Prove reality doesn't have a liberal bias Sup Forumstards
Prove reality doesn't have a liberal bias Sup Forumstards
sun rises and sets regardless of your political leaning.
reality has a "no fucks given" bias.
Thats for you to prove so it probably settles the question right there doesn't it. A liberal bias only exists in ones delusions. When you talk to the doctor at the burns unit tell them i sent you.
but liberal academia has proven to be more right than right wind retardss time and again
Fucking Americans using liberal as anything but liberalism
Yeah it's called "entropy"
Equality is the most alien concept in reality since there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING EQUAL AT ANY LEVEL in reality.
Blacks are less intelligent and more aggressive than other races because of their genetic, chinks have absolutely no moral because of their centuries old culture, media that shoves SJW garbage fails miserably. I could go on for hours.
We're on the right side of history, as history is an anthromorphic figure that we can confide on.
equality is an abstract concept that only exists in the realm of mathematics.
I find the Liberal doctrine to be completely anti reality. To fight against common instincts in each human and to betray the rules of nature. They create their own reality and forget the one they were born with. Very dangerous people, I strongly recommended not to talk to them.
Why don't you go to pound-me-in-the-ass prison like Robert Downy Jr and come out the other side a hardened race warrior? Why don't you take the prison pill?
That argument seems to hinge entirely on where you are in the world. Could we see some actual brainscans? No? Ofc not.
The best proof that it's not true is that Colbert said it
>where you are in the world
Wrong, I made several arguments all of which are easily proven with a quick search.
define liberal
>Stay in an echo chamber lest you be civilized by modern society, acting as you did 2000 years ago in the modern era is ideal
Holy shit
because reality has no bias at all.
reality can't be biased and all we know or think to know stems from expirience.
It is OUR bias that make people think that reality would have a liberal bias.
Nignog colbert be retarded.
Nope, that research is completely dependent upon the assertion that blacks are dumb by looking at Africa. There is no actual scientific basis, I have never, ever seen any post the evidence.
If you want to prove black people are stupid, give me a brain scan of a white and a black side by side and prove there is less activity, it also has to be from a credible source, an actual fucking doctor who has a traceable website.
You can't do that, so you lose. Provide evidence or don't play with the big kids.
Because reality isn't made up of "eye witness" testaments and heart feel sob stories
On, like, what topic
Idiot, entire books were written on that topic. Read The Bell Curve, it has been scientifically proven that blacks on average have a lower IQ than whites, not just African blacks, but American blacks too. It's not even debatable at this point.
Well pic related for starters...
psychology, philosophy, politics, and economics
>Believes in a skydaddy
The fall of every communist nation
The decreasing IQ of the western world coming with immigration
The crimes cases by immigrants in Europe
Lower IQ of coloreds as a whole
Higher crime rates of coloreds as a whole
Because reality is antisemitic
liberals have to constantly deny reality because it offends their personal liberal bias
Give more of a precise example - what SPECIFIC aspect of reality has a liberal bias?
they proved it with science you goddamn trump nigger
minority crime stats
well that was easy..
Postmodernist philosophy, neoliberal economics, and basically all of modern psychology including social constructionism and gender theory
Equality is a social construct.
Is this book accredited by the scientific community? Is it acknowledged as fact by doctors? I don't think so, try again.
In reality, the strong thrive and the weak perish. Reality is cold hard truth, it is harshness and bitterness. Truly, reality is the polar opposite of the liberal fantasy.
They're born into disadvantaged backgrounds and forced into crime because of racism
Nicely done my man
>communists are liberal
Looks like this American intellectual is helping demonstrate a whole another trend in IQ distribution among different nationalities.
It is liberalating to gas the skypes space wars now
>appeal to nature
Reality and wilderness are not interchangeable concepts, burger.
>that research
You're still ignoring all the other points I made, and I hope you're not as uninformed to the point of not knowing them already.
That's not how science works, there's no consensus, there's no "vote", it's not a democracy. Studies prove that blacks have lower IQs and that IQ is hereditary.
>t. effeminate 98 pound child who lives in mommys house
it doesn't need to be accredited by anyone if it's common knowledge
Well I'd say nature has a liberal bias, not reality
It also seems natural for there to be more stupid people then smart people
Really churns the ol' brain butter, huh
Wilderness is merely untamed reality. Here's a commie getting a strong dose of reality.
Without welfare and similar social constructs, 90% of liberals would starve to death.
Also, "equality", being the core tenant of liberalism has no foundation in reality, nature, science, or anything other than the small minds of naive people. There is no such thing as equality.
>said a comedian
Liberal academia
>race isnt real (it is)
>there are 100k genders (there aren't)
>all difference in outcomes are due to socioeconomic oppression (they aren't)
>keynesian economics master race (fucking lol)
>sexual degeneracy is good for you ("where did all the good men go?")
>If you kill terrorists you create more terrorists (Actually if you fund terrorists and cover them sympathetically you create more terrorists)
>Never fire on the mob (tell it to China)
>Western occupations cant work because the locals don't accept them (which is how Britain suppressed the entire world with minimal effort)
>Democracy works and is the best form of government (Get back to me in 10 years)
Yes reality does have a liberal bias but almost none of the people who call themselves liberals actually are. They are progressives who have an ideology based on ideas with absolutely not scientific backing. Your pic related is prime example progressive thinking based on thoughts and feelings that have nothing to do with an actual liberal mindset.
Edgy, but you're using some kind of a personal definition.
Let me try it too..
>an inclusive society is merely a reality tamed and groomed to serve mankind's every whim
How's that?
Yeah not like your progressive chads
don't forget
>communism is the best thing to ever happen
It does.
Too bad leftists hijacked the term liberal and redefined it.
Pretty weak, "inclusive societies" are notorious for their denial of reality.
Yes. reality has a "liberal" bias. It's called entropy and decay. Countering this is how life is sustained.
Now prove to me that life itself doesn't have a right-wing bias, faggot.