Makes you think huh.
How come there aren't any Hitler statues in Germany?
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We tried very hard to scrub Nazism from Germany during the initial occupation. It worked. Germany is cucked as fuck.
Because losers don't deserve participation trophies.
>waaaaaaaah we lost in the past so we can never win again baaaaaaaw
There are death camps memorialized all over Europe.... I literally can't go a single day without hearing about the 6 gorillion. Hitler is plenty memorialized.
You know damn well that you're Conservative/right because you think it means being associated with the behaviour of a "good person". Our school systems and media have bombarded us with multiculturalism, and how bad the right is. Especially by putting the focus on WW2 and germany time and time again in different subjects. They made us so afraid of any right politics, that we don't even consider having a discussion. The right is just instantly bad, no matter how much sense it makes. In schools nobody talks about the soviet union, cambodia etc. and its atrocities all outnumbering and outdoing atrocities commited by fascism. Conservatives will just ignore it and say, "its not real communism". Marxist ideology will bring peace and richen countries time and time again.
You can only change and reconsider your views by yourself. I was a Conservative 5 years ago, I was naive at first, later just ignorant. Think of your own experiences in life, the ones that hurt you, the ones that made you happy and the ones that didnt make any sense to you. The latter are key, because once you understand how the world really works and you leave your Conservative sphere you've always lived in, all that begins making sense. And with it comes confidence, purpose/sense into your life, you can use that knowledge to function as a normal human being and prosper in society.
Your politics might be beneficial in the short term for certain individuals, but in the long run it will be decrimental for them and our whole society. Just look at immigration, and fascit nazism for example. Conservativeism is weakening western society and making it a threat for Islam. The world very much behaves like in the old days, if you were weak and nice you would become an easy target for others and vanish. The difference is now those peaces are not fought with arms, it is done with deals, trades and abusing political correctness.
Nature rules us all and if you act against it, you will feel its consequences.
He'll be removed from office by the end of the month.
Hitler's in ever countries education, his death camps have been immortalized, his crimes have been recorded by every country. He's got much more than any statue.
>Because losers don't deserve participation trophies.
Yes so let's tear down those Confederate loser statues.
did the madman just side with the Unite the Right rally?
Hitler doesn't need statues to be immortalized.
he's a Eurpean hero.
70 years of jewish indoctrination. Shit being outlawed due to """Wiederbetätigung""" does not help either. Although statues would probably technically be exemp from that law, you know as well as I do how long those statues would stand.
I mean fuck, here in Austria they even made a law just to expropriate Hitler's birth house from some cunt who was the legal owner of it because she didn't want to sell it. Like, they legally couldn't take it away from her, so they made a new law JUST for that one house. Fucking cucks.
Hes saying that people who want to take down statues and erase history are fucking retarded regardless of where they are on the political spectrum
none because germany is shit compared to america
Because they're monuments to the holocaust instead. Hitler was the means, the gas chamber is the message. The Jews will never allow auschwitz to be torn down.
>what is Auschwitz
this is your brain on kanga
but that's whats gonna be interpreted. You know that's how they are gonna interpret it. Unite The Right was against taking down of confederate monuments.
why do these people make such a big fucking deal over statues?
someone put it there to remind others of what happened, taking it down because it hurts your feelings is childish and silly
From what Ive heard there are a few forgotten wwii statues in Germany and a small Hitler statue located in a church somewhere. German anons can probably give more details.
I wish the "you..." wasn't leading into another tweet, and was meant as something like " you commie bastards", would've been an par with "Thank you." and "confefe"
>tfw it's real
How to lose in PR
no one supports them. They're identity politic leftists trying to promote a totalitarian, socialist government.
They're the 'alt-right' because they are the alternative to the right, which is the left.
These are my feelings exactly.
>no one supports them.
We all know (((why)))
Obvious bait, but:
Now, therefore, be it known that I, Andrew Johnson President of the United States, by virtue of the power and authority in me vested by the Constitution and in the name of the sovereign people of the United States, do hereby proclaim and declare unconditionally and without reservation, to all and to every person who, directly or indirectly, participated in the late insurrection or rebellion a full pardon and amnesty for the offense of treason against the United States or of adhering to their enemies during the late civil war, with restoration of all rights, privileges, and immunities under the Constitution and the laws which have been made in pursuance thereof.
>did the madman just side with the Unite the Right rally?
we don't need statues, his memories remain in our hearts
Ok, then go and tear down these factories:
Mercedes Benz
Hah, I'd laugh my ass off if it got torn down. I laugh at any reactionary forces in life.
Most confederate soldiers were fighting for their states, not for racism. People dont seem to understand you were a Georgian, Texan, or whatever back then, not an American.
Just move them to museums and give them proper historical context, problem solved.
Redneck LARPers can just visit a museum, blacks don't have to see a symbol of racism every day.
