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How the FUCK do these people govern?
Schäuble is seriously asking for another
>inbreeding in a country of more than 82 millions people
I have no words...
So, whats wrong with inbreeding? As long as both parties are white WGAS
yes goys open your borders to inbreds or you will become ones.
It's a real mystery, isn't it?
Germans man. I thought it would be a common knowledge that incest is bad. Look at Habsburgs.
Yeah, it say how much Germans despise themselves...
Is there many interracial couples in Germany?
Hans answer pls.
>mfw they need to come up with more and more ridiculous lies to salvage their agenda
>mfw Mordechai is openly mocking us now
Good question Molenbeek!
>>mfw they need to come up with more and more ridiculous lies to salvage their agenda
mfw you krauts actually believe this BS
mfw I have no face
>this image tests if you've been on pol too much
top cuck, krauts BTFO
> goes back into cuckshed pretending the same level of cuckoldry isnt rampant everywhere else in the western world
>German incest
>breeding with humans in your country is inbreeding
How fucking retarded are modern Euros?
Abstract merchant thread?
German women are making sure than that doesn`t happens.
Do they have the same outlook as last year?
Huh...now that you mention it...
Solve inbreeding by importing cultures that promote inbreeding????
Can someone tell me how a """finance minister""" is in any way qualified to speak on population?
Germanistan thread happening?
I think Mister Minister of Finance need to repeat first grade mathematics and some basic biology while he's at it.
German source: zeit.de
>Die Abschottung ist doch das, was uns kaputt machen würde, was uns in Inzucht degenerieren ließe. Für uns sind Muslime in Deutschland eine Bereicherung unserer Offenheit und unserer Vielfalt. Schauen Sie sich doch mal die dritte Generation der Türken an, gerade auch die Frauen! Das ist doch ein enormes innovatorisches Potenzial!
This shit is from June btw.
its a miracle how germany was able to survive before modern inmigration
>it's just fluoride, we don't put anything else in the water
You've got to be down to less than 100 to get inbreeding.
Plus look at a map of the third world and you'll be amazed how much inbreeding they do
He's a Bilderberger: zeit.de
I guess there are that few white people left.
Will this be the final nail in the coffin for the Eternal Kraut?
I hope not. History is more fun when you guys are involved.
this pops up after you donate/buy Haven and Hearth
That was in 2016 and he said something very different to that the headline said. He was actually mourning the times when Arabs were blocking blacks from coming to Europe.
Why are you always lying about Germany?
"Afrika wird unser Problem sein"
Reiche Länder müssten sich mehr benachteiligten Regionen zuwenden, fordert Finanzminister Schäuble in der ZEIT. Europa könne sich nicht gegen Zuwanderung abschotten.
8. Juni 2016, 12:05 Uhr
Wir brauchen einen neuen Umgang mit Afrika und der arabischen Welt, fordert Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) im Interview mit der ZEIT. "Afrika wird unser Problem sein, wir müssen diese Aufgabe annehmen", sagt der Bundesfinanzminister. "Hart gesagt, hat uns der Mittlere Osten Afrika vom Hals gehalten. Das ist jetzt vorbei."
Mehr Investitionen im Irak, in Syrien und in Libyen seien nötig, um die Fluchtursachen wirksam zu bekämpfen. "Und dann werden wir in der Subsahara mehr für deren Entwicklung bezahlen müssen", sagt Schäuble weiter.
Die reichen Länder müssten sich viel mehr den benachteiligten Regionen zuwenden. Er werde gelegentlich von seinen G-7-Kollegen belächelt, wenn er für mehr Unterstützung der Ökonomien des Südens plädiere. "Das passt manchem nicht, wenn ich das sage", so Schäuble.
Auch der Idee, Europa könne sich gegenüber der Einwanderung abschotten, erteilt der Bundesfinanzminister eine klare Absage: "Die Abschottung ist doch das, was uns kaputt machen würde, was uns in Inzucht degenerieren ließe. Für uns sind Muslime in Deutschland eine Bereicherung unserer Offenheit und unserer Vielfalt. Schauen Sie sich doch mal die dritte Generation der Türken an, gerade auch die Frauen! Das ist doch ein enormes innovatorisches Potenzial!"
Mit Blick auf die bevorstehende Präsidentschaftswahl in den USA zeigt sich Schäuble außerdem besorgt über den Zustand der US-amerikanischen Demokratie, die seiner Meinung nach "mehr eine Plutokratie des großen Geldes als eine Demokratie" sei.
This shit is getting old...
>Für uns sind Muslime in Deutschland eine Bereicherung unserer Offenheit und unserer Vielfalt.
100% weimar
p r e t t y
r a r e
>Ausländeranteil 12%
>Ausländeranteil 6%?
Can another german user explain?
>millions of different genes
Only technically, since you're breeding with fellow Germans, but this isn't "I'm fucking my mother, grandmother, sister and daughters" inbreeding. This type of "inbreeding" inside a nation is as harmful as regular breeding. So basically, they're idiots lying through their teeth.
It's true. The old gen of Muslims coming to Germany were non-religious people who were highly educated which is why they fled the backwards Middle East.
Then in the late 60s and 70s... things changed. That is why Schaeuble was speaking of the 3rd gen not the 1st gen or 2nd gen of Muslims.
Don't worry about it, it's nothing.
This one on the other hand.
>Left side, major cities in Germany
>Middle, % of people who are foreigners or decendants
>Right side, % of people below 6-years who are foreigners
>EU population: ~500mil
What the fuck is that retard talking about
I thought it was about "helping people", those poor refugees and the dispossessed, i shed a tear
>you only have to inject yourself with a """""generous""""" amount of hormones to be more accepting of random foreigners and give them your money for free!
Really made me consider my choices
>German education
Holy shit
Germany isn't even German anymore, and this is happening right NOW, not in 20 or 30 years, but NOW.
That's hilarious, pathetic and sad all at once.
Why are people this stupid allowed near power.
I wonder who could be behind this move
didnt know finances go hand in hand with biologi
Every single day the G*rman Stain draws closer to its final demise. Soon the German language will be extinct and the ruinous ARYANS and their kin will be gone forever.
Imagine a world without the Eternal ARYAN.
What the actual fuck.. Where is this from?
Haven't i seen this being posted almost a year ago?
Are they not aware of the huge problem with muslim inbreeding?
Well this is it lads, Science is settled. You aren't against Science, right, Sup Forums? If you don't trust Science, what else could you possibly trust? Are you perhaps sad and confused? Do you need help?
Haha, reaching levels of stupid that shouldn't even be possible. Germany, YES.
Maybe that's what they meant.
Closing the EU's borders will cause further inbreeding among mud people. Lord knows Germany is more concerned with them than its own people.
>not wanting to fuck your sister
Stop trying to selectively breed Europeans out of existence.
Couldn´t be further from the truth.
Inner breeding went on in the monarchy for a long time?
Just wait till I am king!!!!!!!! a Mohammad in every home!!!!! Mohammmads for all !!!!