.

And God did this for a reason and purpose.

>1488 fuck up the (((money changers, prophet killers, golden calf worshipers)))

>You can't be a Christian and Alt-Right
Well obviously, since the Alt-Right only existed to label an opponent to the left. Christians have always been an enemy to the socially liberal thinking man, there was no need to add a new label there.

Protestantism is to Catholicism what Christianity was to Pharisee Judaism

>I just learned a few things about fag nigger OPS I didn't know about it.
>you accepted 12 Cocks in your black hairy asshole this whole time.

I love how the libtards think they can Webster dictionary everyone into their forced narratives....

get back to suckin that D

I want Christ Chan to sit on my face and read me passages from the bible on why formication is a sin!

Maybe you can test it out! Go ahead and jump out of a five story window.

Protestantism is to Catholicism what astrology is to astrophysics.

Let's face it; Atheism is so 2006. It's been kicked to the curb by everyone.

Atheists just can't get over the fact that they lost the culture war.

Let me take you under 18s back to the year of 2006:
>atheism on the rise on the internet with their voices getting more heard everyday
>atheist leaders like Dawkins, Harris, and (worst) Hitchens are respected voices in the community
>r/atheism is one of the top boards on bleddit
>corporate stores trying to push things like "Happy Holidays" and having "Holiday Trees"

Cut to today:
>Dawkins, Harris, and (worst) Hitchens (may he RIP) viewed as complete psychos for their insane political/social views
>r/atheism moved to the basement of bleddit because it was embarrassing euphoric garbage
>things like "Reason Rally" draw less than a Hitler impersonator at a bar mitvah
>atheist communities tear themselves apart over things like elevator gate (giving rise to New Atheism, and Atheism+, which are less successful than just regular Atheism)
>constant rape and sexual assault allegations at atheist conventions (even atheist leaders like Lawrence Krauss are other atheist leaders)
>"Happy Holidays" and "Holiday Trees" are a distant memory
>liberal atheists in Britain crushed by Brexit

And quite frankly all this bad stuff wasn't even needed. All it would have took was one euphoric quote and a couple of fedora pictures. Christianity is still kicking 2000 years later, and atheism is at it knees because of a jpeg of a fat guy in a fedora. Sad

Nice tripple-spacing. We're upping the ante here.

Those two things are intrinsic mate.
Also, nice flag, fag.

Roman propaganda to control Jews from 2000k years ago is still used to control non-Jews. Really made me think.

Preach the word, brother!
We all are one race, the Christian race!

I like how pol denies the existence of the alt right, but quick to attack the alt left

Thanks, cunt.

How can we be quick to attack the latest made-up word that hasn't existed until earlier this week?

Or are you from cipple/pol/?

are we?

jpg? What will you say for a png, mr copypasta?

We are. If you don't let BASED black Christians breed your children you are a kike slave AND a sodomite.

wut anime?

>I just learned a few things about Christianity I didn't know about it.

> Jesus was unironically Joseph's wife's son

Dont you have some bull-prepping to do? Plenty of poor rapefugees starving a we speak, yet you sit here on this degenerate board jacking it to pony-porn

im christian and alt right, thats a personal thing, who cares, stop dividing the alt right

Stop dividing Christ's sheep.

Ever think revelation is set AFTER the race war

ie,only whites left?

Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community - however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things - whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds.