Are there any cultures besides European cultures Sup Forums respects?
If so, what aspects do you like about them?
Shitskin appreciation
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I like Iduism
Once you get the poo out of it they have alot of cultural mass, one can appreciate.
Black African American culture pre 60's.
It's a shame what they threw away.
They're less civil to a point, and get things done.
>Bruce Weeaboo
The women know whites are a price to be had, so they treat you better than if they were your white equals.
Based Sihks electro disco Tunuk Tunuk!
Japanese have a very nice society and rich culture
Indians have some interesting ideas
I like Brazil's music and carnivals
African music is pretty good too
I'm a big fan of japanese architecture and literature.
Chinese epics are full of good lessons
They're thicc.
Bruce was a fucking legend you piece of shit. He turned his back on china to teach the west the most used form of hand to hand combat today.
Most people dont know he was part german
Look at that jaw
Sometimes I think that roaming the lands making huts and throwing sticks at kangaroos would be a cool existance
He definitely had some sort of mix going on in his bloodline.
Well holy shit, just looked it up.
Apparently his mother was adopted.
His mother was half german, making Bruce 1/4 German and 3/4 Chinese.
buddhism is pretty cool, and they don't put up with shit.
I think I've discovered my fetish
how about being forced to fuck the elder's bifurcated penis as a pubescent boy until you both ejaculate, then bifurcating your own once you're an adult?
that sounds gay and painful
Finnish and Japanese.
Literally every race besides black Africans managed SOME form of civilization, so yes, I respect Injuns (from the Iroquois Confederacy down to the Incans), Persians, Arabs, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Javanese, etc.
Just not niggers, because they're literally not human.
wasn't there an article a while back about how niggers mixed with a non-human species?
"As part of this investigation, the team examined the MUC7 gene in more than 2,500 modern human genomes. The analysis yielded a surprise: A group of genomes from Sub-Saharan Africa had a version of the gene that was wildly different from versions found in other modern humans.
The Sub-Saharan variant was so distinctive that Neanderthal and Denisovan MUC7 genes matched more closely with those of other modern humans than the Sub-Saharan outlier did.
“Based on our analysis, the most plausible explanation for this extreme variation is archaic introgression — the introduction of genetic material from a ‘ghost’ species of ancient hominins,” Gokcumen says. “This unknown human relative could be a species that has been discovered, such as a subspecies of Homo erectus, or an undiscovered hominin. We call it a ‘ghost’ species because we don’t have the fossils.”
>not even pictured in that dendrogram past the outgroup: Australian aborigines
L i t e r a l subhumans
>The Sub-Saharan variant was so distinctive that Neanderthal and Denisovan MUC7 genes matched more closely with those of other modern humans than the Sub-Saharan outlier did.
made my day
thanks ameribro
NP friend
Violence is one of the leading causes of Yanomami death. Up to half of all of Yanomami males die violent deaths in the constant conflict between neighboring communities over local resources. Often these confrontations lead to the Yanomami leaving their villages in search of new ones.[25] Women are often victims of physical abuse and anger. Inter-village warfare is common, but does not too commonly affect women. When Yanomami tribes fight and raid nearby tribes, women are often raped, beaten, and brought back to the shabono to be adopted into the captor's community. Wives may be beaten frequently, so as to keep them docile and faithful to their husbands.[27] Sexual jealousy causes much of the violence.[26] Women are beaten with clubs, sticks, machetes, and other blunt or sharp objects. Burning with a branding stick occurs often, and symbolizes a male’s strength or dominance over his wife.
Some asian cinema is pretty decent
Black music used to be really good
Latinos are fairly westernised and family oriented
Turks eat any unwanted food crumbs you leave in the kitchen
Do chinks even have a culture after what Mao did to their historical artefacts?
inafter and b4 a million weeb posts because all you faggots know is anime
they don't have souls anymore
>implying I judge people by their skin and not their actions
I try to live as meritocratically as I can. I really try not to blindly hate people just by their skin color. If you, through your actions, prove to me that you're a hard working individual who brings value to his community I will not judge you. If you want to be a lazy nigger who only wants gibsmedats I'm going to judge you so fucking hard regardless of your skin color.
I don't want to acknowledge that blacks are mostly lazy niggers but it's objectively true. I don't know how we can correct their retardedness without eugenics or genocide.
This is the white man's burden.
Bruce Lee is S++
I have respect for two cultures.
The noble art and conquests of the White man, and the ancient honor-driven empires of the Japanese
>implying anyone on Sup Forums has blue eyes
Breh, thats a piss skin in your pic related
Why do you have to embarrass me for, faggot?
Being a cuck is part of European culture. Can't respect that.
>Architecture - Tibetan Buddhist
>History - Iraqi (Pre-War)
>Sculpture - Greek/Roman Hellenistic and Classical
>Paintings - Pre-Raphaelite art
>Cuisine -Mediterranean cuisine
>Nature - The Balkans
Sikhs are pretty cool desu
Stfu. No one cares about your dumbass opinion.
>making a solid civilization in the mountains without horses or FUCKING WHEELS
The Inca always impress me.
Also the seamanship Polynesians is quite impressive too. One of the things that confirms nigger inferiority to me is the fact polynesians, having travelled accross the entire Indian Ocean, reached Madagascar before any African despite Africans being in nearby Southern Africa for hundreds if not over a thousand millenia.
Very little and their traditional crafts are dying out rapidly because the younger generation doesn't want to continue those traditions
Afro-Americans almost became humans, and then they thought that, to add to their numbers as a minority, they had to bring their subhumans africans abo counterparts, whom introduced nigger culture.
Now all of it is dust. Niggers truly do ruin everything.