Charlottesville: Man in white supremacist rally disowned by family after he 'turned into a crazy Nazi'

>Peter Tefft 'is a maniac, who has turned away from all of us and gone down some insane internet rabbit hole'
>“[Peter] scares us all, we don’t feel safe around him, and we don’t know how he came to be this way,” Mr Scott continued. “My grandfather feels especially grieved, as though he has failed as a father.”
>Mr Tefft’s father said he and the rest of the family are entirely against his son’s racist beliefs.
>“We have been silent up until now, but now we see that this was a mistake,” the elder Tefft continued. “It was the silence of good people that allowed the Nazis to flourish the first time around, and it is the silence of good people that is allowing them to flourish now.”
>He said Peter is no longer welcome at family gatherings.

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Some parents are not kind to their retarded offspring. That's just nature.

This is what happens when you meme without a lisence

hes a hottie
he needs to be used to promote chad nationalism

Anyone stupid enough to join for Spencer's shill army deserves to be disowned.

>actions have consequences

Are all white Americans this pathetic?

>say racist shit
>get called a racist


Literally pewdiepie with Down's.

He was on here a couple days ago and said it was all shitposting the media and they ate it up

They never really loved him {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

his family should have disowned him years ago for being functionally retarded.

listen to this idiot speak. disjointed self contradictory sentances delivered like a stuttering child.

fucking retard

>“I pray my prodigal son will renounce his hateful beliefs and return home. Then and only then will I lay out the feast,” he said.

Of course he's a fucking Christian. Of fucking course.

Why are Christians always such absolute fucking scumbags?

are all of you nufriends? He came on here with timestamp 2 days ago and said it was publicity stunt

What's with the disowning of a child in the West, why is it so common? It's such a rare thing in Russia and ex-Soviet countries overall, parents are a lot more loyal to their offspring here.
I really believe that the only decent reason to disown your own child is if he's trying to kill you.

what do you mean? his family didnt really disown him?

>Why are Christians always such absolute fucking scumbags?
Let's find out!

Probably because in Russia you raise your children with an iron fist and try to instill common sense into them.

Americans fail as parents, as adults and as "free thinkers".

Disowning your child might be a drastic move, but hes a fucking real life Sup Forums cretin who bought into the satire a bit too much.


chad said it was just a meme, lmao. dumb fuck alt left terrorists ate it up

I'm sure that will make him see the light and moderate his views.

Why is this story keep being talked about? Who cares.
>how many black men abandon their children?

Have memes gone too far

>bought into the satire a bit too much.

>Yes Goy!

Yeah I think he even posted a pic with his senpai.
These are people who literally don't give a shit about what other people think. You're falling for a fake story.

disown son because of fucking politics
what a bunch of morons, family is top priority

>publicity stunt
what was a publicity stunt?

He came like 2 days ago and said that the family is based, but they had to pretend like they disowned him because his 13 year old nephew was treatened.

Or, you know, the family is saying what it must to get tje leftists off of their son's back.

>haha we got him disowned. On to the next guy!

came here*
was being*

>if you hold racial political opinions you must be insane

This worries me. It's Soviet-tier. In the USSR political dissidents who didn't go to the gulags went to the insane asylum to get dosed up on pschyiatric meds. Do not let this become normalized

Why were they carrying torches? I mean thats obviously not peaceful.

If you want to say you vote republican fine. Mad at liberal policies fine. March about it with a poster. Why do you need a torch? These people were idiots.

Million man march didn't carry torches. Neither do most rallies of liberals. It was offensive from the beginning.

Chad incarnate made a post the other day with pictures of him/timestamps and said that the stories were all made up and everything was comfy in his family.

family gets paid by (((them))) to disown son , the ultimate truth.

seems like after nov 8th 2016 Sup Forums filled up with faggots trying to make leftist ideals a thing. you're wasting your time.

that's what happens when you overdose on redpills

kek. i knew the oven line read like a joke. i hope he turns to a life of activism.

>some uk tabloid interviewed these people
fake news

The article is a secondary source retard, work on reading comprehension


Lollll,Petedawg posted yesterday w/timestamp
>His parents laughed about it,support him completely
>crying to the lugenpresse to avoid bad press

Fuqqoutta here shills

why is "mr constitution pamphlet" in a pic with the mayor of harlot's-ville?

>say nothing
>get called racist

>be white
>get called racist

>be white
>get called nazi

Kill yourself shill faggots

>can't comprehend a connection between support for a statue of Robert E. Lee and support for White supremacy




also loomer has a head like a bastard arse and a body of a fridge !!!!!!

shit heres the pic


>alt-righters slowly realizing why ANTIFA and the KKK wear masks

Isn't there a better pic of him
i need some new aryan fap material

It's almost like some communist society, disowning and snitching people to the state who don't share the same little pipe dream.

1984 isn't a book, it's a manual.

>comments disabled
like clockwork




>at your age I was married and I had my own house, neighbourhoods were safe
There is special place in hell for boomers.

Now these play acting Nazis are trying to claim they were just there as paid actors for $25 per hour and it was all just a big fake show for the media.

