Does Sup Forums still support MillionDollarExtreme and Sam Hyde?

Does Sup Forums still support MillionDollarExtreme and Sam Hyde?

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your vlogs are getting boring sammy. Sorry.

you didn't answer the question

He will forever be the hero we need, but not the one we deserve.

Yes, but he is releasing anything so I forgot about him.
The recent vlogs are pretty depressing and it seems like he is just talking about everything going to shit and how to not have things go to shit.
I kind of miss this vlog Sam

I still like him and I'm sure plenty of others on here do too still. It just seems like hes not doing shit anymore. Its like the whole adult swim thing kicked him in the nuts and hes depressed and not the man he once used to be. I would like to see more from him and maybe see him team up with other ecelebs. Some of the vertical vids are cool but now just seem like an edgy depressed teen most of the time trying to be lol so randumb

his tweets saying he was happy people died in Charlottesville and that he wished more had died was pretty funny though

his newfag fans got pretty upset and Cody just doubled down

The video you posted is the same shit you just described, Sammy was aware of the utter shitter situation this cesspool valley of tears is destined for and all of his videos, no matter how "happity uppity" you think they are, have a dark cloud of his absolute disgust and hate towards the current state of our "civ" yo.

tru. Charls and his high energy streams are the way forward

you're still supported by Sup Forums, sammy "the killer" hyde

yeah and that dude is awesome on twitch. Interacts with the chat like pro. I still have not caught a live one though.

It's a completely different vibe and different mindsets. Old Sam didn't seem all that emotionally invested into anything, he was more of a nihilist. New Sam cares too much about politics and his career.
Old Sam never made any videos talking about how doing taxes is too hard.

this guy gonna get himself severely beat

Honestly i'm worried about him. Ever since he got kicked out he seems more and more depressed and unhinged. He might blow up at any moment.

Sam is an ok guy. Ever since he started gaining weight and working out he has been putting on a bit of a tough guy look. I don't think he would actually go on a shooting spree or kill someone, I am more worried he is going to start doing drugs and off himself.

I wish we could see more shit like MDE: world peace. RIP that show

Fucking Tim Heidecker

Yeah but he hasn't made anything funny in a while he's just fat and angry. Still love their best shit though get some new content you fuck I gave you money

>He might blow up at any moment.

You mean he can actually get himself in a self defense situation and perhaps, for the first time, not get away with it?! :D

I love the evolution of Sam, and to be honest...I've seen many e-celebs in this YouTube-replaced-my-TV part of my life.

Many of those e-celebs got pathetic over time, or I just found out they were disgusting faggots. I used to listen to those sofa-era Rogan podcast. When he hosted that kike faggot from that cesspool degenerate publication Vice for the first time, and when I saw how well they clicked, I realized Joe's a fuckin spineless sociopath faggot.

I used to think H3H3 was some awesome comedy, someone who actually calls out pretentious pathetic SJW-tier cancer on a very easy to digest yet funny level....turns out he's a fuckin run of the mill kike faggot who not only steals jokes but also is a, well, kike. Filthy, calculated kike.

And so on and so on...I can't name them all...

Sam is the only one who stayed true to his crazy self and I not only like his material thru and thru, I respect him for living his craft. All this "post-World-Peace" shit, all the drama, and how he handled it, and the money shit, and the antics, it's just real, he's something else, a true character in this infinite cesspool of endless sludge.

I also love how he absolutely triggers my wife, every time I listen to his shit and his face is on my second monitor, and she comes into my workroom, she gets unironically pissed at his insane face.

I love it. Last time I was watching his Smocaine 3 announcement vid where he covered himself with a blanket with his whiskers going in his mouth lmao

Wife walks in...sees him...and just stops and asks me: what the fuck is wrong with him? it!

Com98 will be awesome, and MDE will never die. Sam is the last original.

He is truly free.

I love Sam, actually started watching him this morning and started crying laughing. I saw his car vlogs and felt depressed about it. Like he totally lost it, and looks like shit. The dude needs to love himself and get some damn hope.

But I would be sad to that a jewish youtuber stole my entire comedy jokes and tarnished his name. (H3h3)

Post rare Hydes

Sam please make new shit dude. You're too talented to waste it by not making art honestly. There's a reason why even progressive faggots like his shit when his comedy just shits all over them, because he's that good.

Dont use emoticons here pls

Also isnt it true that h3h3 stole sam hydes comedy and style

Sam are you here with us now?

>Like he totally lost it, and looks like shit

You don't get it. He ain't lost shit. He made very nice money from the Trump bet, leveraged it on 2 editions of books, merch, works on a vidya, works on new material, and in the meantime, he went full fuck-you on his fans, probably to get rid of chaff fanbase.

Like I said, he's the last original. If I'm wrong, tell me who is.

h3h3 ripped off the ''mind=blown'' video and his ''reaction videos'' are inspired by Sam's videos like this one

>isnt it true that h3h3 stole sam hydes comedy and style

What do you think a filthy kike would do? Would he steal someone's shtickkkkk and make it kosher?

