I'm proud of my European heritage, but I never considered myself a racist.. lately, ive become so disillusioned by blacks, sjws, and the "white privilege" rhetoric. I can't do or say anything, even if it's nice.... apparently, because I'm a white woman. Am I the only who feels like they secretly want to put me in a position to become opposition?
I'm proud of my European heritage, but I never considered myself a racist.. lately...
i feel ya sis
Tits or GTFO.
Yeah that's what happened to most of us here. I didn't give a fuck about muh heritage or identity or whatever 5 years ago, but every fucking day I hear about how evil white people are or how we need to replace every tv character or historical figure with a person of color just for the sake of being diverse and I just got fed up. It's just reinforcing racism and division and I don't get how they don't understand that, they're fanning the flames of the thing they supposedly want to extinguish.
I mean I disagree with republicans on many things and neonazi shit, but the far left really are taking things too far and legitimately seem like they want to target white people.
fuck you bitch you'll hang
>the far left
think again, who controls the media... the "far left" or the jews?
Do you honestly think the jews are far left?
They are bankers, international bankers, media owners, human, drug, guns trafficking mofos, they would NEVER be far left, they can prettend to push that agenda, if that benefits them in some points, but they'll never ever be far left.
>muh opression
I just wanted to grow my own food and play video games, but I realized in university that they would never, ever leave me alone.
SJWs hate white supporters almost as much as they hate white opposition. The plan was never for everyone to get along; what you're seeing now is a rebranding of communism with race dynamics replacing class dynamics as the casus belli to destroy everything productive.
If you want a glimpse of their planned near future for us, look at Western Europe. The intermediate future resembles Brazil. The far future resembles Zimbabwe and South Africa.
Personally, I think the far left are the pawns of the Jews. There is a reason they are targeted by then too. It's because they fall for anything and are easily persuaded.
the jews are behind both of them, except, right now they are interested in the extrem degeneracy the far left is offering to push to society, so they put an accent to that, but they are in fact behind both
the left and the right is an illusion of choice, place by them, so you keep thinking you have a choice, when in fact the shit's rigged
thinking you have a choice will make you continue playing along
the fari right, capitalists, etc are no different, they don't give a shit about you, they'll use you as a slave, and keep their people in paradise, far away from trash media, ideologies, and influences
in short, right = controlled by the jew, left= controlled by the jew as well
Your eyes hurt because you've never used them before
They know that liberalism is destructive, that's why it's so important to push it on goyish populations they want to break up and subject, while pushing conservatism on the goyim who are already obedient.
>they secretly want to put me in a position to become opposition?
It's no secret. They've blatantly stated that you're the enemy because you birth whiteness.
I share very little ideals with the far side of either left or right. I'm kinda slightly to the right, but absolutely not far right. I really just think politics in general is a scam. But I can't win. I made comment the other day that everyone should just move forward bc it's not even black vs white, it's US verses them. I was immediately told I probably "wear a white hood at night" seriously....I am about to lose my shit on people sometimes...if I'm not in complete agreement and submission to these people...I'm a KKK member. It's becoming hard to deal with.
both jews and left, not "FAR or ALT" left or right, these are bullshit words you bought into
Did you post this from a labor camp where you'll die because evil allies will gas you by starvation to death, but otherwise you'd chill in a pool and get fed by Chef Boyardee?
if you're proud of your european heritage and wish to see it preserved then the only answer is in-group preference, ie. racism - something literally every race is does, and which is among the most healthy and natural things on earth.
This is literally how everyone got to the dissident right
haha i knew you would you reply to this.
top quality b8
the anti-white educational and media establishments have managed to convince the most suggestible and conformist whites that 'humanity' is their in-group, consequently anyone who opposes the merging of said group in the form of mass migration and miscegenation belongs to the out-group and must be excluded from society
I would like to thank you by partaking in the NEET life style, you are raising wages in the glorious UK
Mate there's a big difference between not liking other culture and races and wanting to destroy them.
I like European culture the most and think they are the best looking people too, and I dislike sub Saharan African culture the most, but I certainly don't want to kill any of them.
You're allowed to have opinions and preferences about things, that's what makes us human.
Look at how racist the white man is!!! All we are asking is for them to give up everything they own, their jobs, and let Muslims rape their women so that we can live in a peaceful society. This is nothing compared to what the white man has done to minorities throughout the history of the earth.
They want more Dylan Roofs to prove themselves correct.
Remember, Mike...
The left seeks diversity.
The right seeks unity.
The absolute unity is Fascism in which the Ideal image of a citizen is depicted and all strive to be like him, a man alike the renaissance - a master of all crafts, quick-witted and charismatic, but not disobediant.
He shall be loyal to his nation and concerned about the welfare of his people.
It will be grandiose - a nation with ONE ethnic identity and this will stop the infighting and divide that politics bring between us.
Yeah, but that's not going to happen in America. After the American Civil War weren't there some nigger-only cities or territories? How well did that work?
Most white supremacist are created, and the MSM and the left are driven to create more.
>Mopst bolsheviks are created, and the Nazi media and the right are driven to create more
I just want some black cock and maybe a Mexican or two. Having a mixed baby is so cool and hip best part I cannot be racist.