Other urls found in this thread:

big if true

agreed comrade

holy shit it's happening!

fuck off commie shill

What's the matter?
You upset your god emperor isn't gonna be president for long?

And I'm not a "commie" you inbred redneck.

says increasingly nervous man for the fiftieth time.

drumpf has like a 30% approval rating, there is no hope for him

Dude . . . why are you talking to yourself?

>"I was one of the first to say Trump would win the primary"

If you watch their coverage, he's in disarray

>"I knew there'd be a good chance he could win the presidency"

Watch their election coverage, jesus christ they were salty

Yep, this one TYT video definitely proves anything

>trusting the polls that were wrong in the election
fucking idiot

the fuck are you on about?
those are different people, look at the flags

woooow...11 posts in this thread, 8 of them you (and now 2 are me)

really churns your butter

exactly, was about to say


How do I delete a thread?

>How will he ever recover?
>This is the beginning of the end.
>Glumphs finished.
>It's over for him.

In British media and comments' sections, Trump is regarded as a god
In fact, worldwide, people are praising him
But if you'd prefer to believe (((US))) media ....

You're one of the dumbest shills I've ever seen.

You are still talking to yourself. First day on the job?

Okay libtard. Keep watching MSM. Honestly, u snowflakes wouldn't be freaking out right now if u didn't worship cnn and stupid Hollywood goons

I give your online performance piece a 2/10.

For your future shilling references, your ID is tied to your IP. To talk to yourself at a later date in a separate useless thread, you will need to post, then use a VPN to reply to yourself, then switch back to comment on your alter ego's comment.


You can unplug your cable modem from your router, assuming you are using one, and plug your modem directly into your computer. Your ISP will give you a new IP address. Then to talk to yourself, just keep flip-flopping between router and on-board Ethernet.

Got it? I hope so. But thanks for this thread. You are by far the most useless piece of dogshit I have seen on here in about 4 days.


As far as the fake news is concerned, hes just sided with nazis. People learn helplessness from the fake news. When the fake news says something is happening, it happens, and too few will be willing to try to stop it. He'll be impeached for inciting violence. And the televised revolution will come.

Yeah #LoserDonald is totally finished!

shouldn't you be in school now, you stupid fuck?

This is surely the beginning of the end of Trump's campaign.


Says nervous men for the 37th time this year.

We've been hearing that from you fucking lefties since the republican primaries.
just btfo with your TYT crap, you fucking shill.

this thread pleases me

jesus fuck don't you know we have ID's retard?


Sharia blue is probably gonna fire you for being so incompetent.
top kek

OHHH, here's another way. Sort of war-driving, but not really. Borrow someone's shitty car and bring your iDevice. Drive past a Starbucks, park, post, then drive down the street to Taco Bell or something, park, post, then drive back to Starbucks, park, post, then drive McDonalds, park, post, then drive to TGIF, park, post . . . .

I mean, if you have the gas, the possibilities are endless on the amount of conversations you can have with yourself on here.

>Trump has bad polling data.

Kinda like the day he was elected.

You stick a shotgun in your mouth and pull trigger

someone cap this retard for future meme potential

how about I bust a cap in your ass you fucking nigger

Shut the fuck up shill!
Trump is the Light!
Soon your filthy kind will hang from lampposts.

Are leftists this mad at Trump and White people? Or are they just psychotic?

nice theme d00d, how get

You need a script manager. Like, I'm using Waterfox so I'm using Greasemonkey. Then search for Sup Forums theme n0lif3

gee you figured out how vpns work. nice. you'd better leave now or you never will (tip: you won't get paid for staying either)

Shut up alt-left

>no 5D chess
what a disappointment.

It's fucking August

Hows that wall coming along?

That wall won't be getting built because Trump knows he'll be out LONG before it's finished and it'll become a part-finished white elephant

thanks user


This fat buffalo faggot never comes up with anything right. Trump would NEVER, EVER resign. It is 100% against his nature.

He would probably die before resigning.


You mistyped 44%

>the young Turks
>predicting Trump resigns


>8 years later
>TYT: "My solid sources tells me that Trump will not get re-elected this election"

I don't think his ego can let him resign, even if every single adviser around him tells him he'll be impeached because only a handful of Republicans are willing to vote against impeachment he'd think they were fake news or some shit.

screencap'd as proof we are under shill invasion.

Have fun knowing your retardation will be used to ward off others like you dumb faggot.


Need a safe space?


commies r fukin dum



While I think he'll end up resigning before a full term he'll try to make it look like anything but disgrace.


shut the fuck up dude, I'm not retarded
and I have no idea who "Sharia blue" is

Shariablue intern here, lol keep it up man.


LOOL you source that fat fuck from the young turds? AAAAHAHAHAHAHA.. keep dreaming


hey don't copy me bitch

Yes totally this
cenk has it right

fixed a bit

Everyone seems to agree with you
LOL even a right wing hate site knows Trump is done XXDDD

Fucking this lol. The pussy tape came out and he responded by calling a press conference with Juanita Broderick.

If somehow his approval rating in 2020 was sub-20% MAYBE you could convince him to not bother running for reelection.

Wow these guys know what's up
TRUMP IS DONE anyone who disagrees is a retard

dude stop, it's not funny when you make it so obvious

of coooOOOooourse Trump is finished!

Ok, we beat the nazis, ok? We're not nazis. You can't ally with nazis.

He's done. Drumpf is finished. It's only a matter of time until Drumpf voluntarily steps down from his position of coooooOOOOOoorrrrseee

Very true
All these drumpftards lololol

What's obvious? That Drumpf is done???


Cry more about your drumlf
It's ALL you have

The old schizo meme, I lol'd

>see young turks
>chunk looger predicting trump's downfall episode 541
>don't watch a second



This is actually embarrassing my man, but funny as fuck

ahhh pooor snowflake....

pooor poooor little snowflake!!!!!

Dont cry so hard... there there

David Brock is a stupid fag and anyone that does his dirty work is a useless nigger.

Oh you were just "meming"
Bad news: drumpf is actually done NO JOKE

How dare you trick me into giving The Young Turds a click.

You son are David Brock's house nigger.

Like you watch better news

Agree with you there, that guy is probly a nazi tard

Well said, well said



Put me in the cap

Even if he is finished, you will continue to live and pay taxes toward a conservative country while we still dominate the House, The Senate, The Military, The Police forces, The Supreme court.

lol lmao hehehehehehe hahahahahahha
cry yourself to sleep......

I'm sorry,
here, cancel it out by watching some Alex:


Really? Finished?
Just like the million other times?

Lol he is indeed triggered.

ok here you go

is your name by any chance floris?