California is trying to past a new bill that makes it a punishable crime to misgender someone. It is punishable by up to 1 year of prison and a 1000 dollar fine. I never thought they wouldn't gone this far with controlling language and thought! I didn't think such insanity and stupidity is possible. I always wanted to leave California, but my life is so successful here. What should I do / pol/?
What do I do / pol/?
Other urls found in this thread:
C'mon, / pol/, I need some real advice. Should I continue to stay in califag, or move now
You should move to Canada
I would go to Cali to break the fucking law to drag that shit through the courts
I just won't use pronouns at all anymore and refer to everybody as it
Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see Armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will.
I sure could use a vacation from this
Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of freaks
Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call L.A.
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time. Any fucking day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona Bay.
Cause I'm praying for rain
And I'm praying for tidal waves
I wanna see the ground give way.
I wanna watch it all go down.
Mom, please flush it all away.
I wanna see it go right in and down.
I wanna watch it go right in.
Watch you flush it all away.
Time to bring it down again.
Don't just call me pessimist.
Try and read between the lines.
I can't imagine why you wouldn't
Welcome any change, my friend.
>Learn to swim
WTF this people done to the America I used to love??
Fuck you guys
Wouldn't the state bleed you dry by continually extending the process, racking up your lawyer fees?
I think leaf land is even more cucked. The thing is in a conservative ( not even extreme right) but I have to keep that a secret here. A few close friends know and thank God they are cool with that, but when a few others found out, they went batshit insane. There was this once lesbian hispanic who found out I was a trump supporter and just started screaming hysterically about how I am a nazi and told me to go fuck myself everyday for the next several weeks. I'm honestly sick of here but don't know if it's a good idea because of the success I had here
This. Call a he a he and when you go to court drag that out all the way to the supreme court if you can. Since they just said hate speech is protected by 1st amendment they'd probably decide it's unconstitutional for any laws to be passed forcing people to speak a certain way. Then that settles all the future commies trying to pass these laws. Be a hero user.
This is fake news.
If this get close to law someones gonna take it to the supreme court.
Misleading title. It's bad but it's typical breitbart clickbait.
>if a HEALTH WORKER (such as at a nursing home) repeatedly misgenders a patient in a public health facility, forces them to use facilities not for their gender identity, doesn't allow them to dress or use cosmetics they want to, etc.
They can face a fine IF they REPEATEDLY do this with malicious intent.
Again, yeah, it's bad. But it's meant to protect fragile individuals who can't care for themselves from being mistreated by staff. But of course the only thing that gets across to Sup Forums is gonna be the headline.
Let them do it. A society that puts sterile freaks on a pedestral is fucked anyway.
No it's not. This bill is legit and is going to be considered in the senate. They believe that misgendering is a very hateful and bigoted
I would walk into the courthouse, chain the doors shut and anhero everyone inside. Then tell god he's a fag for letting this shit happen
If the bill gets passed and they try to arrest you for this silly law... you resist by any means possible.
Implying giving lawfare leverage to mentally unstable freaks will not be a problem. This is like hading retards a loaded gun.
Lol, your lawyer cost means jack shit when you have enough money to afford a rope and a stool.
I am just shocked at how libtards are so against American values. My parents legally immigrated here because of the freedom and opportunity here. They wanted their children to grow up in a place without fear of expressing personal opinions. But now, libtards seem to hate the first amendment. Can u imagine how much of a fit our founding fathers would have if they saw the state of modern America?
Canada is better because they have already passed these laws.
Amerikkka is a racist bigoted zenophobic islamophobic hateful homophobic nation comprised of people like you.
This is why we must support Trump, he is all we have before this kind of bullshit becomes the norm.
Nice source
Yea I know Breitbart isn't the best source. I usually read Washington Times. But the fact that some people think misgendering is punishable shows how retarded libtards are
Be quiet alt-left.
It's not for mentally unstable freaks it's for senior citizens. If you did a little research, like actually reading the proposed bill rather than a skewed breitbart article you would understand that.
It's the same as if a law was proposed that said people couldn't force patients in a nursing home to not practice their religion for instance. It's a matter of allowing an individual who can't care for themselves to be treated with respect, and so they can have the protection to not be mistreated by people who don't agree with them. 90% of the people in this thread aren't even going to do research.
Ok, so I took a quick look at the bill. It mostly has to do with "long-term care facilities." And refers to the elderly several times. So this only applies to nursing homes with crazy people who think their gender is attack helicopters. You are welcome to read the bill yourself.
