Any other liberals here? I havent been on this forum in a while but last time I was here it was mostly Republicans. Just wondering if there are any liberal like me on this forum
Any other liberals here? I havent been on this forum in a while but last time I was here it was mostly Republicans...
shill get out of my safe space reeeeeee
hi virgin hahahahaha
Get out while you still can.
t. Fellow lib
Hello new friend. You here to discuss niggers and kikes with us?
You turn back 'round and go back to where you came from, ya hear?
You're not going to get a lot of responses given it's a workday and most libs are out being productive, but yeah I post here sometimes when I want to argue with and/or help the fashy boychiks
>Get out
like wtf man it's a website, you can't be in a website, fix you're propositions. Also just close the tab like wtf
I can't wait until this gay "alt right" fad dies down and we don't have you fuckers stinking up Sup Forums anymore
I'm pretty "liberal," but you had better not piss me off.
Jews piss me off.
Niggers piss me off.
Commies aren't human.
>I'm pretty "liberal,"
Mmm, no
Guys, let me explain something to you.. You're not even real progressives, you're "malprogressives", you operate on bloated concepts like "social justice"
Real progressive people support freedom of speech, diversity of paradigms and crypto currencies
I was liberal until (((they))) came. I'm still tolerant and still would like to live with BASED sub-humans but I would shoot every communist in the head if I could.
>let me tell you what you think
sure kid
>You're not going to get a lot of responses given it's a workday and most libs are out being productive
>liberals being productive
is advocating for the working class to pay more taxes for more gibs for minorities "being productive?"
Contrary to the caricature in your mind, most people, liberal and conservative, are productive, hardworking normalfags
Sup Forums is a cesspit of wannabe fascist losers, incel kissless virgin neets with mental health problems who live off their parents and have plenty of time to shitpost on Sup Forums.
I think you know this.
What defines your progressivism? How can you call yourself progressive if you're only driven by emotional, impulse-driven relativism?
Gtfo kid
No one wants to smell your shit here
liberal here, but fuck that commie shit
Well first of all I consider myself more of a liberal than a progressive, but arbitrary labels aside, I'm not a relativist driven by emotion, at all.
What I see on Sup Forums are a lot of kids who have latched on to racism and antisemitism as a way to compensate, then neurotically construct arguments to support their foregone conclusions.
Well I do have beliefs that can't be justified rationally, such as the belief that we are all precious children of God and deserve resepect and fair treatment. But I try to be reasonable and practical in how I propose to realize these values, as much as any person can.
>is advocating for the working class to pay more taxes
It's literally only Republicans that support this.
>It's literally only Republicans that support this.
bernie's advocating that by trying to emulate Scandinavian countries where they have way higher tax rates
I'm a centrist with left leanings. I'm against the alt-left shit.
Plenty of liberals and liberals shitposting as neo-nazis.
Fellow lib here, want to trade dildos?
Leave you alt left faggot.
Some people here may indeed be somewhat out of bounds, but that doesn't deny the fact that the dominant "progressive" paradigm appeals to basic human emotions like shame and pity in order to irrationally bash certain groups lumped together under the label of "privilege"
If you call yourself objective, you cannot put a blind eye on one hate group, pampered by the media and the mainstream, yet bash the other, mostly marginalized group limited to a particular web outlet
Sup Forums is a liberal forum. All of the racist and republican stuff is parody.
The nazi stuff is real.