Is she, dare I say, our girl?
Based JK
>On the left
Wait what??????
She's just going along with the kike psyop to describe everything bad as a right ideology. They're communists, a different and much worse thing, but no one says that. I wish trump would name them as communists.
>not on the left
they're called national socialists
>muh influence
More proof kikes know they are manipulative propaganda spewing assrats.
in;b4 alt-center becomes a thing and everyone is facist.
Mussolin was a Maxist before he switched to fascism you fuck.
Fuck this cunt. Probably code since all of the little lefties follow her
Actually he was a socialist, raised as a socialist by his socialist father.
The worst thing about him is his statalist legacy which still taintes many givemegibs italians, he has basically destroyed the classic liberist mindset.
>on the left
That's as far left as left goes
Marxist !== Socialist.
>natsoc is just communism!
It's socialism. Socialism is socialism.
>natsoc is socialism!
>Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production
please tell me what you know about the DPRK
>>Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production
socialism = public/communal/state ownership of the means of production
national socialism was a command economy headed by the state
>Fokin based amirite fellow magapedes?
See pic
This theory seems dumb as fucking shit, but the weird capitalisation in that tweet really does look like it's an encrypted message.
>Social ownership refers to the various forms of ownership for the means of production in socialist economic systems; encompassing public ownership,
>See pic
the nazi party truly came into power when they declared martial law in 1933. the next years they were mobilizing preparing for the socialist war economy. also, that picture ignores the fact that nazis behind the scenes would manipulate industry and manufacturers to get what they want for their war
>this country
>Not even American
Go back to your cuck island bitch.
Fuck you
she only wants to remove fascists so they can be replaced by communists
Meanwhile, this bitch's home is literally walled off on private property, and the area is 95% white.
I can't stand fake people like this. They make me sick.
>Why don't you move to Detroit?
post more of mummy's tits PLEASE
Cunt isnt even american she she keep het fat ugly plagiarizing ass out of it / she stole her ideas and brainwashed a generation of idiots
mummy i want cummy on tummy mummy please!
Bro he may have said that. But then the nazi party also forced companies to buy govt bonds, forced insurance companies to give them money, converted civilian factories to military focused factories, etc etc
Say wut, Putin called out Soros, and for Soros fucking with us on top of it. I thought the ruskies were supposed to be the bad guys.
But the psyop is designed for anti-SJW types. Rowling seemed like a shitlib to me, so why is she parroting it?
Too late whore, shit eater, kill yourself bitch
>ywn be patted on the head and lectured on the dangers of the right while suckling mummy's teats
why even live?
This is a screenshot from the first harry potter movie
This is the floor at the crooked bank run by hook nosed, scheming, gold obsessed goblins. Notice anything?
all police are fascist to a jew. they just want to groom children and murder whites.
Doesn't matter what he did for the war effort, he wasn't a socialist
>what is strasserism
Someone who advocates for the murder or forcible expulsion of all left wing fascists and all right wing fascists is just a centrist fascist.
OMG is that a VHS tape?
HAHAHAHA SHIT is this actually real? How did this get allowed?
Wtf I hate purple now
Shes walking back her previous support. lol
Well atleast she isn't a moron. She could have doubled down like a deatheater.
No way. And the left had communists
Very real. Could be some fun twitter ammo
she flipped.
Liberal shits like Rowling can't tell the difference.
Holy shit, this is some advanced paranoid schizophrenia.
antifa attacks trashcans and starbucks
everything is fascist
id hate fuck her
The mainstream media cited in that image? Yeah, I know. They're crazy.
She's the last person I expected to agree with Trump. Too bad she'll probably start saying stupid shit again alter.
JK Rowling stole Harry Potter, chapter by chapter from an 1980's author. She settled out of court for an undisclosed cut of the royalties.
She always was a useful idiot. As a socialist she is one of the largest abusers of offshore tax havens
this gives me cognitive dissonance but its ok
you'd be surprised how many people agree with Trump
it's weird, Sup Forums knows CNN is propaganda but cannot fathom that anyone else does, it's like by recognizing CNN as propaganda they think they're special snowflakes who just unplugged from the matrix
lots of normies know man, how the fuck do you think Trump even won the election
Honestly I'm just happy she recognizes that the far left is retarded. Hopefully some of these Harry Potter freaks go home.
Now we expose them for what they are - exactly what they hate.
People should bring hundreds of "Make ALL racists afraid again" signs to all rallies from now on.
Trigger them like "all lives matter" does.
Because as we all know, when they say "make racists afraid again" there is an implied "white" in there.
I wish she'd get Jo Cox'd. She's so fucking obsessed with Trump it's unreal.
>left wants big government
>fascism happens when the government gets too much power
>establishment tows the left line to give themselves more power
It's really not that complicated
Well he was a marxist fanboy but thought he was a socialist til the day he died. The truth is that socialism inevitably leads to fascism. Once you've decided something must be done for the greater good, you eventually reach a point where you need a way to enforce that upon the people who refuse to "come together." Everyone loves fascism when their party is the one running things because it gets things done faster, but then they realize they just gave up their power to ever change anything when they decide that's not what they want anymore.
no, she's jew
>J.K. Rowling browsed Sup Forums and got redpilled
Wait, what timeline is this?
I didn't know she hated leafs so much.
Especially since she writes about pedophiles wanting to rape kids.
>hurr durr muh timelines meme magic praise kek shadilay xD
She surely supports him.