Defending historical monuments is never a bad move
Tearing things down because they make you feel bad is a dangerous road to follow
Mentally ill leftists are always going to interpret anything Trump says as bad.
>same as hitler
pure retard
They see a symbol of racism every time they see the DNC
Because Germany has gone full retard
Japan has a museum at the sight of one of the atomic bomb drops and the whole thing revolves around the message of "war is bad, look at the destruction it can cause" and people can actually take away something from it. It's not about trying to "scrub history clean", it's about learning from your nation (and the worlds) past as to never repeat mistakes.
If someone didn't like the confederate statue, they should have taken that away with them. "I don't like what that man stood for, so I will be sure to spread my opinions and thoughts that the confederacy was a bad idea". But no, the leftist morons (as usual) had to go 110% deranged and pull it down just to feel morally superior and sniff their own farts.
Comparing Lee to Washington is, though.
Even blacks fought and helped alongside confederate soldiers by choice.
>he said they were defending their "heritage," according to a Deep State Rot-cunt that wants to keep this story alive
Dont nips basically ignore WW2 though
Hitler never built any statues of himself because he wasn't a megalomaniac like Stalin.
Robert E. Lee said "I'm a Virginian first, and American second." It's hard for Americans today to understand this, but it was something like an Italian today saying "I'm an Italian first and a European second." 100 years from now Europe will be so centralized that national pride will be an alien concept, like state pride is today.
Guess we need to tear down the Vietnam War memorial then. Also we gotta smash up Napoleon's tomb for being both a dictator and reintroducing slavery.
Because communists tore them down, just like they're trying to tear down everything about america's history besides MLK right now.
Wrong. Washington owned slaves he really might be next.
How come that antifaggot bring down Lee monument, but do nothing about Sheridan monument, since he was the one going "good Indian - dead Indian".
Oh, wait, they are hypocritical virtue-signaling niggers, that's why.
You know what there is in germany? Huge monuments to the soviet union.
You can barely see in this picture the centerpiece, a 12m tall soviet soldier with a sword standing over a broken swastika and holding a german child.
"Now all recognize that the Soviet people with their selfless fight saved the civilization of Europe from fascist thugs. This was a great achievement of the Soviet people to the history of mankind"
Because they destroyed then all, erased their history, and look where it got them.
>100 years from now Europe will be so centralized that national pride will be an alien concept
Don't count on it. The EU is an artificial and failing attempt to create a single state.
It should be remembered that Lee himself never wanted any statues. Doesn't change what's going on but it's worth noting.
Try tearing down some native american shit because "lol they lost."
> How come there aren't any Hitler statues in Germany?
Cause there were no such statues during Hitler's life.
I'm not sure about culturally or in general, but I know that the museum itself attempts to tackle the issue head on rather than just "forget about it".
My point is that Japanese don't get triggered as soon as the word "Atomic Bomb" is said. It might be a difficult topic for some of them, but they wouldn't become hostile about it. They have erected something so that future generations can remember the destruction that war causes. They sometimes might conveniently "forget it", but they don't hide it.
Why are there even confederate statues anyway? The confederacy were a bunch of racist traitor cucks that doesnt deserve respect
>blacks whine
>give them what they want
every cuckservative ever
They ignore some of their less fine moments of it. Nanking, comfort women, those awful fucking experiments on prisoners, etc.
They are very comparable
Lee was a good man; there is some strange meme that the confederacy was some Southern version of Nazi Germany when it was not
Video games too.
Hitler did nothing wrong. Give back rightful German clay NOW!
>This was a great achievement of the Soviet people to the history of mankind"
And they were so good to Germany that they imprisoned half the country for 30 years and killed you if you tried to escape.
Commie lovers are WORSE than coal burners.
Stupid faggot.
>failing attempt to create a single state.
it already has
germans make up 75% of your laws and you have to ask them to make you a trade deal in order to trade with another country i live in georgia if georgia wants to trade with argentina they just do they dont go and ask D.C to set up a deal EU provinces thats all thats left of europe there are no more countries not if you are a member of the EU
A state is much more than just a hierarchy of governments and borders on a map.
>How come there aren't any Hitler statues in Germany?
aren't a lot of the buildings the Nazi's built still up?
Apparently he didn't commission any, or at least very few were built. Places were named after him and obviously other people made statues of him regardless, but otherwise the clean up was more focused on destroying nazi emblems and anything reminiscent of the Reich.
>a couple of fringe opinions (one of them on fucking TMZ)
>he really might be next
Yeah, I'm not sure why you guys keep denying the slavery focus of the war when you post nigger this and nigger that we'll start another civil war and all that jazz.
That's literally what is carved on the stones in Berlin. I'm not sure why you think I'm a stupid faggot for telling you this
Nah, he'll remain until next year at least.