Start calling everyone nigger.
Leaf Land is similar to the States in that the coasts and major city centres are completely fucked beyond hope by Marxist bullshit but central provinces like Sask and Alberta aren't nearly as bad. I'm in rural Sask and the majority of people here are anti-poz conservatives.
Let's use religion as an example again. There is a difference between a nurse:
>expressing her athiest views
>denying a very elderly and sick person to have a bible in their room, and constantly telling them that god isn't real and they won't go to heaven.
This law isn't about free speech, it's about EMPLOYED people respecting their patients so as not to abuse them.
kek, that'll teach those commie bastards
K then, my pronounce will be My Lord and Highness and if you don't respect my royalty I will get you arrested !
This only sets up a precedent for what come might come in the future. And plus, why is the government promoting such insanity? There are only two genders
no person over the age of 30 thinks their gender is an attack helicopter. It's about (mainly) using facilities (of which there are only two types) and the genders are limited to he/her. Are *you* retarded?
Remember guys, there's no such thing as slippery slope.
so if I walk on the street in California and 'misgender' a tranny, will I go to jail?
California has been fagville for years now, if I were you OP I would stay for the success, but don't get pilled by this shit.
Live stream plz
New california law makes it illegal to bogart the joint
No, once agan, holy shit, you fucking retards, it's for literal elderly invalids so they aren't bullied by their nurses. Fucking christ just learn to read.
>Yeah, right, because we should totally take into consideration the opinions of dead, White men, who owned slaves
You know exactly, that this is the growing sentiment among lefties and it's only a matter of years, perhaps a decade, until they have the majority and can begin to fully enact their neo-Marxist agenda.
I promise its not as bad as the headlines look my dude. Just realize that this is a very large country with plenty of bullshit for the news people to report on.
If I ever went to court over this I would misgender every person I had to address in court.
This is great. You can now never lose an argument. Whenever you start getting BTFO, you start autistically screeching that you were misgendered. Since you're genderfluid (or claim to be), they have just committed a crime, and you can get them arrested, which means you win,.
fucking this. It's breitbart what do you expect? They want it to fit their political agenda so they give it a snappy misleading headline, cherry pick some "facts" and then add filler that will entertain alt rightists with IQs of 60.
It's perfectly fucking reasonable to fine people for acting malicious to elderly people who rely on total care from their nurses.
nope, actually genderfluid isn't included in this. and it isn't for the general populous.
Honestly maybe look into some areas arizona or some areas of Texas.
You have 2 options, the first one is to prove this law tremendously increases prison population, just press charges on those who claim... By saying they misgender you...
The other option is by asking Donald J. Trump to sign an executive order to remove the misgender laws in states over violations of the 1st amendment and human rights
tell that to op
Don't u think this bill acts as a precedent for something bigger? First, it's nursing homes. Which elderly person u know is a tranny? What's next? Schools? Courts? Private lives?
Then we'd just have to get rid of the first amendment for the press as well. Pretty sure they'll go along with that. When push comes to shove, the sane people will ultimately start stepping up for the constitution
>Yeah, right, because we should totally take into consideration the opinions of dead, White men, who owned slaves
That's not how the courts in the US work. The US constitution is the law of the land. If someone was convicted of misgendering they'd make an appeal in a heartbeat. The hippies would probably make claims that it was "hate speech" of some sort but the supreme court is on record stating that hate speech is protected by the first amendment. It was a unanimous statement by all justices. No federal judge worth his salt would make a ruling otherwise. If they did, it would be appealed in a heartbeat, move up the chain. I doubt even the 9th circuit would rule in favor of this law.
The best they could possibly do is battery if the person was really offended but that calls into question if the person whose offended is "reasonable." Your average tranny isn't reasonable.
both sides are guilty as fuck. The left wing media makes the SJWs look like the victims and the right wingers look like nazi racists. Their ratings go up because of the popular story and so the right wing media also wants their ratings to go up so they talk about it too. Its an insane spiral of bullshit thats all about ratings.
Ever notice that at those protests 50% of them are fucking press and people with cameras and go pros? Really gets the noggin joggin.
>go to judicial decision hearing that will make this legal
>ask something to the politicians
>wait for them to use a pronoun for you
>tell them you identify as something else and are filing a hate crime against them
That's Breitbart.
Has a real newspaper said it?
>land of the free
What is up with the left? I honestly believe that they just want to create a genderless, raceless, family-less, intellectual-less collective of mindless zombies who follow under one leader
This is how civilization dies. Social justice is the shaming of propriety.
