What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Stormfags in suicide mode HAHAHAHA
>karl popper
Lads, why is Sup Forums right EVERY. FUCKING. TIME?
>What did he mean by this?
What we all knew already. He's the enemy of freedom, and cares not for the rights of man.
goddamn, hitler should have gassed niggers too.
>a former president of the United States is talking about the Daily Stormer
What timeline is this?
>"I support Antifa fully in their Communist take over of the United States"
thanks obama
>"wha's poppin, karl"
Seriously, the name "Karl Poppin" is so retarded only a leftist could fabricate it
Notice how all of the first retweeters were all brand new accounts.
Someone is paying big money to SHILL Obama out.
Even when he's not president he tries to crush civil liberties.
this argument is used to explain why you shouldnt tolerate muslims
ALL politicians are enemies of freedom.
If you were an honorable person with a sense or morality you stood by, you wouldn't be in politics. You "believe" whatever the party tells you is acceptable to believe.
That, the amount of government is inversely proportional to freedom.
OP we know you're just here to distract Sup Forums from exposing your softcore pedo porn cache(youtube).
/leftypol/ has one goal, protecting google from exposure as human history's largest distributor of softcore kiddy porn.
There is literally nothing wrong with free speech, but you'd better be able to establish your own platform to do so, and be prepared for free speech from the other side to argue with you.
There is nothing wrong with killing terrorists.
I will refrain from accessing this hyperlink, negro
So they're taking down obama's twitter next right? He's done more to perpetuate and stoke the fires of racial tensions in the US than all the "bigoted websites" combined.
obama is a fucking gay muslim kenyan born faggot. id love to be the one to pull the trigger, executing him and his entire shitskin muslim family
It's a fake tweet you complete morons.
Comedy Centrals website?
why are you lying
Christ, Communists are fucking cancer.
dafuq? when did he become the leader of the Alt-Left?
>obama has looked up dailystormer
>some literal who
Who cares about this guy?
>offensive speech has no place
The Constitution disagrees.
I would think a supposed lawyer would know that.
oh, its fake
saged then
Is that real?
Hey isn't that the guy that enabled violent activist groups and even went so far as give them medals? He looks familiar
says the nigger who idolizes the most racist person on the planet
Tolerance = you have your beliefs and I have mine and we need to agree to disagree
Tolerance as per Communism = You have your side and I have mine and you have to agree with me or I am going to get rid of you
it means massive censorship is coming
He would never be stupid enough to tweet that, giving huge boost to dailystormer notoriety.
hahahaahahahahahh the cloudflare CEO must feel like a total jackass right now. He went on and on about how he DIDNT make a political decision and it was just because dailystormer pissed him off and lied about him, and now Obama congratulates him on his political decision. This one is funnnnny
Or the Westboro Baptist Church.
>what mean
Obongo IS dailystormer. It's his psy-op.
Between this, all the liberals and Lindsey Graham's Cuck master McCain demanding all history of the Civil War be removed, and the excessive drama; I can't take this shit.
We are pretty much headed to 1984 on an Express train from hell. I never thought I would live to see "newspeak" (PC SJW language) and "wrong think" actually become the culture. Trump wasn't wrong when he said "who is next, Washington?" because it fucking will be. How can a population learn of and idolize leaders who showed signs of true courage, grit, and rebel spirit? It is nefarious what they are doing, and everyone knows it whether they like to admit or not. Maybe they could contract ISIS to come blow up monuments since they have a knack for that. They should replace them with statues of Jewish film makers and Snoop Dogg.
Both the nigger and the chink look like they hate obama. The white babies look happy. Why?
So when is Sup Forums going down?
*****Communist revolution leader******
Don't worry guise he appointed spencer to be ours wez gonna win fur sure.
An American President openly praising censorship...................
Tolerance is an absurd, badly defined concept. Toleration implies gritting your teeth and allowing something you find distasteful or uncomfortable, but this isn't what the left does. If I say "I think homosexuality is wrong, but you should have the freedom to do what you want," the left would persecute me as intolerant, because it's not enough to simply allow something, it must also be celebrated proclaimed as virtuous.
The left is almost completely unable to distinguish between legally allowable and morally allowable things.