But I'll be impressed if he manages to remain beyond 3028
t.incredibly nervous xir for the 500th time
Oh shut up nigger Mexicans hate blacks kore than we do
Gr8 pasta senpai
>August 9, 1960
>Dear Dr. Scott:
>Respecting your August 1 inquiry calling attention to my often expressed admiration for General Robert E. Lee, I would say, first, that we need to understand that at the time of the War between the States the issue of secession had remained unresolved for more than 70 years. Men of probity, character, public standing and unquestioned loyalty, both North and South, had disagreed over this issue as a matter of principle from the day our Constitution was adopted.
>General Robert E. Lee was, in my estimation, one of the supremely gifted men produced by our Nation. He believed unswervingly in the Constitutional validity of his cause which until 1865 was still an arguable question in America; he was a poised and inspiring leader, true to the high trust reposed in him by millions of his fellow citizens; he was thoughtful yet demanding of his officers and men, forbearing with captured enemies but ingenious, unrelenting and personally courageous in battle, and never disheartened by a reverse or obstacle. Through all his many trials, he remained selfless almost to a fault and unfailing in his faith in God. Taken altogether, he was noble as a leader and as a man, and unsullied as I read the pages of our history.
>From deep conviction, I simply say this: a nation of men of Lee’s calibre would be unconquerable in spirit and soul. Indeed, to the degree that present-day American youth will strive to emulate his rare qualities, including his devotion to this land as revealed in his painstaking efforts to help heal the Nation’s wounds once the bitter struggle was over, we, in our own time of danger in a divided world, will be strengthened and our love of freedom sustained.
>Such are the reasons that I proudly display the picture of this great American on my office wall.
>Dwight D. Eisenhower
WWII vets would have punched those Nazi Confederate traitors, right?
yes things like suicide cliff lies about americans consuming japanese civilians so they were told to commit mass suicides
using humans to test diseases and weapons on
the burmese death railroad where strayans cunts americans dutch and british were all enslaved and forced to build a railroad where about a forth to a seventh were literally whipped to death most starved to death
they dont tend to teach these things
Nah. We recently got a lot of Haitian immigrants in my state and they don't even put a dent on the atrocities my own people commit, regardless of their skin color.
>it's already shit more shitnisnt noticeable
Jesus fuck; you suck
>that doesnt deserve respect
it don't you stupid nigger
dont fucking lie you indio mudblood mexicans hate asians and hate niggers slavery wasnt even illegal until 1863 thats 2 years into the war
the war was about slavery yes but it was also about economics and the north not allowing southern states to sell farmed goods to anywhere else but the north who needed them as they had just finished buying irish slaves to build up and industrialize the north east
the old "no irish" that was only a thing in the north there was literally never a "no irish" policy in the south
>mfw just waiting for the extremes to liquidate each other
Here is a nice monument in the memory of the Third Reich Nazi soldiers. Normandy, France.
You have to realize whites think double wide trailers are "cool pads". The ugly statues you speak of are like da vinci sculptures to them
Not an argument, Callum.
Look, Cletus, you can project all you want. So far black people in Mexico are not chopping heads or hanging limbless bodies from bridges. It helps not treating them like shit, you know?
What about his famed speeches. Even when people say he was evil they say he sure convinced those Germans with his voice and manner. I don't want to post one for fear of looking like a propagandist but maybe you should hear them too to see the real meaning of those admissions.
3028?? Trump confirmed God Emperor of mankind? Will he live on the golden throne?
>double standard
Typical redneck
>after charlottsville haveing such a big mouth
when will americans learn ?
In war, it's the 1 game they do so you dont forget those you had to kill.
I post them on /wsg/ all the time.
Read your post. How do you imply otherwise?
What a fucking stupid argument, "How come there aren't any Hitler statues in Germany?"
Simple, it was a world fucking war not a civil war. The reason why the civil war was so popular and the US kept it as history was because it was a war of brothers, north against south. The north being a democratic liberal government wasn't going to just erase history from the south, the war would've never ended then.
On the other side Germany doesn't have any statues of Hitler because it was a world war. Allies vs the Axis, Hitler pissed off the west, when Germany lost the war of course they change everything.
Just FYI, Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes Benz are still around, are we going to shut down those companies? just food for thought.
There is no European resistance. Look at your leaders. You will be consumed.
As someone whos lived/raised in both Countries the level of white guilt being in Germany is nothing compared to the crap that goes on in the USA.
Germany simply has some stupid laws (setup by burgers mostly) but overall the people dont care. Burgers on the other hand wont shut the fuck up about "insert -ism/-ist" 24/7
hijo de quey piel de mierda like you fucking know anything probably just a retarded chilango rat
niggers were treated worse in central and south america than they ever were treated in usa
>Forced prisoners of war to do labor
And? You fancy rich people dont know shit about war.
So by that logic we should have statues of slaves, not generals. I'm ok with that
Auschwitz is still there.