Wow this really made me think

Wow this really made me think

Wow this really makes u think

Jews admit themselves they own Hollywood and the media. You'd have to be an utter retard to fall for this old trick.

Maybe it's because jews lie and again and again people find them out eventually.

>media should not be critisized because they are literall saints that dindu nuffin
Wtf is wrong with these people

I know, how can orange bois even compete?

it's acutally Lügenpresse


really made me think

It's almost like things haven't changed much from back then: Jews are still Jews

With all this hitler trump memeing the media has been going through and trump still winning really made me think

what was wrong with fascism? Bests the shit we have today by a mile

Is it relly that hard to just google a term before you use it for agitprop?

It's always good when people boil fascism down to these little statements

Oh man

Can someone make a list of all the lies the media made to drag us into marxist shit minus WW2?

ok lets blindly believe anything the media says then

really does make your noodle work



>Wow this really made me think
What did it make you think?
Why don't you enlighten Sup Forums about what you think?
Why do you leave the thread at "1 post by this ID"?
Why don't you contribute to a higher level of discourse?
Why do you shitpost in the most empty way?
Why are you such a shallow faggot?
Why do you not read the sticky?
Why do you not realize that you are part of the problem?
Sage goes in options fields.

>That's our job

>Hitler killed himself
>Jesus let himself get killed
>Fascism 101: Die on your own terms to create a personality cult after your death

Media: Here's some news.
Me: Wait a sec, that news is bias and inaccurate and bought and paid for by Dems and the companies that own the Dems..
You: Stop discrediting the media ya fascist.

>Wow this really made me think
Clearly, something you do on rare occasions.

So my posters are fucking idiots. I genuinely hope you're trolling... otherwise you got far bigger problems than Trump.

>can't even write lügenpresse right

Yeah its totally trump and not the lying Media tripping on their own narrative.
>pic not related