They want Robert E. Lee and Confederate monuments destroyed because they serve as a reminder that your state should come before the federal government. They want complete and utter subservience to a large and oppressive federal government. It's also no coincidence that Trump championed state's rights and now they keep saying they want him impeached.
Endless NeoCon wars also promote this feeling of nationalism; the USA vs the world. They want you to never think of yourself as a citizen of your state, but as a citizen of the USA.
>They want Robert E. Lee and Confederate monuments destroyed because
A traitor
Lose a civil war, you shouldn't get statutes built to you.
Michael Myers
They want them destroyed because its out of the Moaist handbook. Destroy the monuments, the culture, the heritage and replace it with commie ideology. Strip us of our identity and reduce us to labor.
Henry Rogers
>reddit spacing Go back to R/Communism
Jackson Morales
Come on user, you didn't even put any effort into that bait. Try again, I know you can do better.
Owen Lewis
Easton Gonzalez
Benedict Arnold has a monument dedicated to him, even if his name is omitted.
Ryan Garcia
I doubt that. Now that Trump is elected, lefties are all about muh states rights.
James Roberts
So, CSA were right after all, huh?
Joseph Bennett
>trying to spin taking down participation trophies in your favor Okay