Well at least this site supports putting the country first and doesn't promote degeneracy like fuckin CNN and HuffPo
Kek. I want to go to a nursing home in California now....this will be my pronoun. Say it or go to jail. Damn I cam be almost like a north Korean dictator when I'm old....neat
Doesn't it make sense that you should flip you shit when it comes to private life, or just our in public, and not when it has to do with private institutions that certain people pay money for? The least these nurses can do is be respectful of whoever the senile person thinks he/she is?
And which group would that suit perfectly?
and the constitution is clear and umabiguous on the issue of free and protected speech and with a conservative supreme court to back it up this (((law))) will go nowhere but the trash bin
The irony of this post makes it poetic. Good music from lost souls attempting to remove the speck from their brothers' eyes.
I live in Berkeley. Send help.
I could spend the entire week tearing down anti trump signs on buildings and street lights and will have barely put in a dent in the amount of propoganda on the street.
Its absolutely insane how many businesses post pro-antifa/anti trump shit in their windows. They care more about their communist agenda than the success of their (((business)))
respect xierz rights you nazi
>Ever notice that at those protests 50% of them are fucking press and people with cameras and go pros?
The press think 'Helecopter rides' is a policy now.
Everything foil hats and fashies accused them of . . .
They'll do it for real to survive by getting rid of the far right and they'll do it more cleverly than the theories and memes imagined.
This is a sound plan.
When it rains it pours
Dont tell Sup Forums what we get from a headline
We can already read through the clickbait and see all the different timelines of possibilities that lie on the other side before they happen
It's incredible how many people you can dupe with a Breitbart headline just because they want to believe it.
Berkeley is a shit hole. I know person who goes there and runs a dance club but get in trouble by SJWs for not having representation from the LGBTQWERYJIOP community. It's a fuckin shithole. I went there a few times, and one of the first thing I saw are these smelly hippies getting off a dirty ass bus
You think that makes it OK them to feed you bad intel
Considering it's unconstitutional, pretty sure this is just clickbait.
That's a shitty meme. Absolutely shit. The left really can't meme
>the right can't drive
You should use the pronoun I mean yes then ask a hot chick if they want to have sex
They run on tax dollars, they dont actually succeed at business, the whole system is corrupt
All news outlets feed bad intel. They have their own little agendas. However, ur friends at CNN, like Don Lemon and Chris Cuckmo, are quite literally insane. At least breitbart explain more and provide what is actually going on after their clickbait title. CNN, just bashes everything conservatives do, no matter if it is right or wrong
Low energy righties didn't realise their 'meme magic' was brainwashing themselves more anything thing else.
Sounds awesome! Anyone who thinks they're a magical otherkin can wear a blue armband or badge denoting this fact. They can also get a serial number tattooed on their arm and register with the government!
Guess who won the election? Fuck off back to plebbit shill. Why do u think u are so cool just bc u are an anarchist? We all know anarchists are lame virgins with greasy hair who blame society for all their problems.
The reason why the left can't meme is because they're so busy trying to not offend anyone that they fail to put humour in their propaganda.
The Meme War was a disaster for the left.
>Vanilla ISIS
alright stop, confederate and listen
white is back with a brand new mission
Something grabs a hold of me tightly
Then I peek like "soon", daily and nightly
Will it ever stop? Yo -- I don't know
Turn off the lights and I'll glow
To the extreme I'm white and not a vandal
Light up a torch and wax a lib like a candle.
March, cant hush a movement so soon
Antifa is trippin like a poisonous mushroom
Deadly, in a dodge not a chevy
self defense video proof no felony
Love it or leave it, You better gain way
we're gonna hit the bull's eye, white don't play
If there was a problem, Yo, I'll solve it
Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it
Yes, but now that it's open season on whites they'll come out with thousands of straight up anti-white memes.
if there was a problem, Yo, Trump solves it...
Maynard knows the fucking deal with this shit going on and he's on the sensible side.
54:00 - 54:50
Free trip to summer camp!
prove it. it will be he said, she/he/zir/it said
Just go to Nevada and get some gunsies and go back to Berkeley and go all San Bernout on their asses
Choose to not be he, choose to not be she. Congrats. You just became an "IT."
>Guess who won the election?
If you're too far down the food chain for the trickle down effect to reach you before you retire, having nothing to lose could look a bit like 'winning'.
You did have something to lose. Your bosses can fire you with impunity now.
It won't pass
kill all the transgender you find, making it impossible to mislabel. simple.