Few days ago I went to check what the fuck is that faggot jew doing now, saw some podcasts...and one of the podcasts...with his kike mother and father LMAO what a fuckin DOG how many more tactics will that faggot use to become reddit's lil precious edgy-comedy baby

Oh hai guise look at my funny eyebrows and my cool parents.

By the way his mother looks like a disgusting kike being and his father like a fuckin angry jew who desperately needs someone to clock him in his face, I BET all those fuckers talk about is holocaust.

Sam will become the new downhill legend, lightweight and rear wheel driven.


Why are you calling Cigar sam all of the sudden?

the punchline is the fucking same
>hey man lemme show you round the blaze bro?

He has gotten fat as shit. He better be careful or he will get low T.

Also the beanie gimmick was Sam's thing too.

He doubled down? Link?

Cody Cigar had to file like 70k in taxes or something. He's selling books, merch, being an author and a business man. He doesn't like doing youtube and he really hates filing sales tax.

Sam should of kicked h3h3s ass and raped his wife when they met recently. Fucking jackass knew who sam was and acted like he didnt know him and that he was a victim. That jew stole everything from our boy sam

More like stolen. He should sue the kike for all he has. Honestly, h3h3 is Sam Hyde PC alter ego. And he SUUUUUUUCKS

>Sam should of kicked h3h3s ass and raped his wife when they met recently

Wait wait hold up...what? They actually met, it's not a meme? HAHAHAHA link pls!

well he made h3h3 practically shit himself so

This thread needs more Danny Phantim

>in new york

>crossing street

>pretty big burly dude with a shit eating grin

>shoulders him super hard and says "what's up faggot" and walks off

>wow so scary

>that's like assault

>I wasn't scared so much

It's easy to be an edgy nihilist when you are younger... but as you get older you either grow up and begin to find value and ideals, or you kill yourself.

Besides, Sammy boy was always disguising his beliefs under several layers of irony. There was actual substance underneath his his dismissive and detached jokes which is part of his talent.

How the fuck can he act like he doesn't know Sam? Here is his post from plebbit from a year ago

''It became quite clear that Sam is a toxic asshole. We played one round of dota a while ago.. He said "You're the dude who ripped off my video.." I said "Yeah man sorry we made that so long ago, I didn't expect it to become anything" He went on to say it was all good and tell me I'm a good editor and asked if I would like to edit some MDE videos. He buddied up to me and we even talked on Facebook, and I hadn't spoken to him since then. Next thing I know he's talking shit about us on stream, Reddit and pretty much to anyone who will listen to him.
The thing I find so ironic about this whole thing is that Sam constantly whines about us ripping him off when his style is completely derivative of Tim and Eric. Furthermore, the video doesn't even represent our channel, it isn't why we're popular, it's not even featured in any way, its an old and shitty video no one cares about.
I've heard other people say that Sam is a Toxic asshole and I have absolutely no desire to work or interact with the dude at all. Dude has some serious issues to sort out, he seems obsessed with our channel. Don't know what else to say. Peace and god bless.''

This faggot is straight up lying too.
The only times Sam Hyde has talked about h3h3 is when he was asked in chat about him. Sometimes he would jokingly say that h3h3 is a little fag, other times he would say that he actually likes h3h3.
Sam Hyde has never gone out of his way to attack h3h3 and he certainly isn't obsessed about the kike.

Why is he looking so fucking disgusting?
Literal Untermensch


he's pure anglo m8

We Americans are mongrel abominations.

This soft bodied, high estrogen, unaccomplished loser is "master race"?

L o L

He might have to defend himself through someone's window at 2 in the morning

you can SAM but you cant HYDE

also was and always will be the face of Sup Forums

No, he looks part asian, maybe dutch at best.

fucking newfag he is literally close to being a millionaire and working on several projects as we speak if you paid attention at all. The whole im so depressed and angry/bitter at the world and poor gaff is just a meme you absolute fool

Last I heard he wasn't going to keep getting away with it though.

>part asian


you actually what

Shut the fuck up Achmed Berger.

True, true...I think Sammy is coming to that point, he doesn't seem to be full nihilistic or black cloud all the time...he's just fuckin doing what he pleases, when he pleases.

For example, kicking his legs up on a luxurious patent leather chair in a upscale hotel in Bejing! Or sleeping under a blanket in his burly Toyota!

I do miss early HydeWars, nothing beats a good YouTube vidya like fireside chat style Sammy.

We are all Jaihoo.

Fuck ya i'd py good money to bring back MDE: WP

what channel does Cigar usually post on the most?

>The whole im so depressed and angry/bitter at the world and poor gaff is just a meme

To be honest I think he does it mostly, if not exclusively, to fuck with that faggot Heideckjew faggot and that great accomplished BUZZFEED journalist Bernstein.

Sammy when you officially become a millionaire, please give your assistant a raise, it's only right.

Yes, he looks asian.

He's Japanese actually, before he escaped to the States, he was a well known downhill legend.

