Berkeley hot dog worker resigns after being spotted at Virginia rally

>Management of Top Dog confirmed in an email Sunday afternoon that Cole White no longer works for the company. The confirmation came after social media exploded on Saturday with pictures of White amid the protesters in Charlottesville.
>“Effective Saturday 12th August, Cole White no longer works at Top Dog,” the email statement read. “The actions of those in Charlottesville are not supported by Top Dog. We believe in individual freedom and voluntary association for everyone.”



>A hot dog shop
>hot dog
When I was a teen I got fired from a Mcdonalds once.
Do you think I gave single fuck?

hopefully gook moot will share ip addresses with the authorities to get /pol racists fired from their jobs as well

>We believe in individual freedom and voluntary association for everyone.
>Except for labor rights of course LOL!
checks out

Ted Rall wrote a good piece about this. The company statement sounds like Cloudflare. We say we give a shit about freedom of expression but if it's too much of a hassle we can do without it.

'Sup, Satan? Did somebody say... HOTDOGS?

>We believe in individual freedom and voluntary association for everyone.
>Except this fucking guy, am I right!?

he was an embarrassment to the company. They did what's best to protect their bottom line and all the other normal workers

>Libertarians expose themselves for the leftist cucks they all secretly are

Not surprising.

You would be hard pressed to find bigger cucks than modern liberarians, litterally all they care about is virtue signalling to the left.

for what?

>fires people for their beliefs
>calls self libertarian

they consider it a gigantic win since fast food is one of their most prestigious career prospects, just behind hr advisor and blogger.

He was serving blacks

>The guy who ran over people is too poor for a lawyer since he only makes 8 dollars an hour
>This guy worked at a Hot Dog shop
Why would you want to be associated with poor people? Aren't you afraid it's gonna rub off?

They meme irl terribly, way worse than the left or right.
Look at their convention, very disrespectful, many such cases.

suck that Koch baby ohyeah
it's perfectly normal


Those are the top Libertarian political candidates in recent history. Just typical Dems under another name. There never was a Libertarian party, there was only the Ron Paul party.

Pick one.

Please stop

>we believe in individual freedom and voluntary association for everyone
Hypocrisy at its finest

fired from hotdog shop. jesus how will he ever recover from losing that massive career in hotdoggery?

SOUnds like a Finn

>Be me
>go to work
>Truck drops off food to put up.
>I alone put all the stuff up
>It's not a small amount
>Get done and go get a drink of water
>new manager starts that day
>New manager sees me drinking water
>Informs me that that was my lunch break for that shit
>I disagree and when the time comes take a break anyway.
>Next day I'm fired
I had another job within a week.
Getting fired from shitty part time jobs when you're a kid really isn't a big deal.


Having a far-right worker is bad publicity for a company. They are free to expel any worker that means trouble for their bussiness.

So how many of these people were actually racists and how many just wanted to keep the statue? How many people are getting fired for wanting to keep a statue?

Aren't they in Berkeley. Why would you expect them to make a stand for what their staff do when they're not working there. No business owner will go through this kind of trouble of they can just fire and disavow you.

>doesn't understand that you can be pressured into resigning
Log off, NEETs

So being a racist gets you fired...According to the university however all whites are racist by default because they benefit from a systemic racist system. So by that logic it would appear that all whites should loose their jobs forever and be homeless. Yeah sounds about right.

It has different consequences.

That's Aleppo.

>a white man named Cole White fired for being white.
Too perfect. Psyop?

Yeah, now he doesn't qualify for unemployment benefits lmao

Being conservative and white is code for racist. How many people are going to be persecuted because of fake racism?

>white removed from top dog.

What do you think ?

What happened? I thought everyone here was making 6 figures and owned their own business. Why are so many larpers have jobs for minimum wage?

Well, that's free association for you. The right of free association is also the right to freely reject associations with other people.

Why are you so stupid?

definitely no arguing with that absolute MIC DROP

If he cared about that he should have refused to resign.

>that filter to """hide""" the obvious blend

When someome gets doxxed and publicly accused of being a Nazi, surely the first thing they want is a drawn-out labor dispute. Of course, if CA Libertarians had their way, the state would be right-to-work and they wouldn't need cause to terminate employment anyway

New America- exercise your rights in a way not popular, get fired

More like America for the last century. Google HUAC and McCarthyism

Is that tweet seriously real? Every time I think I can't hold druggies in any lower regard they come up with new ways to surprise me.

If you are male and lighter than a paper bag expect to get fired soon because according to university professors all whites are racist so if all racists deserve to be fired there should be no whites working right now. For all whites.
See how this works, I'm telling you pol this is just the beginning. They have already decided how they plan to remove white males fr any possible future in this country and they will say it's Justice and that it's good and if you are opposed to your own dehumanization you deserve to be beaten as well as fired.


> fired
> resigns
Pick one, ya retarded mong

That day, in that moment, a Sup Forumsack was born.
He doesn't know it, but he is one of us.

One day, he will be a walking race war machine.

Maybe you just suck and nobody wants to hire you? White male here. I can get a job any time I want to.

>March around with nazis, shouting racist slogans and carrying torches
>No-no i dindu nuffin ! i'm not racist ! they hate me for being white
>socialist logic

>Guy uses his day off from the hot dog stand to voluntarily go across the country
>Individually chooses to associate with a peaceful march promoting white solidarity
>"Since we believe in individual freedom and voluntary association for everyone, we're firing this guy."
How does the left not see how enormously retarded they are?

>We believe in individual freedom
>fires individual for expressing his freedom

Boycott companies that retaliate against law abiding citizens.

>We believe in individual freedom and voluntary association for everyone

>We believe in individual freedom
>So we are firing this individual for his beliefs

How fucking dense are you ? They are free to say/do whatever they want, but the employer isn't forced to employ them. That's what libertarians believe. VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION, got it ?

>Libertarians want at-will employment
I feel like they might have mentioned that at some point

Figured these faggots came from berkley.

Did they bus in that entire town of weirdos for the rally?

Well now that he is fired, he is a full time Soros operative/pawn!

>isn't forced to employ you
>isn't forced to pay you for two weeks
well sue me :)

How fucking dense are you? Seriously.

>State law also prohibits employers from coercing or attempting to influence employees' political decisions by threats of discharge or loss of employment

Political affiliation is literally a protected class in CA employment. This guy's about to get paid like a motherfucker. Maybe read up on how laws work before you start spouting dumb shit.

They fired Fash Gordon? those bastards!

This mongoloid didn't talk to any lawyer, he resigned out of cowardice

This is why ANTIFA wear masks