You lying cunt larping right wing retard.
Would it be disrespectful to start calling him
***Chairman Obama***
Instead of president it is far more appropriate and the title im sure he'd like?
All 8 of them.
For those who don't know this is what is called Goading.
Obama wants your hate because hate becomes violence and he can use violence to destroy you.
Do not respond with violence only mockery.
***chairman Obama***
It is not hateful but a dismissal of his greatest hope to be the leader of a communist coup
It will always be PRESIDENT Obama. No matter how much it triggers you right wing hicks.
>what did he mean by this
Everyone I don't like is literally Hitler. It's good to suppress the opinions of people I don't like.
I think he really wants to be lynched.
Hes a niggerfaggot.
What is this cartoon shit ? Are there really people who believe that Germany was " tolerant " during the rize of nazism ?
Muslims have no place in America for the same reasons. Trump was right.
Remember when the first thing every single dictatorship, left or right, did was make opinions they disagree with illegal?
Maybe the problem here isn't certain opinions, it's authoritarians who think they have the power to decide what is and isn't absolute truth.
But by all means, continue your assault on the first amendment, and when your upper middle class ass is rotting in a gulag or thrown up against a wall to be shot, I want you to remember this post.
here we go
we did that in another thread, Otto
>being lectured on the first amendment on the same website that routinely calls for a christian ethno-state
uh huh
remember, censorship is okay, as long as its done by publicly traded companies.
That's PRESIDENT niggerfaggot to a trumpcuck like you.
>barrack obama attacking a fbi honeypot
what DID he mean by this?
obama spews hate and racism too, so he should be banned from speaking
> Sup Forums is one person
Was my point invalid, you fucking burger?
Hypocrite much?
I dont have a problem with private companies doing it unless they are monopolies
>Former President is anti-1st
Good to know
>freedom of speech has no place in America
Good idea. Ban ISLAM now. It is evil.
Nope, you faggot cunt. I agree with everything you said.
I just find it hilarious how many times I've seen people on here advocating for christian sharia while, in the same breath, complaining about their first amendment rights.
You can dismiss that with your "Sup Forums is one person" meme but I'm sure you've seen the hypocrisy too. You just don't want to acknowledge it.
The real question is:
Why is he not in jail?
Why do right wing retards fall for fake shit so easily? Useful idiots.
I dunno, but anglin and weev better get the site back up asap because traffic is going to go through the roof
>Oh no he spent money on a pizza party! That criminal!
Meanwhile daddy donny spending millions on taking his fat ass golfing every weekend.
Of course it's not real, Obama would never say radical islamic
I don't see the Tweet on Twitter. Can someone post the link if this is real?
>he actually name dropped the Dailystormer
He just gave them more legitimacy.
I'm asking everyone in this thread to please pray to Jesus that this traitorous scumbag ends up in prison soon
>Free speech has no place in America in 2017
>Studied Constitutional Law at Harvard
What’s wrong with this? Obama knows more about the constitution than any of you people. Hate speech is not Free speech.
This. Praying actually work.
doesnt isis have a twitter?
>the usual channels
>PizzaGate isnt real guise
Hello shill, valuing your privacy still? You one of those sick fucks who want to lower consent age to 4?
Sure, cover up for your sick friends. Youll hang with them.
>he's a collectivist
Get a load of this guy cam.png
I mean, cool, but he's pretty much wrong
Classic right wing projection when you have nothing else. Keep crying sweetie.
thats why you should be mad
it's a right wing purge and that is all it is.
Hindenburg ended up liking Hitler and wrote so in his last will and testament.
So you fags still think Stormer was a honeypot now?
Oh wow. He actually called out Anglin by name.
He must have been reading the website. Lmfao.
Anglin is the 2nd biggest troll I have ever seen, after Chuanpu.
>president of the USA
>Doesn't understand freedom of speech
Fake shit, but the retards will still give you (you)s.
>right wing retard
>doesn't realize this is fake psyop like most of the stuff on Sup Forums
>its fake
Fuck's sake you faggot cunts stop spreading ACTUAL fake news.
How else would your "movement" survive. It's based mostly on half-truths and full speculations.
That article clearly states that newborns dont, though.