Maybe America needs a communist dictatorship. You know, to learn the hard way.
Poland, Hungary seem to have learned the lesson.
Maybe America needs a communist dictatorship. You know, to learn the hard way.
Poland, Hungary seem to have learned the lesson.
There is no worse curse than wishing someone communism rule
Well a large percentage of the youth of America seem to be wishing for it so I say we give them what they want.
the usa is the only reason the world is not NWO, fag you make the most powerful nation go full commie enjoy the nWO
The problem is we get screwed too
On one had I'm for it because maybe it would teach people how horrible it really was so they stop bitching for it.
On the other I like eating food and being able to send a letter to my representative telling them I don't like the bill they just passed without being sent to the gulag for 20 years.
They wouldn't learn from it.
>not real communism
I can move :^)
>not real communism
The only ones who say this, are idiots who never lived in a communist country, nor studied communist history or economy.
>make a commie logo
>put coke on it
fuck you you fucking monkey, dont ever insult coke
>coke shows the success of capitalism
Yeah but didn't you see them try to take down the confederate statues they're gonna change history.
if you dont like coke you are a commie
even commies drank it
>even they knew communism was bad
pffff communism is barelly start of tutorial on easy mode. Try triple partition and living between 2 countries that want your clay all the time.
It is my dream to see California secede from the United States and become a communist utopia, a refugee haven, an LGBTQ and feminist paradise...only to watch it collapse under its own incompetence and explode into an orgy of in-fighting and pointing the finger at each other.
the way to install a communist regime is by stealing resources from productive members of society and redistributing it to the worst elements of it. on top of that you get social demoralization that comes from upside-down incentives: need, ineptitude, disease--these are all rewarded; self-sufficiency, competence, integrity are all penalized. people respond to incentives, and the race to the bottom begins. you become surrounded by bitter people filled with envy and resentment who can't look each other in the eyes. the implicit rule of the game is: the ones who cry the loudest are the ones who get the most. and the only end to it is a complete collapse of the society, on multiple fronts. if you're willing to accept that, you're either a cuck or a sick fuck who wants to bring suffering to everyone around him
We could just draft them all and let the lm experience authoritarianism first hand. The problem right now is they all think they'll be some commissar type instead of a peasant making shoes.
The problem is we're the most technological nation with an automation revolution that if we get passed without having our government toppled by the extreme left or right then we'll be able to cheapen the cost of products until everything becomes cheap enough to approach the golden limit of being free because there won't be jobs that we'll need to do as unwanted. Ironically, if the fascists and the communists don't overthrow the government, shit will eventually become free, and people will be able to choose their genetics.
Do you actually believe this, you believe that a slave to Israel is not helping the NWO
Just get out
fpbp, based polak
So, the future is communism.
There is worse.
Wishing someone to be polak.
No, android slavery. And there can be token costs associated to products as a way to 'vote' for products.
You have the most comfortable live you could wish for with the most people ever. What is wrong with that, what do you call freedom?
maybe you have a point, to bad the entire western world has to go through it also.
I know it's here in britain, all the tell tail signs are here
>anyone know of a place that isn't going through this drip drip change.
hello jew.
As an American, I probably have the most comfortable life possible from the first world. However, it could always be better, and there are freedoms we could still have, which negative consequences of which can be negated by technology. If AIs govern, the best ones humanity produces should compete so that the best AI rises to the top and controls an ever larger territory.
Until eventually the AI decides that the humans are not worth keeping around and just gasses them. We've seen this story a hundred times, making yourself subservient to an AI is never a good idea.
However without technology, voluntary hierarchies competing for rule of law is the best form of government. Which is why international anarchy does exist and is good, but governments should also be voluntary and people should be able to opt out retaining their land.
Which is why AI shouldn't be developed by one organization, blocking out others from doing the same. A state AI project would eventually be guaranteed to kill us, like Chile's Cybersyn before Pinochet.
Well if they actually got a taste of it maybe they'd stop bitching about not being able to buy an iPhone 12398419571+ 2.0 Omega while working in McDonald's as a burgerflipper.
china has no boundaries when it comes to AI, they're most likely to come out on top.
when you start discussing boundaries with western companies they don't like it one bit, they've failed to understand the differences in populations which is why we're seeing a backlash
social media is a good example, anyone outside of that circle of the hivemind is inherently seen as bad, everyone must think and be the same, have the same values.
communism is coming, if not already here on the cultural level (which I think it is). I don't know much about economics but over the past 4-5 years in britain it's gone bottom up
China is experimenting with AIs like artificial brains, which are the most likely to have moral implications instead of cold hard calculations, but they'll be inherently inefficient compared to low level binary machine interfaces compatible with quantum mechanics instead of biology. Regardless, competition and multiple experiments are worth pursuing, and the Chinese 'communists' will definitely censor and propagandize the AI, making it the least moral.
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