Yeah. They just said that shit because they are in shit lib institutions and his neice and family were getting death threats. And his nephew is obviously just an aids ridden faggot

>find out your son is retarded after 20 something years of never suspecting anything
It must have been a shock. But at least they now know why he never brought home a girlfriend. I'm sure his father will accept him once he get over the first shock.

This hit piece is so cliche it seems fake.
>"It was the silence of good people that allowed the Nazis to flourish".
Pumps out an article of the family disowning their son, banning him from family gatherings.
Call him a maniac going down an insane internet rabbit hole.
One of the issues in our society we need to address is the lack of personal accountability.

what the fuck, dude's eyes are bugging out of his head.

Where do you think these white supremacists groups consist of? That is their modus operandi, they recruit crazy and retarded people because they are easy to brainwash and control. 90% of the people at that rally are as retarded or dumber than he is, that is just the way crazy fucking cults work.

Does this dumb cunt even know what prodigal means?


>yfw 1984 was written by a Trot who fought in the Spanish Civil War

this dude sounds fuckin' retarded.

Orwell divorced himself from communism precisely because of his experiences fighting in the Spanish Civil War.

They lied for the purpose of getting rid if death threats and vandalism

>guys, all white people are secretly on our side
>gets disowned by family

He's gurning hard right there, sexy af but on drugs, can tell.

He was a LibSoc. Read Homage to Catalonia


I've read homage to catalonia, you donut. Orwell was not a trot.

They're saving face obv

Is it wrong to find him really attractive? Fuck sakes what is wrong with me...

It's official, we are the new punk counterculture now.

>Peter Tefft 'is a maniac, who has turned away from all of us and gone down some insane internet rabbit hole'

A true nationalist community would be there when this happens, inevitably I might add, to many people on the right of things.

I'm likely whiter than you and have never been called a racist. Is what you describe actually happening in the US? And I mean on a large scale, not in comments on twatter.

There's more to punk counterculture than just being hated by everyone.

>He said Peter is no longer welcome at family gatherings.

He's welcome at mine, I assure you.

Of course, we are hated for the good reasons.

No, pretty sure that's all of it.

Not really.
Wtf do you even know about being a punk, faggot?

>Subject: Anti-fascism, ***anti-Stalinism***, democratic socialism, literary criticism, news, polemic

Quit saying that. It's too easy to mock. Just say we're a counter-culture. Don't compare it to the punk movement.

Try going on reddit or /leftypol/ and say whites deserve a homeland somewhere too

I like how I've brought Orwell back into the fray. Sup Forums has been ignoring him. I love being a genius. Orwell was good, but not good enough.

so this is the power of neo-nazism

probably depends on the place where you go, but i have been called fascists and nazi a few times, by lefty parasites, but mostly due to my occupation in law enforcement.

He is doing a fine job, i doubt hes been on TV before and he was to think about what hes saying at 1000% because the moment he fucks up hes going to be crucified.

It'd be so easy for him to obliterate his parents, but he won't because he was stupid enough to fall into a honeypot in the first place.
>Parents publicly disown you and call you a monster
>"This is good, they're finally out of my life. They molested me for years when I was a child and told me they'd kill me if I said anything"

Sup Forums/pol/ is so cucked now. It's so sad.
Someone on 8-(han told me that everyone here is a centrist cuck from the_donald and I didn't believe him but I guess it's true. All the actual racists have left for full-chan.

he should see if he can them to report him committing suicide

He's gurning though you can see it, jaw muscles clenched tight like he's on speed/meth or something.

Still a qt.

There are many more Peter's in the world than they can dare admit. This copy pasta reveals the truth about Peter and many other young white males. Jewish controlled media outlets won't dare discuss the issues it raises, so spread the word on it. I shudder to think what is coming in the next 10 to 30 years. Wait until the first major attack goes over 1,000 dead and there are no suspects because the big dogs are hungry for some action too. That's when martial law starts.

Before you can understand White Nationalism, you have to understand white guilt. These young men have grown up in a time when being white, male and proud of it is considered the most unforgivable thing that can be done. Grasp that for a minute. None of these young men had anything to do with the crimes that they are being collectively punished for. They have never heard one nice thing said about white males as a group from their families, the news media, the Universities. The average white male of today has been raised in a world that doesn't want him as anything more than a work horse. Something to be discarded when too old to use anymore. Then they bump into various White Power groups and hear a different message. For the first time in their lives they are allowed to love themselves for who they are. For the first time they are told about Jewish control over the society that hates them. They begin to question their upbringing and then they begin to question why they are doing nothing about the lies they have been raised on.

This is why the Left Wing must ban free speech. Free Speech, i.e. logic, leads to White Nationalism.

His name is Chad. Get it right.

im white and never was called racist or nazi anywhere even online.

im ready pop my racism cherry pol

Dat chin thin.

So the problem is only with internet echo chambers? Good to know.

Mate you don't become a neo Nazi because some leftists are lunatics.

Nazis are leftist and the left are all useful idiots. This is being orchestrated to bring about martial law and take away freedom of speech. These idiots are actually helping the leftists they are running over.

How they can call themselves American patriots and wear a German uniform made by a totalitarian anti-freedom government that tortured and killed American soldiers is baffling.

That's not Chad, that's Fang.