Did anyone else fall for the going outside meme? I went to almost all university lectures, studied in the library...

Did anyone else fall for the going outside meme? I went to almost all university lectures, studied in the library, and my main hobby is sitting around in public, drinking coffee, browsing my phone, and feeling sad about life. I go to the gym regularly. When I moved to London I started sightseeing a lot. I have an office job where there are many people around my age.

None of that helped one bit. I am still utterly alone, no friends no experiences at all with non escort women. If you're an ugly non-normie you have no hope. Thank God I became blackpilled before the delusion of feelgood crap made me talk to people I don't know like some autist who swallowed Mr motivator Americanised shit.

I should become even more of a shut in and try to git gud at programming or something that will give me the money and therefore time (just quitting and having time is stigmatised).

A lot of advice is just world fallacy crap. A comment on another topic also hit home: if companies have no solution to sell, they'll say it isn't a problem. PUAs can't sell better faces (at prices that meet demand)? Sell just world feelgood confidence routine copepills. Mass delusion follows.

Seeing attractive and happy people outside is painful. I missed out on everything and society sees me as a disposable battery. At least my bitterness lets me put in zero effort at work guilt free.

Being outside is

>aged 26
>no friends or social life since 18
>no female attention ever
>went through university with zero social experiences
>became the loner nobody talks to within two days of my current job
>never been to pub, club, or party
>missed out on all the 16 - 22 formative social experiences that people look back on fondly (teen crushes, school prom, school dances, university fresher's week, any sort of relationships at all)
>know that women all have 5000 tinder matches and think the average male is ugly

Other urls found in this thread:


Go travelling bra also stop using Sup Forums

The thought of traveling to some youth filled foreign land and awkwardly trying to talk to locals while some Chad amogs me and I have to go to my hotel alone while knowing I wasted my time and money is already a day-nightmare I have. This shit only works for normies

So you're an introvert
If you'd wanted all those teen-early 20s experiences, you would have put yourself out there, trust me
But you didn't. You are deeper. You aren't filled with unjustified confidence or ego
I know someone very similar but he's older than you
Life isn't one size fits all. Accept that. And there's nothing wrong with that either
I mean what's your problem really. You want to be in the middle of an ugly divorce that would kill your confidence, make you bitter, financially wreck you and make you depressed as hell from wondering where your kids are now, who's with them, are they hungry, is some guy raping them? You don't want any of that
Right now you are able to do what you want when you want. You can quit and go anywhere you choose. No one controls you. You're not obligated to anyone. You don't have to prop up a partner, put up with them until you wish you were dead
Realise how fortunate you are. Millions would like to be in your shoes. Your life is simple and uncomplicated. You're in control of your life and future. That's a great position to be in
If you suddenly found yourself in a relationship, you'd probably look back and wish you could return to where you are now
It's not a movie. Relationships are shit a lot of the time and you can't escape unscathed
You dodged the war or rather a series of wars
You don't have dependent kids .. they cost a fortune and by the time you're done, you're sixty years old and the end result isn't that great anyway, seeing you spent the best years of your life supporting and educating your in-laws' gene pool
Feel better now
you should

Step 1:
>Get money.
Step 2:
>Get Fit.

People don't talk to you because you're a quiet autist, I know that type in my class, he looked like the "irredeemable" tier in that iceberg meme and would literally be a mute the entire semester. Try take care of your looks and actually say something.

Men tolerate relationships for the sex
Women tolerate the sex for the relationship and security
Neither are actually happy
So you can be unhappy on your own with your head filled with romantic fantasies
Or you can be unhappy in a relationship with your head (and your partner's) still filled with fantasies, but this time fantasies about being single again

The problem is you are trying to be something other people think you should be. Find your groove man. You'll be more comfortable.

I feel ya. I used to be the same - would only add to the list being a foreigner. London is a toxic place for loners. I would hit one of the debate clubs. Good luck.

RSD is legit. If you're really ugly then don't expect amazing results but they can get you a lot more than you'll get without them.

Tinder/all this Bumble shit is primarily looks based so you won't ever crush it on there.