Advice on Love

/adv/ couldn't help me, so i decided to post it here. The risk of getting banned is worth it if you guys manage to help me out with this one.
Post follows.

I will get to the point fairly quickly, so have a bit of patience.

I have always been an attractive boy and needless to say, a decent amount smarter than the average folk (though it took me a long time to realise just how much).
I had my first actual experience with a girl by the time i got into puberty, at the age of 16. from then on, it was smooth sailing. I will keep it short by saying that, human interactions wasn't/isn't a foreign concept.
5 years ago, i started having feelings for my Cousin, first cousin. At first i thought it wasn't anything serious, she is yet another shallow girl that i find extremely attractive, ''it's simple excitement'' i said to myself, ''it will go away in a week, a month...''
We kept talking, keeping in touch, me sleeping at her place, watching movies, cuddling, she falling asleep on my chest. The usual generic stuff a ''couple'' does. Generic but, it was the first time that i actually Felt it. It was unique, it really was.
2 years ago, i decided to cut off all communication with her, everything. We live far away so it wasn't hard. Of course, i did not tell her the reason why i did that because i don't know the reason myself, i am afraid of my feelings, afraid it would turn into full blown love.
I am 24 now.


Father died in september last year. He was only 48

We came into contact again, because of that. And because of said circumstances, she didn't mention why i stopped talking to her.
Turns out i still have these feelings for her, i think it's genuine Love. Actual Love. How rare is that?
So yeah, last month, i crashed at her place. We were holding hands for hours, not saying anything yet saying so much at the same time. I semi-jokingly asked her if i could massage her feet. She smiled, didn't say anything. I, fearless yet unsure, proceeded to remove her socks, she didn't resist. I just started massaging them, i am very good at it, always been. Being a male and all, i did the expected and slowly went up, caressing her pale, soft, cloud like legs. Skipped the dangerous parts of her body and went straight the her cute, baby-like belly. Looked up, she had her eyes closed.
Without thinking twice about it, i made my move down there.
She slapped me so fucking hard guys, so fucking hard. I never recovered. She was so pissed off, i was so confused, so very embarassed, wanting to hide/disappear somewhere.
Basically i fucked up. We didn't talk for the rest of the night and i left quietly at noon the next day.
Do i tell her how i feel? She obviously doesn't feel that way judging from her reaction.
She is also 24, i am 2 weeks older.
Please help.

>Sup Forums
>advice on love
Well, sure why not.
Just don't forget to list her race, IQ, family tree and other eugenics related info.

She is greek. If i were to guess her iq it would be around 105-110. Family Tree... well my family is pretty healthy. No cancer, long lifespans, pretty tall all of them and good build.

For someone so sociable your encounters sure didn't have a lot of talking.
>She is 24
Too old. Her children will likely have mental and genetic failures. Try for someone about ten years younger.

There was no need for much talk. Besides, we talked to each other so much online, at least 5 hours a day.

what a giant autismo thread.

From your story it sounded like you created a need for talk, but no it was just silence *slap* and more silence?

Ach so, you mean after the slap. Of course it wasn't just silence.

>We didn't talk for the rest of the night
There are holes in your story Hans. I'm starting to think you're lying.

Are you serious right now, William?

Instead of doubting my seriousness you should try explaining, when I point out inconsistencies.

There is none.

>i started having feelings for my Cousin,
>German Flag

Someone post the infographic on muslim cosanguinuity. It's obvious we've got a "new german" on our hands.

>Advice on love
Don't fuck your cousin

I'm not 100% sure about it, but I wouldn't risk it.

Then how do you explain
>We didn't talk the rest of the night
>Of course it wasn't just silence

It's not so bad as long as it doesn't happen for multiple generations in a row.

>Its not so bad
Its probably the slipperiest slope out there

if the divergence is not at least 4th degree don't

I won't deny that it very well can be a slippery slope, but I don't think it's such a concern in countries where marriages and partnerships are arranged by parents.

Before you go anywhere just think for a moment your familly reaction to you and your cousin getting together. Do you think that's not gonna fuck it's unity up ?

Your cousin was all "couple" like because you have same age and i guess you spent a shit load of time together so she's seeing you like a brother or some shit which is somewhat okay to show physical affection like what she let you do with her.

My female cousin is kinda of the same, I could be watching her take her bath she wouldn't give a shit. Hell we are even saying shit like "thanks for your help with that, i'll repay you by eating your pussy later" like it's fucking normal. It's just because we've been close like all our childhood, so we kinda of ended up like you would be if you frequented the same friend for 20 years about every day.

Get that in your head, you're not her lover, you're her closest friend and that's it. And if she is actually think about what I told you earlier and/or she is not a degenerate, she will never be with you.

>I don't think it's such a concern in countries where marriages and partnerships are arranged by parents.
AREN'T* Damnit.

till the 3rd degree of divergence it's a fair chance to get genetic malformations

They are greeks.

§173 Strafgesetzbuch für das Deutsche Reich
Der Beischlaf zwischen Verwandten auf- und absteigender Linie wird an den ersteren mit Zuchthaus bis zu fünf Jahren, an den letzteren mit Gefängniß bis zu zwei Jahren bestraft.
Der Beischlaf zwischen Verschwägerten auf- und absteigender Linie, sowie zwischen Geschwistern wird mit Gefängniß bis zu zwei Jahren bestraft.
Neben der Gefängnißstrafe kann auf Verlust der bürgerlichen Ehrenrechte erkannt werden.

Hope this helps user! Love, Sup Forums

Actually you're just getting baited by a retard, save the pasta.

It just makes you a little bit inbred, not a lot

Being a little bit inbred is only a good thing when youre surrounded by niggers

After the slap, there was the expected ''WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?'' ''I am sorry! I misunderstood the situation'' -dialogue.
The rest of the night was silent. There, you made me say the obvious.

she's your fucking cousing you nigger, she's been stupid enough to follow you this far
yes, tell her how you feel
do you honestly think incest is a good idea?

Actually, very simplified, there is a 6% chance that our offsprings will have some form of deficit. I've done my research.

That 6% is just because youre too shitty a man to go find a perfect match

Which is almost turkish.

Deficit meaning? Something small and unnoticeable right?


Anything, really. From asthma/alergies to down syndrome.
She, for example has very very pale skin which means that she has to put on sun-cream if it's sunny outside, even in winter. Or she goes out with an umbrella.
The chance of that (her being sensitive to any form of sunlight) being ''Transfered' to our children is at least twice as big, because we are related.

the probability that if you have six kids at least 1 of them is deformed is 31%

still wanna take those chances lad?

Ok look i think we lost the point somewhere.

So basically i should just move on and find an ''actual'' gf and forget all about her? because inbred is bad?

Let's say i just do that. I don't have any experience with actual Love. How long until my Love fades for her?

>''it will go away in a week, a month...'' We kept talking, keeping in touch,
stopped reading there. you brought this upon yourself you complete retard. also you are not as smart as you think you are

>inbred is bad
I think it's more trouble than it's worth, think about the social stigma you will be facing, how people will treat you once they know you're fucking your cousin. You'll probably become very frustrated towards society and might even take it out on her. Deformed kids are just the cherry on top.

>how long till love fades
I wish I knew, lad.

6 years is the current average of getting bored in a mariage

what does this have to do with anything you gypsy fuck?

fuck you moor rape baby

>actually unironically wanting a relationship with your cousin
Just become muslim already, you already have the right flag.