He made a great video explaining Japanese culture to gajin.


>implying he's not asian

you actually have no idea what an asian person looks like, or maybe you do since you and finns have a ton of asian blood in you

He seems so young and naive compared to how he is now. Now he just seems 500% blackpilled

whats up with the neck brace

Am I supposed to know who this faggot is?


Also please guys, do not kill Joe Rogan, Sammy has a point here. Don't do it!

Dude why do women hate him SO MUCH?

Every female who has ever been in my life just absolutely despises him. Doesn't understand his comedy, thinks he's like some weirdo school-shooter type, and is just naturally repulsed by him

Kek, I love him too, I hope he can work on all these projects that he's talking about. Legit excited to get ny book too.

I fear they secretly WANT him, Sammy might be the ULTIMA ALPHA and they are afraid of his infinite musk glowing thru the pixels into the ether!

What is it about his stupid fucking ugly face that I find so funny. He's one of the few people that can make me genuinely laugh my ass off.

women hate being logical or responsible, that's why they hate him. he calls their bullshit. i swear we need islam to get our cunts back in line.

His "I'm about to laugh" smirk is priceless.

>i swear we need islam to get our cunts back in line.

You need muzzies, sharia?

Al-Haied got you covered.

He's been getting really edgy and unfunny lately, Sup Forums tier shit
he has no asian features at all, why do you think he looks asian?

Always and forever.

For being alpha he sure has some shit facial hair. But so do I, that's why I like him. I'm also wearing a Nun's and Poses shirt right now.

>classic Sam hyde
>loved by Sup Forums
>he is too fat
He needs to lose like 50 pounds. He gained a lot when they cancelled his show. He needs to go jogging and do exercises and go on a diet. It will make him think quicker and he will put more thought into his work and this will all make Sup Forums like him.

Why is his finger so big?

Look, shill, everyone knows youre paid to do this. We all wish they were dead, they are communists. They want white people to disappear, because whites are responsible for racism. They are recognized as terrorists in part of the US by homeland security. They hit the vehicle long before he hit anyone.

Wasted money, Soros. White genocide wont go away on its own, and we will always oppose it with great zealousness.

No, he looks dutch. Dutch looks like that because they got kids with gooks working for the Dutch East India Company. He might be British/Gook as well.

Dude I went to his twitter account and I was literally crying from laughter

It's just full of Charolettesville memes making fun of the girl who died. Fucking hilarious


They have gone from Nazis, watch out! to Watch out for Nazis!

When he dropped David Duke in that World Peace episode I was fucking howling, that shit went OVER so many heads

it's the mischievious twinkle in his eyes

Look faggot, you might be an edgy future Columbine shooter but I have empathy and I wish death only upon those who hurt me. That woman was just protesting against racism, she did nothing wrong, even if you disagree with someone politically killing them is an option reserved for losers and niggers



>pubey beard
>poor eyesight
This is the face of white supremacy?

You're a good boy Sammy
Chin up lad, in fact keep keep all 3 of em up

why is he in a neck brace anyways?

LMAO shut the fuck up nobody gives a fuck about that fat walrus get the fuck outta here.

Also, it said DODGE on the fucking hood of the car what more do you want?!?

>muh protesting about racism

Races are different cupcake, where the fuck do you think you are? This isnt Reddit, and niggers rape 100 white women a day in the US. Youre an obvious shill, and we are opposing white genocide. Youre protesting because people were allowed to express their opinions peacefully, with a permit, that they fought in court to obtain. You had no permit. You smashed the car up, you got one of your labor organizers killed. Great job Antifa, another dead person attributed to your terrorist organization.

Terrorists deserve to be killed, drop a drone strike on the whole crowd. Antifa are recognized terrorists in the US. Next rally needs to be in New Jersey.

Until whites stop being replaced in their countries, and pushed towards full scale violent genocide similar to zimbabwe, full scale war is justified. Millions of people could die because what youre pushing, and the blood is on your hands. Youre the scum, were the good guys. No one here is confused.

Righteous killing is righteous.

> he is literally close to being a millionaire
Maybe it's changed, but I remember him calling in to a show by the blonde guy in Tim and Eric(I watched the shit 2 times and don't know who is who) saying that he can't afford health insurance after World Peace got cancelled. Unless Sam Hyde had something life changing happen to where he is making bank now I really doubt he's almost a millionare.

I disavow. The man is the true face of the new Nazi party and is wanted all over the world as a one man genocide and terrorist.

No, he's a pedo. Why would I support that kinda person?

>he can't afford health insurance after World Peace got cancelled

Falling for the Sam memes...damn

Is this what passes as humor when you're 16?
You're strawmanning really hard aren't you? For you it's either neo nazi who wants to genocide non whites and laughs at the death of innocents or antifa leftie cuck. By your logic if it's ok to kill antifags because they are pushing for immigration and "white genocide" (meme) it should be ok to kill far right supporters too since they want to purge all non whites.

just an unfunny edgy kid